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Leave your MHA questions below!

So now I've seen through season 5 and I already feel the MHA absence in my life. Where am I going to draw my PLUS ULTRA inspiration from now? At least there are the OVAs and the 3rd movie. 

And of course this Q&A! 

Let me know your questions below for the Q&A coming out next week :D



Does invisible girl even deserve to breath?


Who's your all time favourite MHA character? :)


Also - what are your predictions for season 6 without getting into spoilers?


I think we all already know the answer to this one lol, still wanna hear him talk abt it tho obviously


What do you think of Deku as a protagonist?

Alex Williams

For the my hero academia characters what do you think about their goals, strengths,and weaknesses, and what do you think they need to improve and strengthen you don’t have to do all the characters but I want to know about the main ones


Favorite quirk from Class 1-B?


What do you think about Bakugou's character development? And What do you predict happened to Touya (the lost Todoroki brother)?


What Quirk would you want and what position or role do you think you'd realistically have in the My Hero Universe?


Do you think Deku's character is too bland/generic?


Also, silly question so feel free to ignore, but you've made passing jokes and comments about romance before, but what's your actual favourite ship in MHA, or at least the closest thing to one you have? :) I obviously think romantic, but your answer doesn't even need to be romantic, I'm just curious about your favourite relationships between characters that aren't familial or mentor/mentee. (I've said this already on multiple occasions but mine are Endhawks and Erasermight)


Do you plan to read the manga :3c


This isn't really a question but if ever you wanna do some extra MHA content I'd love to see a video of you just rereacting to all the opening and ending songs and giving us your thoughts on them, your favourite in terms of overall and just music, etc!


What character do you wish they did more with?

Tim Lawrence

Did you know Ida's voica actor is also Erwin from Attack on Titan? Explains why you might like him lol


Three Parter: With which character do you feel you share the most similarities? Which character do you wish you were more like or admire? With which character do you share the most personal pitfalls and failings? Either now, or when you were their age.


This show really highlights the bonds and teamwork of class 1A, but I myself can be a bit of a loner. How important do you find friendships, collaboration, and camaraderie to be?


Death predictions.. yes we need to hear those for season 6


How do you think Bakugo will compare to Izuku once they're adults? Have full control other their quirk(s), etc. Do you think Bakugo will still be strong enough? Or more of a Endeavor/All might type of stance.


Current thoughts on Invisible Girl and her progression through the show? On a more serious note, what are your thoughts about the progression and development of Shigaraki & Co. and their motives?


Based on your current skills, abilities, talents, etc. what would your actual Quirk be?


What was your favorite MHA moment. And why is it beach training?


1. What is your favorite season and/or arc of the show so far? 2. Which villain is your favorite? (Shigaraki and the others in the League of Villains, Stain, All for One, Overhaul, Re-Destro, etc) I already know your favorite theme music!!


Maybe this is a bit negative, but what did you dislike about the show? (At least so far)


What would you say were your top 3 favorite moments or episodes in the whole series so far? What are your top 3 favorite fights of the series so far? What would you say is your favorite relationship in the show? (Romantic/platonic/etc)


Now that you've caught up through all the anime's material, a small reflection. Which Story Arc in MHA did you enjoy the most and if so what are the runners up? Also just wanted to say I've really enjoyed your MHA reactions and hearing your thoughts on the series, but also giving great advice and having reasonably rational discussions. Not kidding every time I get the notification you uploaded at work I get excited to chill and watch it back home. Thanks for being you.

Jenny bete

Would love to know it, too. I think he likes many platonic relationships in mha, I remember him saying "that's love" and similar things a lot haha, many relationships are definitely amazingly fleshed out and developed which is probably the reason why so many mha ships (platonic or romantic) exist.


Thoughts on Endeavours character arc so far?


If you could have changed any event in the story so far, such as make something happen/prevent it from happening, what would it be?

Eric Gilreath

Character you want to see more of? Character you want to see less of?


Since you'll probably get ton of what quirk would you want, if you had to be house mates with 1 hero (including the students) and 1 villain who would they be and why?

Taylor Goff

Do you have any conspiracy theories?

joe martin

do you think shigaraki can redeem himself? or is he just too far gone

Alberto Sanchez

You worried about losing any characters?

joe martin

do you think any of the heroes are going to die? only hero death we've had so far is night eye.


What's your top 3 favorites of the following: - characters - story arcs - fights - quirks


If you lived in the MHA universe, would you want to be a hero?


I’ve seen some similar questions but I’ll still post mine. So a lot of people seem to not like Deku as a protagonist, going as far as hating him, saying Bakugou or Todoroki would be better for that spot. Why do you think that is, and to which extent do you agree?


What quirk from the show do you think would be the most useful one to have in normal life?


