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In the My Hero Academia season 4 episode 17 Relief for License Trainees... Nobody: Deku: And that's how I became friends with Aoyama.


MHA 4x17 extended

This is "MHA 4x17 extended" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I work at a movie theater (There as I type this) and the My Hero Academia 3 Movie is premiering tonight, very busy with a large crowd. Gonna go see it myself during this week sometime, you got any plans on watching the second movie for patreon when you finish the fourth season? And than obviously the third movie after you finish Season Five.


That's awesome! Yeah I plan to watch the movie but just on Patreon. Movies are extra tough on YouTube

Matthew Richson

The Quirk Singularity isn’t just a one off thing either, you’ll be hearing about it quite a bit in the future.


Quirk singularity event is a pretty horrifying concept. If each generation has more complex and dangerous quirks, that can't be sustainable forever. Even look at Eri who accidentally erased her father out of existence. How many generation can things be doable at this rate.

Kade Pogue

Don’t watch the second movie until after season 5 as there are quite a lot of spoilers.


Is there really? I watched the second movie after Season 4 because thats when it came out and was intended to be watched by the studio before season 5 and don’t remember it spoiling anything. Also the movies are non-canon so technically speaking isnt it impossible for them to spoil stuff?

Kade Pogue

You can miss a lot of them if you aren’t paying attention as much. I believe they are semi-canon, not really sure. It’s not horrible to watch after season 4 but I think it’s probably better to wait after season 5.


Now here is where we weed out the people who've kept up with MHA and those who haven't "That's how i was raised"(last ep ep 16) Bakugo only acts the way that he does because of how people treated him when he was little AND his home life i mean we saw that his mom kept slapping him and calling him names so those who just forever think he's an abusive piece of shit and if u ship him with anyone u agree with abusive relationships have clearly not been watching the show CUZ I MEAN LOOK AT THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (him laughing at todoroki and todoroki just not understanding) "If you keep looking down on everyone else, you'll never be able to see your own weaknesses" LIKE?! HELLO??????????? HE LEARNED, IS LEARNING, IS GROWING AND CHANGING AND YET THERE'S PEOPLE IN THE FANDOM WHO THINK HE'S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE UGHHHH LMAO KAMINARI IS ME IN MATH CLASS now for the aoyama cheese nonsense lmao XD was so strange in the manga but made me love him all the more for how weird it was XD lol he's such a good boy


I wouldn't have talked trash to Centipeder if I knew he was the heir to the agency. I guess now I'm scolopendrphobic AND classist :(

Rudy Strother

Tbf Eri isn’t an example of quirk singularity. She is a mutant with a quirk different from both parents so she is not a result of quirks mixing and getting stronger, she is something else. Still dangerous! Her descendants on the other hand…

Rudy Strother

Just a reminder Camie doesn’t go to UA so the no dating rule was referring to HER school, Shiketsu High. Just pointing that out since you said it changed your view of UA lol


I have finally caught up to you! I am so excited for the reactions from here to the end of season 5 (and beyond of course), I am so hyped for all of it.


Just to reiterate, since a lot of people are asking for Heroes Rising after Season 4; DO NOT WATCH IT AFTER SEASON 4. I understand people wanting to see the movie as soon as possible, however, it IS canon, and it chronologically takes places DURING Season 5, regardless of when it actually came out. And, of course, it contains spoilers for that season. I can literally list a bunch of them. (Obviously these are both spoilers for the movie and for season 5 so they're encrypted in ROT13, decrypt them only if you've seen both) Urebrf Evfvat gnxrf cynpr NSGRE gur Zrgn Yvorengvba Nezl Nep, ohg orsber gur Raqrnibe Ntrapl Nep, juvpu vf jul jr qba'g frr Qrxh hfvat Oynpx Juvc, ur unfa'g yrnearq ubj gb hfr vg cebcreyl lrg. Gbxblnzv hfrf Qnex Funqbj gb syl, juvpu vf fbzrguvat ur qvq sbe gur svefg gvzr va Frnfba 5'f Wbvag Genvavat Nep. Fuvtnenxv nccrnef ng gur raq jrnevat uvf cbfg-Zrgn Yvorengvba Nezl bhgsvg, jvgu gur tybir gung pbiref uvf oebxra svatref. Gubhtu ur qbrfa'g unir juvgr unve, guvf vf whfg n qrfvta qrpvfvba nf ng gur gvzr bs gur zbivr, gurl qvqa'g xabj vs gurl jbhyq npghnyyl or punatvat uvf unve pbybhe jura vg pnzr gb gur ZYN Nep. Gur Yrnthr bs Ivyynvaf' nggrzcg gb znff cebqhpr gur Dhvex Renfvat Ohyyrgf vf zragvbarq. Jura Avar gevrf gb fgrny Bar Sbe Nyy sebz Qrxh, vg qverpgyl fubjf gur irfgvtrf bs gur cerqrprffbef, fubjvat gung gurl ner jvguva gur Dhvex, naq Avar fnlf "V qba'g unir rabhtu fcnpr sbe nyy bs gurz, vg frrzf yvxr guvf xvq zvtug unir zber guna bar Dhvex nf jryy" qverpgyl fgngvat ubj Bar Sbe Nyy pbagnvaf zhygvcyr Dhvexf. Gur jnl Bar Sbe Nyy ergheaf gb Qrxh ng gur raq, erzbivat vgfrys sebz Onxhtbh, qverpgyl fubjf gung gur Dhvex naq vgf irfgvtrf ner pncnoyr bs znxvat gurve bja qrpvfvbaf.


Seeing you mention City of God made my brazilian heart so happy <3. This ark is realy heart warming, there's one thing on it that I really didnt like, so I'll wait to see your coment on it and maybe i'll like it more :)


@Matthew okay I know its out of context but still, I put it in rot13 for spoilers and then you just reply about said spoilers normally 😭


The perfect creepy episode for Halloween LOL


Can you guess that this was when I really fell in love with Aoyama? MHA, back at it again with my favorite quirk, making background characters loveable and suddenly very important to me even though I didn't think twice about them before! I think it's really cool that going back you can really see that Aoyama had his eyes on Deku from the start, he isn't the No. 1 MidoriyaxUraraka shipper for nothing, haha! But any theories on why Toga picked Camie? It seems she was after Deku's blood, but why Shiketsu? She even passed the exam, which, maybe that was just so she could fly under the radar, but she wasn't exactly subtle anyway, so...? Idk, I'm not even sure if she infiltrated the exam on her own because she wanted to get to know Deku, or if it was at Shigaraki's behest? The whole thing is just confusing to me.

Aura Y

That line by Bakugo really is the highlight of the episode for me. I almost get teary whenever I hear him say it, seeing how far he's come and recognizing where he might have gone wrong. I really do love the character writing in this show!


One day closer to 25.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

It’s a sweet episode but goddammit it makes me cringe a lot xD it’s a bit corny and I just have a very low cringe tolerance. Love bakugou tho

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

BTW I had written that before the aoyama stuff even began, I totally forgot about all that. Dammit I love you aoyama but…