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In the My Hero Academia season 4 episode 4 Fighting Fate, Deku and All Might plan to defeat time by punching it right in its smug face.


MHA 4x4 Extended

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Jay Crigler

Yoo your video description is extra funny today (times smug face) lmao


I absolutely love Mirio. I watched this in sub and the talk with allmight was really emotional for me.


Nighteye can only use his quirk once every 24 hours. If he could use it over and over he would be way too strong.


fun fact: nighteye and iida's VAs are married


Brings more context to All Might's battle with All For One when you consider that the whole time he was thinking, "Alright, this is it. The part where I die."


I was thinking that later! That expectation would probably make most people give up

Skyler Anderson

I love how much you adore the relationship between All Might and Deku. They really are such a good match for each other and it's so amazing seeing the growth they've both had as characters since the beginning. Literally in episode 2 of season 1 he talks about smiling to trick the fear inside of him and showing this vulnerable almost pessimist of a top hero yet deku being a true hero when even he himself couldn't changed him. Also I love Lemillion so much, he's so cool. The interesting thing is you named all his qualities and it sounded just like all might. He brightens the room around him, he's strong and wants to save people, and he's such an optimist almost to a fault. It's easy to see the similarities between him and all might and understanding why Nighteye would think he's the best fit.


He IS an amazing fit. I'm really curious to see him and Deku together because I feel like so many amazing things can come out of it

Francesca White

i headcanon Nighteye as being in love with All Might, not because it's true but because it makes their story more juicy lol (and tragic)

Ramon Cintron

Now you're getting to the middle of the problem i have with this show. They are all fixated on that idiotic and flawed plan of having a single symbol of peace and it makes no sense A symbol cannot be something that has a natural end. Cause then if someone kills the symbol it emboldens people it's stupid a Symbol needs to be an idea or a belief that can be universaly shared not an effin living person that will just die off some day. And the show keeps framing it as a good thing that needs to happen for peace to be restored and if it works itll be total bullshit to me and cement the show as idiotic trying to act wise. Also Mirio and Night eye pissed me off here. Mirio was soo eager to please Knight Eye he abandoned a little girl that needed his help and Night eye was talking like he had the right to say who is worthy of being saved. The moment they turned their back on the little girl they stopped being heroes to me cause they ignored someone in need for selfish reasons. You cannot call yourself a hero and then dictate who deserves your help when begging to be saved.


Fun fact about "one size too small T-shirt girl", aka Bubble Girl, is that her design was fan made. The manga author held a big contest for fans to create hero designs and she was the design that won. So if anyone is to blame for her appearance, its the fans lol. (Personally I am a big fan of her design for uh... reasons...)


Think you’re coming on hard toward Mirio and nighteye here, it was a lose-lose scenario, when you’re dealing with a large scale organization, jeopardizing weeks of work and potentially letting the criminals get away is a real concern. Their logic was they are going to help this girl when they take down the Yakuza, not just abandon her and never think about her again. Plus by your own logic deku is no better, sure he wanted to help her, but he still ended up letting her walk away with a dangerous criminal, Eri ultimately walked away from Deku and lemillion, they did as much as they could


I can’t lie watching this show the first time, Deku’s and All Might’s relationship definitely gave me red flags. I think part of it was what you mentioned, that some things were missing like them hanging out, we don’t see that a lot. And I also feel like All Might could’ve done a little more with helping Deku know his limits because we all know he can go overboard. But I can’t exactly blame him because All Might goes overboard too and doesn’t understand that sometimes heroes need to sit down and take care of themselves too. I can’t blame them for thinking as heroes, they need to do all that they can.That doesn’t mean I don’t like their relationship I just think sometimes their traits aren’t good together. And it doesn’t help that Deku puts All Might on a pedestal sometimes. I think it’s important that Deku learns all that he can from other heroes as well. And I’m glad he’s maturing too. I hope I explained that well and still love them both a million. (Hehe)


I'm usually not one to comment on these types of things but Chisaki dubbed is SO much less intimidating. It's an unfair comparison though -- Kenjiro Tsuda is a legend.