On a similar note, a lot of people don’t like All Might as a mentor, for reasons like giving Izuku, a 14 year old child, this amazing power that is more than most could handle, without giving him even as much as a warning about stuff like all for one and all the other dangers that come with it. He basically put this burden on him without warning and wasn’t even able to mentor him in the way Endeavor or Grand Torino did. I know you are a big All Might fan, so I would like to know if you ever thought of it that way and what you think about this aspect/ side of All Might.


Who is the traitor?

Sam B

Say.... you were into eugenics. What 2 quirks would make S class Hero?


What was your favorite story arc?


1. what is something you really want to happen in the next season ? 2. are there any villains you think are redeemable ? 3. who is your favourite character based on design alone ? 4. which character would you hate the most if they were a real person ?


1. Do you think any of the villains are beyond redemption? 2. Do you have any theories as to who the spy at UA is? 3. Eri vs Kota (who's Deku's biggest fan?) 4. Which characters do you least want to die in the series? And which characters do you think will die in the series?


Are there any inspirations from the show that you have applied to yourself/your daily life?

Justice Hastings

Do you think that Shiguraki can be saved, and if so, how?

Quade Hudson

Selkie or Hound Dog?


In your own words/definition, in a context beyond just this show, what is a Hero to you? What does someone being a hero mean to you?


What do you think about bakugos's character development


Favourite intro and outro so far?

Sam B

What is your take on fan service? What about fan service when it is of high-schoolers?


Lmfao this question could be asked about 90% of anime


UA builds out a mental health department and institutes a peer counseling program. Students are all given training and paired according to who Hound Dog thinks can help each other best, Who would he pair w whom? You can do as many pairs as you like of the 44 we've met, (1A, 1B, Big Three, Shinso). Pairs can be in different grades.

Silent Shadow

Since you already have so many questions from people about the actual story i thought I should go in a slightly different direction. What do you think of the idea of deku being a villain? Have you heard much or anything about the consept of villain deku? I just feel like it the most well known fanfic consept I have seen from Mha and am curious.


Do you think the more mature, realistic drama the show has brought with Endeavor and his family was done well? I know So many of us can relate to a not-so-great father. I wonder how well you think a shounen like MHA approached this kind of difficult subject and how down-to-earth it felt to you

David Sadeghizadeh

What do you think is the reason this show is adored by so many? What makes this show so good to yourself?


After the last movie, I commented talking about how I’ll have these emotional moments where I find myself in an existential state of realizing I’ll never create anything of equal magnitude/impact ever in my life. Which is of course, unknown. But how do you process these feelings? Does everyone have a desire to create, be a part of, and leave a lasting impact to the same degree? Are the humans that have the capacity to do these things limited? Ironically, it reminds me of quirks; some people in the MHA universe are just born with strong quirks, or ones that have great utility that will let them achieve that which others cannot.


Could you make a character tier list? or at least the seasons tier list now that u have seen it all.


Which hero/villain do you think has had the best chararter development


Was there ever a moment early on in the show where you doubted it would have strong, nuanced themes you could discuss? I know a lot of people were upset it was chosen because they felt it lacked depth. Was curious if you ever had that same concern in the early episodes.


The show often points out how flawed the hero system is and how much that has influenced the 'creation' of villains (who tend to be outcasts of society, to a certain extent). In what way do you think Deku will be 'better' than All Might's generation at fixing this system, basically, what quality do you think Deku has that will make him the "greatest hero" that society needs?


This is a good question. I was one of those who kind of felt that way. However I think many (including myself) forgot about or overlooked the deeper themes that MHA has, since it is typically marketed or seen as mostly about action and a "fun superhero" show. Plus I kind of had the earlier seasons of MHA fade from my consciousness due to the layoff between S4 and S5, so that didn't help.


What is your favorite theme of the story thus far? How would you like to see it developed in the future? How does it relate to the heros, villains, and civilians? And bonus question: which of the villain’s quirks would you want? (Since everyone always wants/asks about the heroes)

Billy Nowosielski

Who is your favorite character? And why is it Mirio

Geneva The Weeba

Why do you think YoTube changed to YapTube?


How high would Aang rank if he worked in the world of MHA as a hero?


On the top 10 heroes list, there are still many that we don't know a lot about. Which ones do you find the most interesting, and who do you want to get development and/or focus in the future?

Anya Mcghee

Could I ever hope to be someone like you?


Who was the hardest to watch, Nina and her dog from FMAB or shigaraki and his corgi?


What kinds of team ups would like to see moving forward? Either in terms of quirk combos or character dynamics?


I'd say Shigaraki, but if we're talking the original FMA nina/dog, that one wins (loses?) by a mile.


Having Bakugo or Monoma as brother


Do you think things would be better if All Might retired earlier?


All Might vs AFO or Endeavor vs The High-End?