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In Fruits Basket 3x5, I Mean You Know... Right? Momiji grows up and comes for your girl.


Fruits Basket 3x5 extended

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Geneva The Weeba


Francesca White

i always thought Tohru was the only one outside the Sohmas that knew about the curse when i first read, so it was a really cool reveal to find out Mine has known about the curse as well


The Tohru and Kisa hugging scene was so cute it may have added a couple years back onto my lifespan. We do not get enough of those two together in this anime, it's golden. This was the biggest reason why I was initially so upset when Season 3 was announced to only have 13 episodes, I just wanted to see more character interactions among this massive cast that I feel we have only just started to scratch the surface of, bar the main characters. More Momiji, Kisa, Hiro, Haru, even Ayame please. This show is still borderline perfect but I really felt like it was a missed opportunity not having more episodes and more screen time to the amazing side cast. This is one of those rare shows where I just love almost every character that exists in the world because it's just so well written.



Francesca White

Momiji didn't just grow overnight haha, it was actually over the winter break. also in the manga, we saw that Momiji slowly got to the same height as tohru, but it wasn't super noticable. then, he had a huge growth spurt where he got taller than her over winter. in the anime, we didn't see him slowly get taller, which is fine cuz that's really hard to do in animation


That's when you know it's good... when you want more. I would also love to see more of all of the "side" characters. I was disappointed that the Ayame intro ended up being so short lol


The Momiji/Akito confrontation scene is pretty incredible. I love how we are seeing more and more Zodiac’s directly stand up to the dark Glass lord and are actually starting to break the curse. I remember theorizing about what the curse was and how things would be resolved back in Season 1 when I first watched the show and boy oh boy was I hilariously far off. The solution is actually quite simple but still extremely difficult.


lol it does kinda feel like it happened overnight tho in the anime, which i liked tbh it was such a funny suprise seeing him in the OP for the first time

Francesca White

Haru's bond didn't break, that was Momiji's bond

Geneva The Weeba

Goodwin got so lucky being a Rabbit going into watching Fruits Basket. I've been WAITING for this episode. Meanwhile, I am stuck with Ritsu. *sigh*

Francesca White

Momiji conceals his accent when he's around his mom so she won't get suspicious, we also saw this in his backstory episode when he talked to her


Momji’s unrequited love for Tohru makes me EMOTIONAL. It’s clear to everyone around them that Tohru and Kyo have feelings for one another. Momji knows this so he doesn’t even try to gain Tohru’s (romantic) attention and even goes as far as encouraging Kyo to take action. Momji just genuinely wants Tohru to be happy. Not many 16-17 years old are so mature. Despite his (formally) childish appearance and demeanor, it’s clear that Momji is one of the most emotionally mature characters in the show. I really love him.


Iirc momiji uses a different accent when talking to his mother so that she doesn't get suspicious about their similarities/relation

Geneva The Weeba

I like to think that Momiji purposely dropped the accent while talking to his mother to distance himself from any chance of her realizing their similarities. In this case, the shared German accent, he might have been scared of her recognizing it and drawing a connection between herself and her son, *who she still doesn't realize is her son*.


All the talk of freedom is getting me hyped for Attack on Titan coming back. Can’t wait till this Sunday! Have you decided the schedule for reacting to it? Are you planning on watching it weekly?

Francesca White

it was supposed to be a twist moment, like we saw the flashback of Haru's curse getting a bit looser, but then BAM, it's MOMIJI'S curse that broke, not Haru's. so it's like "what even makes the curse break??"

Francesca White

i'm not sure if you got it, but in the confrontation on the rooftop between Kyo and Momiji, Momiji says something like "it doesn't matter even if my curse did break, because Tohru would rather it be yours. i mean, you know it's true, right?", and Kyo says "I don't want to know anything about that.". this is just like the end of the school play episode, where both Tohru and Kyo said at the end of the episode that they wouldn't think of the possibility that Tohru has feelings for Kyo. at this point in the story, Kyo DOES NOT want to even THINK tohru has feelings for him. he has completely given up on life after graduation, and he shuts out even the possibility that she has feelings for him, even if a part of him knows it's true. it's such good writing, and i just wanted to comment on it since i wasn't sure if it's something you noticed. this was a really packed episode when it comes to writing


Harus bond never broke. They made a weird decision to tease Momiji's bond fraying in episode 4 during the part where Akito calls out to Haru. But all it did was confuse people. But yea, it was only Momijis bond that frayed and then broke. Not harus at all.


