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In Fruits Basket 3x3  I Hope it Snows Soon, it's a big day at Fruits Basket high with graduation, heartbreak, farewells, glass, head-pats, and weather.


Fruits Basket 3x3 extended

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fuck machi's parents all my homies hate machi's parents


The moment with Hiro's mom when she says she would hold onto both of her kids made me pretty emotional, it puts other characters parents in a different perspective. Knowing that there are Zodiac parents that can be kind and loving just makes all the rest of the toxic parents seem that much more fucked up...

Geneva The Weeba

ABSOLUTELY. How do you screw up THAT BAD to think that *putting a blanket on a sleeping child* = attempted murder

Geneva The Weeba

Goodwin: six foot one, watching Nao lament his height: That's rough buddy


I may be 6'1 but not sure that would be enough for Kimi so what good is it really

Geneva The Weeba

writing this here because IT'S THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD “I want this thing which would be a lot more convenient and would allow me to absolve my responsibility, but I’m a good person. I can’t do that. Oh, but look at this! What’s this? It’s a reason that is not my fault. You know, someone else did it. ~Where did that come from?~. Well, I guess I can’t do this thing that I already didn’t want to do. You know, I’m a wonderful mother to my children. I love them deeply because I am a good mother. However, my *daughter*: the worst. I’ve tried everything, and there’s just. no solution, so… bye Felicia. Everyone would be better off - not me! - o-other people, the people I’m concerned about, would be better off if she were to. be abandoned,”

Francesca White

Won't be able to watch until later but as usual I'll probably have like 10 comments lmao


Ah..its here the smoothest chalk break in anime history...😆 Also wishing for more snow (yuki) and promise to walk in it....❤❤❤

Geneva The Weeba

You may not have caught this, but when Yuki says 'It's the Toxic Jungle!' when he's entering Machi's apartment, he's making reference to the absolute pigsty that Shigure's house was before Tohru arrived and made everyone's life infinitely better

Geneva The Weeba

Once again! Dark house, Rin's whereabouts unknown, Akito clutching scissors the ending:


The chalk breaking is one of my many favorite scenes from the whole show just bc of how smooth (and thoughtful) it was. Yuki just reaches over and breaks it as he's talking, doesn't even look up from the paper he's reading from or stutter or anything. Who wouldn't be swooning?


"its the toxic jungle" he's referring to their kitchen before tohru came and cleaned it which Machi's room is nowhere NEAR as bad as that was XD but also shame they left the cleaning montage out from this :( Machi is the best and her mom can go play in traffic like honestly what the fuck YES ITS UR FAULT here comes the rage again LMAO most of the parents in this anime suck massive ass like holy shit and then yuki comes in and like some kind of fricken precious hero for Machi like babies yes pleaseeeeee and then....chaos from phone boi lmao OH THE SCENE WHERE I THOUGHT A MURDER HAD TAKEN PLACE OOOOOO


Ahhhh the 2nd half of the episode is so bittersweet like you said! I always tear up a little at the confession haha i just think its so hilarious and sweet and endearing.. idk minagawa (as weird as she is) has a special place in my heart


Thank you i love the way he said it was fricken amazing

Francesca White

i love that Machi hates perfect things, and the whole student body sees Yuki as perfect. so you'd think she would hate him, but she's able to see past that "perfect" facade


no need for 10 comments when u can just hold shift, hit enter and make a new line o.o

Francesca White

i think there are 2 reasons the parents reacted to Machi putting the blanket on her brother so extremely: 1, because at this point she had started her violent outbursts, so they thought she was just a violent person. and 2, they didn't really want her at all anyway since they had a little boy now to take her place

Francesca White

a lot of people thought the Motoko sendoff took up valuable time for the show, but i actually love it. i thought it was beautifully done

Francesca White

the end song with Motoko was a real graduation song in Japan lol, if it's on the nose then i guess Japan is just on the nose with their graduation songs

Jacob Keyser

Machi's mom is such a bitch


Imagine being Machi, being told be to be perfect to beat her half brother, who just bowed out of the inheritance. You then have a younger sibling who will now inherit the Family. All your work was for nothing and you weren't acknowledged for it at all. Her parents were probably projecting, thinking Machi would be bitter for not being the heir, so they totally rationalized her wanting to kill a child.


