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In Fruits Basket 5x9, What's Your Name, this plot-driving inanimate object's name is loose ledge, and he's been foreshadowed since season 1. 


Fruits Basket 3x9 extended

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Ratio + L + Tohru fell off


Above the Circle, not a part of it. Like an Onigiri in a Fruits Basket!


Finally…Tohru has now realized that she has to accept her mother is gone forever and can’t base all her life around refusing to let her go. It's something that has been part of the show since the very beginning, slowly rising to the surface until now as it finally hit the climax of her character development. Deciding to parallel Akito’s inability to let go of her father and the fake made up “God” role that had been forced onto her is complete genius, they are perfect narrative foils for each other. Tohru was always going to befriend Akito, she was always going to understand her and try to help her. There was never an ending to this show where Tohru DEFEATS Akito or Tohru TAKES DOWN the Sohma hierarchy, it was never gonna end that way.

Geneva The Weeba

The long awaited God vs. Girl Jesus confrontation has arrived!!

Francesca White

Tohru's speech to Kyo after she fell was so sad, she REALLY thought she was about to die. it's even shown in the visuals, at first with her walking next to her mom, but after her mom dies she continues to move forward alone. then, we see her walking with kyo, but she stops and kyo moves forward, implying she will die and he'll have to move forward. honestly i can imagine a version of the story where tohru dies but Kyo's final character growth is still learning to move forward and live life. obviously though, i'm very happy Tohru didn't die.


Tohru defeated GOD through love...best Protag ever!!!


If any character in any show deserves unlimited plot armor…it's Tohru. I’d say she’s probably the most deserving character in any anime ever to receive ridiculous plot armor. Also, LOL at Shigure when he calls it a “stabbing spree”. LMAO it's so on the nose and also the line is delivered so casually, his og VA is truly goated. This show has one of the best overall japanese voice acting casts I’ve ever seen, just insane mainstream industry talent for every character in the massive cast.


Love the doggo!❤❤❤❤


Something to note in this episode is that they show you under the cliff both before and after tohru falls the remains of her tent from all the way back in the first episode as a way to foreshadow and explain why the cliff crumbles since we were told all the way back then that that area is unstable and prone to rock and mudslides.

Francesca White

Fruits Basket has in my opinion one of the most satisfying episodes in anime. after all the craziness of these last few episodes, we still have 4 more to really fill out the ending and not make it seem rushed at all. i'm so happy that you chose Fruits Basket to react to, this journey has been unlike any other


This episode has so many parallels to the very first episode in the scenery. I love the attention to detail, it’s so prevalent throughout the whole entire show.

Fabiola Macias

“I can’t live in a world where there is no guarantee I’ll be loved” this line really hits a nerve every time I hear it

Francesca White

fr, and the funny thing is, when i saw people talk about the episodes airing week to week, and a lot of people could see what path the show was going down. this path made them upset, they'd say "no matter what I won't forgive Akito" or "Akito can never be redeemed". and while this is all perfectly valid, no one can deny how powerful the interactions between Tohru and Akito were here, and how it was a perfect climax to their story

Francesca White

it spoke to me SO MUCH, to the fear I felt transitioning from a teenager to a young adult. it's scary knowing you'll have to eventually enter the "real world", and that there's no guarantee you'll be loved. it just hits so hard, of course Akito would be scared, her whole life she was told that love would always be unconditional to her. it's just SO relatable to me



Francesca White

lol he's been doing this pretty much every episode with Akito, it's a running joke haha


yeah because the next two shows are poll voted + arcane its prolly gonna be awhile until we get a series like FruBa...slice of life/romance shows just do not get voted for nearly the same amount "hype" action shounen series get or even hyper popular sports anime like haiykuu. Maybe the next "Goodwin personal choice" show after the ending of the 1st new poll show should be used for another slice of life/romance/drama type of show. i feel like those type of shows benefit goodwins reaction style the most.

Trey Goldsworthy

I admit that I got a mini-heart attack when the cliff gave out and Tohru was falling from such a height, and I was scared that she might actually die saving Akito's soul.


The scene with all the zodiacs reacting to news about Tohru always makes me cry😭


This episode suits better for me than the last one. Still mad they didn't take the chance to make the perfect cliffhanger, but anyway... It was beautiful. I love Akito so much ! Her tragedy hit home. And Tohru finally moving on put warm in my heart. They are amazing.

