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In Spy X Family 1x10, The Great Dodgeball Plan, Henderson woke up one day and decided the best way to teach the kids about elegance was by making them hit each other with balls.


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They went so hard on this episode, and it was ridiculously fun! But I am a sucker for sports anime, so...

Geneva The Weeba

(Please imagine Bill as a young Erwin Smith. PLEASE for all that is good. I promise it makes the whole episode so much funnier. Also, he’s got the same VA as Chad from Bleach and King from One Punch Man) “Someone joined the Body Improvement Club. He runs so elegantly. Elegantly descends the stairs. Birds,” “Never forget to worship your academic superiors,” “Look at those elegant calves!” “Nothing like the school sanctioning getting to hit your classmates in the face with balls,” “Elegance overload” “I feel like with all this training, Anya’s gonna turn into a super beast with Yor’s influence. Eventually,” “One of the purposes of conscious thought in general is to abstract and reach for the new,” “There’s a strength that comes from rigidity and structure and order. And that’s mitigated or lost somewhat in areas of flexibility or adaptation,” “No pressure on Damian’s shoulders. He’s free to be a fun-loving kid,” “Watch out for Becky, though. I feel like she might be a sleeper,” “They got a ringer?! Why is Bill Watkins there?” Bill Watkins: Any hits above the shoulders don’t count Goodwin: Doesn’t mean it’s not good strategy “I see Bill skipped leg day,” “How big is Daddy? He’s like 12ft tall,” “He has no business being in the military. He needs to be an athlete. Guy needs to play every sport simultaneously,” “Damian making the most out of his parent’s absenteeism,” “Damian, you too can be a hero,” “Perhaps the most intense game of dodgeball ever played,” (sips tea in HxH)