The headpats are probably something he picked up from Kyo.

Rachel Keys

Oooo I never actually thought about it from that point of view. Great observation


This all goes back to the lesson Yuki learned from Kisa's intro episode. Look how Yuki never tries to fix Machi. He offers to make footprints in the snow with her, despite it being coping mechanism.


Kisa's intro episode in season one is truly special. Still one of my favorites of the whole show, its incredibly vital to multiple people's major character arcs.


What we are seeing with Yuki right now is a direct result of Tohru's influence. I would imagine old Yuki would have not have become Student Council and would have not met Machi. Even if he did he wouldn't try to get close.


I don’t know exactly what it is, but that one moment of Yuki breaking the chalk discretely in the middle of the meeting always stuck me as really powerful in a way I don’t really know how to put my finger on. I think it’s just such a simple act that shows how deeply you understand someone’s struggles, even though the symptoms seem trivial. I don’t know that moment just always hit me as a big show of how much Yuki has grown


"just checking in to show everyone how emotionally healthy i am these days." omg I guffawed. I love that Yuki straight up is on his own adventure away from everybody else. I didn't appreciate it as much when I binged initially but on this rewatch I'm way into it. I think the senior girl will go on to college and get into a proper idol and probably become the head of a fan group surrounding that idol. The fandom tendency doesn't go away it just changes to new focal points. This was a really sweet episode and nice way to move the needle on so many side characters.

Geneva The Weeba

This episode is ALSO another hundred reasons to stan Kakeru


The connection between Machi wanting to ruin all that new fallen snow, Yuki’s desire to rearrange his own life to his liking, and the steadily, neatly drifting arrangement of their desires slowly settling upon the narrative makes me want to get some hot tea and settle in for the flurry.


This episode was a bitter sweet one. We got closure and sadness in different ways. I'm so glad how Motoko has evolved from episode 1 ! She's a good chaarcter that just needed more time to show her good sides. Seeing President Takei graduating also make me nostalgic of his antics, especially with Momiji and Hatsuharu. Baby Hinata is here, showing hos good Hiro's family is to him. Mama Satsuki doesn't care about the curse and it's amazing. But yeah, Isuzu seemed to have...disapear somewhere. No one knows what hospital she's in, but Shigure knows stuff, for sure. Not wanting Kagura to get involved... 1 thing I want to point out : Akito was standing next the house cat, with scissors in her hand. If you look closely, there is hair on her kimono. Not a very good sign if you ask me...


Extra depth from the manga that wasn't included in the anime! Yuki was actually feeling a little down this episode from having to apologize and reject all the girls who came to confess to him (prompting Kimi's comment about one-sided confessions being selfish). When Motoko asked to talk later, Yuki realized she had a crush on him this whole time and felt burdened knowing he'd have to reject her and make her upset as well. So when Motoko thanks him instead, it lifts a weight off his shoulders, making him feel like his existence was genuinely appreciated by others and that he does more than just make people sad. I really appreciate how far Motoko has come with her character development throughout the series. Also shoutout to Megumi (and his curses) for "gently persuading" her down the right path.


Sorry but Yuki reaching over in the middle of talking to break that chalk for Machi was smooth as hell...


Yuki breaking the chalk made me cry. Of all the things, why that?


The interaction between Yuki and... uh... the girl that I don't know the name of that is super obsessed with him in the Yuki prince fan club, was very similar to the interaction between Kyo and Kagura when she confessed all her feelings and guilt to him. And Kyo left wanting her to be happy, and thanking her. The roles are kind of flipped around here and there this time but it's still pretty similar