Chelsea leisle

My opinion on the part where Akito cut Tohru twice is that Akito saw Tohru as a threat, and that threat was coming at her. I don’t think that akito knew what she was going to do when she got Shigure house. Even though we can assume she was looking for Tohru the big evil, in her mind, or she could have looking for Shigure or Yuki, the two current zodiacs that have abandoned her.

Francesca White

i forgot to comment this earlier, but that scene where Tohru reaches out to Akito and says "my name is Tohru Honda, what's yours?" is just so quintessentially Tohru and quintessentially Fruits Basket. Like, if I had to show someone a scene from Fruits Basket to tell them what it's all about, that would be like in the top 5 scenes i'd show them


I reacted the exact same way to Shigure's stabbing spree comment lol. I cried through most of this. It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to this story for a second time but I'm thankful I got a chance to watch it again through your eyes. *salute*

Alyssa Callahan

It's so satisfying to hear you talk about Akito. I'm always surprised at how many people downright hate her. I think the whole point of Fruits Basket is to show that there is no real good and bad. I think the biggest extremes may be Tohru and Ren (Akito's mom). But even Tohru had her self doubts, and Ren loved Akira so desperately. Fruits Basket shows that people who hurt others are dealing with their own issues. Understanding that doesn't erase Akito's wrongdoings, nor does it provide a reason for others to forgive her for what she did to them. But understanding and forgiveness aren't interchangeable. They exist on two different levels, and I think that's what viewers often miss in their desire to identify the "bad guy." In that sense, I think media that pits light vs. dark or good vs. evil with no gray areas often does us a disservice. Aaaand that's my hot take, lol!


What was I on about in my spam spazz?? Akito slapped tohru way more times than she cut her so like?? NAHHH HE DOES LOVE YOU BACK THO HE JUST DOESN’T THINK U SHOULD LOVE HIM CUZ HE “killed ur mom” JGHLSDFGJGBJKGB T O H R U U PRECIOUS BEAN YOU AFBKDJSFGBSBG lmao \yes nature\ they were above her tent as well \omg i'm so excited for the next part\ I just have this edit ready and waiting and then u go on a tangent lmao its 4 am i forgot whose video i'm watching XD I should of been more panicked like kyo, yuki and akito but i spoiled myself by googling things so i knew how this was essentially going to end...i hate me I love these babies <3 so precious TOHRU UR HEAD IS BLEEDING ITS NOT OK so coming from someone whose seen this season....when akito stood up...was that when kyo's bond broke?? was he just so focused on tohru that he didn't even feel it??? I'm saying this because he didn't transform after kissing her unless he did and it just wasn't shown...man being anime only i'd have these answers if i ever read the dang manga 21:32 i wanna say \momiji's face is fricken amazing\ Oh god the next 3 eps are gonna be tearjerkers i can't wait to die D O G E WINDOW D O G E O.O


He didn't embrace her tho, just was close to her, like I think they can kiss but not hug


When this episode aired, lots of people were angry and saying "I CANT BELIEVE THEY REDEEMED AKITO." It just made me realize how this concept of a villain redemption arc really narrows our ability to take in stories like this. I don't even know what it means to be redeemed or who determines redemption. All i know is that Akito as a character and her is arc are far too complex to be seen in such a narrow lens.


I dont know if you noticed, but many of the shots of Akito running through the forest are mirror images of Tohru running through it in season 1 episode 1. Lots of parallels to the series premiere.


Yeah there was definitely doubt in my heart at that moment. It would have been truly shocking, but possible


It feels like just pure desperation that brings her there. She's just committed this shocking act of violence, and is basically on the run with a knife in hand towards the first place that comes to mind. That's how it felt to me


It's a great take haha. That I think is one of the most satisfying parts of the show for me. They are all human beings, there is nobody there just to be someone for the hero to be a backboard against and defeat. Everyone is connected to each other and their past. Everyone is simultaneously a victim but has a choice. Even Ren, in a strange way, is "redeemed" in my eyes by displaying vulnerability in the knife episode. To me it's similar to the moment Tohru has in this episode where it's like, "OH, I get it know. You're a really hurt person." That takes the sting and malice out of it to a large degree.


