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In Fruits Basket 1x18 What's Important Is...  Kisa shows up to be helped by Tohr... Yuki and Hatsuharu? The love is spreading.


Fruits Basket 1x18 Extended

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Sorry for the delays, MHA is also coming but I am uploading via hotspot so it is taking forever.

Francesca White

Kisa having her ears and tail in human form is just a stylistic thing, she doesn't actually have them :)


If any glass is thrown at Kisa this show will officially go too far. Protect her at all costs just like Eri.


yeah it's like how they sometimes show Kyo with cat ears when he's startled or angry

Francesca White

wow there's a LOT of foreshadowing here that i never noticed lol. also i love the parallel between Yuki and Kisa, and I love that it was Yuki who was able to get her to speak again. also I've heard that in Japan a lot of times if a student is bullied and leaves school, a teacher will send a note like that saying things like "everyone is waiting for you to come back", but it's really just hollow. also the teacher saying "how can you expect others to like you if you don't love yourself" is just like she's blaming Kisa for getting bullied, like it's her fault. i used to kind of be like you and think the messaging was a little off, but now i think i agree with it. i think everyone needs at least one person in their life that cares for them, i mean humans are social creatures, someone can't just live on their own and sustain themselves that way in a healthy way. so the sentiment of "self love" just seems like a fake ideal if you don't have anyone that cares about you. it'd be cool if we didn't need anyone to love us for us to be able to love ourselves and be happy, but i don't think that's possible.


One of the biggest reasons I love Yuki’s character journey is because it comes from a place of him wanting to genuinely grow and improve. For himself and so he can be strong for the people he cares about too.


Kisa's english voice actress is the same as the one in the original series. Only back then she was a child. Somehow she was able to sound even younger in 2019.


Sweet Kisa is here! ❤❤


Yes definitely. For most of us, that love can come from our parents and our family. But as far as we’ve seen Yuki doesn’t really have that support.


Haru is just the best in every way lol He cares for everyone just like Tohru! I think we all have a different ideas of self love since we all come from different environments. Self love can come from anywhere or anyone. I like that the show talks about it in a different way from what I personally think.

Fabiola Macias

This is my personal favorite episode of fruits basket- mostly for Yuki's take on self love. It really just hit every nail on the head for how I felt about myself when I first read the series. It's honestly impossible to find something to truly love about yourself when you're in that mindset of just hating every single aspect of your person


"Maybe she'll be just fine? That'll be a twist!" Yep you have this show's number down pretty well. Trauma the Anime would have been a better title.


I like how this episode follows his internal conversation. Usually, and even in this episode, we get something like an inspirational or sad conversation that leads to some kind of breakthrough. But Yuki here (although he is largely inspired by Tohru) is processing it himself and in such a way that he can reach out a hand to Kisa.


Just wondering how much longer for the MHA & thanks for all you do!!


Haru caring about everyone and Dark Haru caring about everyone but in a slightly more aggressive tone lol. There are so many ways of thinking about self-love. One thing I really appreciate about this episode is that Yuki talks about a way of self-love that DOESN'T work for him, which is very similar to my experience. And maybe that's useful as a way of figuring things out in the kind of state Yuki describes, when it's hard to see anything positive: Eliminating what doesn't work for you ("just like yourself already dammit!") or things that we believe that are untrue ("these negative traits you have observed are permanent and pervasive to your very being and are of higher priority than your positive traits"), etc.


He's uploading via hotspot so probably a while


I relate really strongly to that state as well, and I always felt somewhat frustrated by the advice I got that was often something to the effect of "well you're great/perfect just the way you are." To me the immediate thought was always... well obviously not if this is the state I'm in.


Fingers crossed for the sheep just being a really kind and well adjusted human being.


I love this episode so much! When i first discovered this series (the manga not the show lol) i was in middle school so around Kisa's age and i was going through a rough time (like most kids that age) but these chapters made me reflect and feel understood in a way. I don't know how to fully explain it but this is definitely a comfort episode for me. And i love seeing Yuki take on a Tohru-like supportive role.

Aaron Ong

Pretty much all of the dub VAs are the same from the original. It was a nice surprise, as dubbed Fruits Basket was my first anime as a little kid.


...were the flowers behind Akito those death flowers(red spider lily) that are poisonous o.o ughhh kisaaaaaa <3 I think i know what next ep is? but truthfully now till the last couple eps of this season i don't remember anything XD


(not serious) Crackpot theory of the day: Kisa is a Russian sleeper agent, that's why she doesn't talk. She doesn't speak good English and has been hired to infiltrate and assassinate the Soma clan, aka her own clan.


Akito: Man, I hate Tohru Kisa: Начать операцию убить Тору


Jokes aside, this episode resonated with me. Three amazing episodes in a row, but Yuki and Kisa's parallels really stuck out to me here. I have a lot of social anxiety and have felt like I couldn't talk or say anything because I was constantly worrying about how others would take it or perceive me. Was amazing to have these characters confront that and move forward. I used to be the "shoulder the burden myself" person thinking it was healthy, but it was just a thinly veiled excuse for avoiding confronting it. Or maybe I'm talking crazy I don't know


LMFAO Russian Kisa, what a twist that would be. I mean we already have German Momiji...maybe he's a secret Neo-Nazi? Oh god oh fuck what have I done. But yeah get used to this anime hitting way to close to home and giving you advice/inspiration that you can now use but also wish you were told/shown back when the particular issues were happening. This show for me and a lot of others is the "I'm in this picture and I don't like it" meme embodied.


Ahhhhh this is such a great episode for so many characters like Yuki, but you really picked up on how awesome Haru was being an older brother type of figure to Kisa, that hug he gives her when she finally talks AHHHHH I'm gonna die from cuteness overload. Also have to say that Kisa's dub voice actor actually sounds really good. Fits her character quite perfectly.