Sonozaki Shinji

This episode the first time i saw it, made me put bnha on hold for a whole year, is not that is a bad episode (is a really good one imo) but is cause i got upset about leving eri go, i knew it was the smart thing to do but i was not happy with that decision at all, on the middle of season 5 i started seeing the show again and now i got up to the recent episode, but i think is funny how upset i could be about a fictional character, but in the end i think is good if the show make you care about the characters!


I actually adore Kellen Goff's Chisaki. It's a different approach to the character but it still fits.


I think they did the dilemma in this episode really well. If the aim was to get me to feel really conflicted and to make Deku's confusion relatable, then I think it did a great job lol


This story has a really good balance between being dark and bringing levity and hope. There's like a perfect system the creator found, like you mentioned with All Might and Deku bringing hope in the second half of this episode. I've noticed this more than a few times in MHA. Something very dark happens, odds seem insurmountable, but there are characters who constantly hold on to hope for the future. Those characters are all together symbols of peace, accumulating to make one massive symbol. This is probably also why last seasons second ending song is my favorite, Long Hope Philia. I would have to look over the lyrics again, but really the entire visual presentation of that ED as well as the music just inspires hope and growth. It's a fundamental part of what makes MHA great. For every tragedy, there is hope. It also reminds me of AOT season 4, cruelty and people who challenge and try to maintain humanity amidst that. And the idea of pushing against the odds reminds me of Erwin's speech and his final arc. So yeah just Really great stuff, and I appreciated the fact that we got this motivating all might + deku conversation after all of the unease from this season's start. Bonus moment that made me laugh: Cementoss: *smacks Deku on the head wiith homework* Alex: Tell him, Cementoss


Another underrated aspect to their conversation is that it slowly transitions from being uneasy to full of hope. The first half of the episode focuses on the extremely dark choice with Overhaul and Eri, Deku begins falling behind due to that encounter. And then seeks the truth from All Might, which starts out feeling sort of uncomfortable before it eases to a better place. It makes the episode very smooth and that emotional flip not jarring at all You can tell something is eating away at Deku if he genuinely gets frustrated with All Might. The stress and uncertainty of his work study and Overhaul + Eri was enough to make him explode. But they both managed to have that conversation authentically and arrived at a better conclusion in the end, All Might proclaiming that he'll fight fate


Deku's dub voice actor really killed it in this episode, that All Might x Deku scene is something else.


Absolutely agree. Deku, Shigaraki, Kirishima, Momo, Tsu and Iida are my favorite dub voices in the show. Deku's dub VA seems to get better and better with the character as the show goes on


I've had this up for hours planning to watch it but was playing a game now its 3 am and i am unable to freak out CUZ AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ERIIIII SAVE HERRRRRRR AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH "I need you here!" ahhh all them twitter AU's are coming back to me...such a strange thing to be invested in...a twitter thread of make believe....


See alex i told u someone would explain it better than i could


Slightly offtopic in that this doesn't necessarily pertain to just this episode, but just wanted to say thanks for reacting to the dub version! There's not enough dub reactors out there and honestly there's so many moments that are more impactful in the dub than the sub because they do a much better job translating and adapting the dub. One For All's "because I am here!" dig at All Might in season 3 is a great example. Saw a few comments that made me think to say this and I also realized there's always so many comments on every anime reaction that exists advocating for sub over dub because it's the meta in the anime community (which I don't get personally, but whatever floats yer boat). Anyway, again, just wanted to show some appreciation for your preference on this!

Lewis H

Some Dubs really aren't great and I would recommend against them but I cannot understand anyone who says that about My Hero. The Dub does such a fantastic job. You get some characters like Reigen in Mon Psycho that just make the dubs worth it alone.


This episode hits so hard, first that super tense standoff, and then that super emotional scene... I get chills every time. I just love All Might and Deku's mentor-successor relationship so much, there's so many layers to it! Great aside there, on how they are all shackled by the Symbol of Peace in a way, even the people who have started to see the cracks. But All Might has been doing this for a long time, so I get why they have such trouble letting it go, even though the answer seems obvious to us viewers.

hays collins

Alex where did your skepticism go after AOT. You seem to happy now haha.