Yup! I think I'm finally starting to get a handle on what the curse actually is


Haha if I had watched this next year all the stars would have aligned. My mom is a monkey too


Wait is it all dropping at once? I thought it was going to be weekly. If it's weekly I'm gonna do each episode as soon as I can get my hands on it


It hurts because we know Momiji deserves nothing but happiness. He was able to stand up to Akito and make hard decisions even before his curse was broken. He is indeed, a Chad Momiji.


Yeah he's really pushing back against the idea. At this point I'm not saying much about it cause I feel like a lot of it will come out in coming episodes


Forgot to mention that he masks his accent when talking to his mom because it might give something away to her that they're related.


Really great episode🥺i love momiji so much!!... AND we got to see Kimi!!


Momiji's accent drops when talking to his mom because his accent is fake....he uses it to feel closer to his mom...and he is one of the strongest character of fruba..in my top two along with Tohru


I have to say kyo isn’t just acting aloof in his relationship with tohru, he’s trying to numb every possibility there is of hope for more between them. to him his confinement is inevitable and he doesn’t want to initiate something with tohru that would only be so long, he doesn’t know anyone is actively trying to break the curse or that it’s posible at all, so he decided to not even let himself think of other path that isn’t the one he dreads. it’s really sad to think about kyo being what? 16? 17? and having a time limit for his life. momiji this episode is great though, as you said he’s lighting the fire since he knows the curse CAN be broken and he sees that while the possibility of kyo’s freedom exists, tohru will never stop fighting for him/loving him. great reaction as always!!


I believe Momiji tries to hide his accent whenever he's talking to his mom. I think this also happened in season 1.

Rachel Keys

Shigure pointedly says hes not looking to be Akito's father to Hatori because Hatori, and, to some extent Kureno, see Akito as a scared little girl and tend to coddle her as such. Shigure isn't because hes pushing her to try and realize what shes doing and that its getting her nowhere so she can grow out of it and change instead of coddling her like a surrogate father figure.

Kimberly Oblinger

When shigure says “I don’t want to be her father” I think he is more talking about how he doesn’t want to treat Akito the way her father did. Her father told her she was a special being and put her up on a pedestal. Unknowingly putting all of his daughters self worth in the fact that she is god and that alone makes her special. Then there is Ren who counteracts that by telling her she is not. Now Akito’s father is gone and she looks for reassurance through others. Hatori’s gentle kindness and Kureno’s pity are enabling Akito and only putting a bandaid on akito’s issues. Shigure knows this and he wants to break that cycle. It’s like you said, Akito is making tests and having people jump through hoops and shigure refuses too. He wants her to see that it’s not the bond that makes her special, it’s not being god that makes you special. Unfortunately that means shigure can’t give in to the want of being kind to Akito. I feel like in his mind if he shows her kindness she will accept it as the bond and assume she is entitled to his kindness and love. It won’t really be ‘true love’ because she is god and shigure is her thing so it’s only natural that he should love her. In akito’s mind though, without that bond, would shigure really love her? I think in his own twisted way, shigure is trying to erase that doubt in Akito’s mind and erase the things her father told her to be true.


Shigure makes that “I don’t want to be her father” comment because hatori and Kureno (as twisted as this may be since she’s also sleeping with one of them) are essentially stand in father figures for akito since they are older than her and she’s never really grown up much. Shigure is saying he doesn’t want the position they have and to end up stuck their by being more enabling or acting like them. He wants a very different relationship so he’s not gonna pretend and he’s not gonna do anything that might jeopardize that by changing how akito sees him.


Machi yeeting herself out of frame will never cease to be absolutely hilarious "did he grow 8 feet in like a week?!" WELCOME TO ANIME where growth spurts make them go from looking like a 12 year old to an18 year old in a matter of an episode XD so stinkin' proud of Kisa <3 and right there RIGHT FRICKEN THERE when momiji's bond broke i was like WELL WHAT BREAKS THE CURSE THEN IF ITS JUST RANDOM????????? I lost my mind for a couple of days cuz i was just so confused at what could possibly be the catalyst to break the curse Remember he drops his accent when talking to his mom so she wont remember that he is her son


Nah, that's just the anime handeling growth very badly, among other things... It's sad because, even if he grow suddendly in the manga too, he was already Tohru's height at that point. So we knew it was already happening. Same for Hiro. One episode he looks like a little boy, the next is already a teenager. Anyway, I love how he detaches himself from Akito. Momiji was already stated as more free than the other (Akito not liking him, standing up for Tohru at the beach...) so watching him broke the curse isn't that surprising. Maybe he can have a nice discussion with Kureno now. Thing is, Akito would have probably handle that better if Kureno had left her before. Now, she's getting the full weight of people betrayal and just can't deal with it. Shigure is really the only one who let it pass by, waiting for the little girl he knew to come back.