The cliff was actually pretty animated - falling, crumbling, burying. Tohru's old tent...paid the price. RIP tent-kun. It's amazing how easy it is to flip your opinion of a person if you are given enough understanding of who they really are and what circumstances shaped them. I will always despise who Akito was and what she did - that doesn't go away. And honestly, she should do some jail time, if this wasn't an anime. But we never get the idea that she's going to just walk forward scot-free and jolly. She will be paying for her actions emotionally and doing penance by having to face her issues and learning to overcome them - all that fear won't just go away. This show is all about empathy - not always sympathy - and how knowing why a person is the way they are helps you deal with them from a non-antagonistic stance but also helps you understand yourself - your good points and your bad ones. No one is perfect. Everyone can change and grow - IF they want to, if they have people to help them. Trying to change all by yourself means you have very little drive to change, after all. Knowing there are people who want you to change, who will help, who will welcome you with open arms once you move forward...that's the motivation most people need. That is Tohru for pretty much everyone in this story. That is what Kureno failed to do for Akito (hers is a much bigger mountain to climb though) and what Shigure always wanted to be for Akito. Shigure...he teased, he enticed, he threatened, he even told bits of the truth - all of which Akito ignored or dismissed or raged against because she wasn't ready yet. She had to hit rock-bottom (oops, lol - poor Tohru) before she could look past the bond and the false-promise of eternal God Soup. He needed a catalyst and fate delivered Tohru. Another lonely orphan girl but with the absolute opposite worldview. Akito's fear led her to try and force everyone around her to never leave. Tohru's fear led her to force herself to be as helpful and giving to everyone around her that they wouldn't push her away or find her unnecessary. "Prove your loyalty to me" vs "I'll prove my loyalty to you" but neither one is the healthiest way to live because they each come from desperation. Now that both have found their balance, they'll be able to trust and choose who they form real bonds with from a solid base, a mutual give and take. Next up - the 100-meter dash.

Liliana Jimenez

This! Even as a child (early teen really) reading the manga I never saw it as a story forcing you to forgive Akito (like a friend who gave up the manga kept thinking). This is definitely a story about empathy and seeing the culmination of circumstances that bring about the attitudes and actions of an individual. It also helps that I've read the sequel and so I know to the extent and steps Akito has taken to atone for everything she did ^^

Silent Shadow

Despite this being highly personal and very recent I feel the need to share this given the context of the show. I will worn you this is going to get incredibly dark so if you don’t want to read a true story that is incredibly dark do not read this comment. Before I watched the reaction to the previous episode I didn’t fully remember what had happened with kyo and the crash so looking back I thought it really was kyo’s fault for not saving kyoko to save his secret. I did see in the episode that it had to be a split second desision and the way he was thinking was in slow motion so he really didn’t have enough time to think about it properly. Despite having realized that I was rembering the scene wrong and the fact that he is just a fictional character thinking back to what I thought makes me feel horrible. Wednesday night the car I was driving got hit by a semi and since it hit the passenger side my passenger died. So now I am in a similar position to kyo and I know I would feel absolutely disgusting if someone blamed me for what happened. I don’t remember anything from the crash itself unlike kyo but I get it and I have to process that.


I’m sorry that this happened to you. I hope that you are finding healthy ways to cope and process.


Tohru is like if the Power of Friendship trope was a person, and actually done well. I was trying to describe this series to my buddy, and just kept referring to her as Shoujo Jesus.


Akito's transformation is so potent and struck a chord with me. You can suffer for years with pent up emotions and issues to the point where eventually it explodes, you push everyone around you away until you finally realize you needed to work on your own problems.


It's especially hard to realize how horrible you're being and how you're hurting people when those same people ALWAYS come back to you. Akito has an extremely special case with the zodiac bonds. The people he (or she, I honestly don't know at this point) hurts don't leave him, so for years he's quite literally stuck in a toxic cycle. I don't know if that makes sense. If you don't realize the harm of your own actions, typically you'll be forced to wake up when people start abandoning you.

Sean Wilson

You wrote 5x9 in the description


I made my dad watch fruits basket and at first he couldn’t get into it but got sucked in just like me. in this episode when tohru fell my dad completely thought she was dead and shed some tears. He never cries. I was shocked. We finished the rest of the show in one sitting and he really enjoyed it. He was really emotional, more than I’ve ever seen him. It was a great experience to experience this show with him


That's amazing. I got my mom to watch it and while we didn't get the chance to sit down and view it together, she also fell in love with it and it brought out some really great discussions including some stuff we hadn't addressed for a really long time. A testament to how great and poignant this show is :D