Since Momiji is my second favorite character, this is one of the few episodes of the anime that actually makes me upset with the changes. In the manga his growth is seen thru multiple chapters and we see him grow for a long time. It actually made me a bit sad that they didn't change his height at all during season 2 :( because that also makes Momiji having a crush on Tohru all the more obvious. It's still a nice episode tho, and since the season is only 13 episodes long I get there wasn't enought time, but I just wish it wasn't shoved into one episode.


Yes, Momiji has the most tremendous glow-up in all of anime. And then he breaks his bond because he wants the freedom to choose his own path. I think Kureno's broke for the same reason, though he not self-aware and instantly tied himself back down - for someone who can literally fly, freedom is constantly teasing him and in his heart he wanted to fly away. Tragic for Kureno that while he can now leave, he'll never fly again - not literally anyway. Shigure needs the curse to break - not for himself but for Akito. His bond to her has never been only the magical one but she'll never see past that until she gives up on being the god. She has to face her fears and be willing to create new, fresh bonds the normal way - through love and friendship and family. So he's set on forcing her so far into a corner that she finally breaks down. Once that happens, they can build her back up together (and probably with Tohru's help because...that's who Tohru is, right?). It's the harshest, cruelest way but she won't allow anything else, she clings so hard to that ideal imprinted into her by her father and the rest of the Soma family with all their traditions and hardcore beliefs. He doesn't want her to look at him the way she looks at the other zodiac men - as her slaves, as people who should be petting her and praising her and worshipping her just because the bond forces them to it or because they pity her or they're afraid of her or they want to take care of her. Kindness just allows her to keep playing the victim, it enables her horrible behavior, it reinforces her fear that only the bond is keeping them around. Her father truly loved her (it seems) but even he played up the bond and then he left her. Shigure won't make the same mistakes her father did and he won't be loved merely because he's replacing her father as some kind of, "I have to love you because of blood/family/pity." She needs to choose him when she has the freedom to do so and she knows he's choosing her the same way. Freedom and independence are scary, scary things. But they're also full of possibilities and hope and dreams and when you make those choices, you know they are moving you forward even if you fail - and that makes you stronger, self-reliant. Once you know what you're capable of, you can accept the help and love of others without them making you feel weak. Kyo and Yuki...they have the hardest paths because in their own ways, their bonds are the tightest and have controlled/directed them the most. They have always been reacting, never proactively making decisions for themselves. Akito bound Yuki when he was just a toddler and Kyo was rejected from birth because he's the cat. I don't think even Yuki is daring to imagine a life where he isn't a zodiac, he's just trying to find a way to stay himself while dealing with the bond, just as his brother did and Hatori to some extent. And Kyo just wants to build up a little treasure box of sweet memories to take with him once he's confined to the cat's cottage. They still have a ways to go in craving true freedom.


Ahhhh yes, we've entered the Crying Episodes. I think I cried at least a little in every ep from her on out lol And I did again during this rewatch. I'm so happy for Momiji. Amazing ep. Great commentary.


i love that shigure doesnt baby akito lol


exactly this! i love that he doesnt baby her


I've always felt that Momiji's feelings for Tohru somewhat come from his fear and uncertainty about growing up. He deeply cares for her, loves her, and as a kid he got to be as close to her as he would want. Now, he's getting older, maturing both physically and mentally, and I think he's afraid of losing that connection with her. At the beginning of the series he could play around, try and sleep in the same room with her, not because he's a pervert, but because there weren't the same boundaries that will naturally arise now he's older, and feels differently himself. And in trying to recontextualise their relationship in his mind, he still wants that closeness with her, and the only way he could achieve that is in a real, romantic relationship. He's not sure who he is anymore, and is clinging to that bond with Tohru as a result.


And this is why Momiji is one of my top 3 characters!! He deserves so much happiness yet life says “not today” but he still hopes. Similarly to yuki who also hopes and has people he can rely on, Momiji has very much always keeps his troubles to himself which is so lonely and so for him to keep pushing thru it’s just amazing! Also I was wondering if you had any theories on why Momiji was the one who’s curse broke?


I've been thoroughly enjoying your reaction, Goodwin! For after this one, might I recommend Nana? It's a brilliant slice of life anime with fantastic characters learning to navigate their lives as young adults while chasing their dreams. It's a complex exploration of how dreams can lead us to beautiful places but also real consequences according to our character flaws. It's a personal favorite, but I am recommending it based on what themes you pick up on in this. :)


I mean, Goodwin, Kyo's being aloof because he thinks he'll be locked up forever after graduation. He doesn't want to go any further with Tohru because that'll just make the inevitable parting more painful for both parties. He isn't even aware that Tohru knows about his situation at this point.