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In Fruits Basket 1x14 That's A Secret, Momiji is hiding something... the fact that he's a great kid.


Fruits Basket 1x14 Extended

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Francesca White

omg the description for today's episode is actually really wholesome


I do NOT like seeing Tohru crying in the thumbnail, why of all people does the horrific tragedy of your Mom dying far too soon have to happen to this wonderful girl. Obviously its horrible for it to happen to anyone, but shit man. You know the whole "Best Girl" discussion that goes on with every anime, well Tohru Honda is the BEST girl of all best girls, full stop.


She's amazing. I guess the good news is that I think she's crying tears of joy in the thumbnail


My immediate thoughts after watching the episode + my apology: Wait. You're telling me the hat DOES have significance with Kyo??? My early show prediction wasn't wrong??? I am actually so proud of myself. Secondly, I need to now apologize for being wrong about my snake prediction for Akito. Sorry about that one, can't get every tinfoil hat theory right. BUT I've actually done more deduction and this is my new running theory. In the ED, we see every single zodiac aside from the horse and rooster. Unless I missed it. So basically, if my theory that Akito is one of the animals that doesn't show up in the ED, this would mean he's the rooster or horse. I might have to look over my notes again. I thought he was the sheep/goat after snake was a bust, but have decided against that from rewatching the old ED. Anyway, I'll likely have more to say once I've seen the video


Oh and the reason I'm confident is because in both ED's Akito is never present. Maybe in the first one but definitely not the second from what I saw. They're excluding a few animals for a reason

Francesca White

fun/sad fact: Hatori felt so guilty after erasing Momiji's mom's memories that he started taking care of Momiji a lot of the time. Hatori was only like 16 at the time he erased her memories, but he became somewhat of a father figure for Momiji :) this isn't spoilers btw cuz it's just an extra thing mentioned in the manga


Goodwin's gonna get triggered everytime Hatori takes/took peoples memories based on that episode 7 reaction lmao, can't blame him though its a massive invasion of personal autonomy. As Erwin Smith says, "Who gets to decide?" Well Hatori definitely doesn't get too!!! Lmao.


I love this opening, it's on my Spotify playlist already. This episode, zodiac monkey's, Hanajima's and season finale are in my top 5. I just started season 2 today. I strongly recommend you watch this episode again in japanese, this VA ruined it.

Francesca White

this is one of my favorite season 1 episodes, from the Momiji backstory to the graveyard visit to hints about future revelations, it's just a lot of great stuff packed into one episode

Francesca White

ok but the way you'd pause the episode to say something then play it and the episode would prove you wrong right after was actually comedy gold lmaoo

Emma Root

I absolutely love this episode. I loved it two months ago when I saw it for the first time, but since then I lost a family member so unfortunately it was even more relevant this time around. It makes you feel so many good and bad emotions. Why go to therapy when you can just watch Fruits Basket?


One of my favorite things about Momji is his resilience. I definitely think his mother was in the wrong but she was clearly mentally ill so i can’t judge her too harshly. I just wish she could of put her own problems aside to watch her son grow into such a wonderful kid. Also props to Uotani and Hanajima for being such good friends to Tohru. They’re definitely some of my favorite characters in Fruits Basket. When I first start watching I thought they would almost be throw away characters that get replaced by Kyo and Yuki as Tohru’s friends, but that’s clearly not the case.


Sometimes feelings sprout for no real reason, blooming before you realise it -- Uotani Arisa..

Francesca White

wait the monkey's one of your favs? no hate but that's really rare, that episode is pretty widely disliked along with Kagura's intro episode.


Sorry to hear about your loss. Fruits Basket is unironically some great therapy, I'm with you on that.


Yeah that shot of that curtain(?) blowing around tohru while hanajima is talking about how strong she is, is so beautiful and sad. In the manga as well.. its one of my favorite panels.


HAHA I love how defensive you got when you thought Kyo was gonna kiss a sleeping Tohru, major fake out there from the animators. Honestly what does happen is even more horrifying than a potential sexual assualt, him feeling guilty for something to do with Tohru is for sure very unsettling. "Ok.....WAIT WHAT? Why are you sorry"


I had faith in him. My faith in Kyo is unwavering, probably my favorite character still. I already think I know what he was whispering about and it has to do with that damn hat...


It all makes so much sense now.


lol that chicken was actually Hatori😂


This episode made me realize I should probably rewatch the series so I can fully realize the seeds they have planted here


These extended reactions are basically a rewatch for me lmao

Fabiola Macias

Damn, momijis story never fails to make me cry


Watching Tohru cry over her dead mom's body fucking ruined me, I wasn't prepared for that tonight tbh its graphic as hell. Totally forgot that imagery was in this episode.


also, just a not so fun fact: when Momiji and his mom were talking in front of Tohru, he covered up his German accent so she wouldn’t get suspicious. I think he does this every time :,]

Jacob Keyser

It pains me that I can't tell you anything


Don't be fooled with Momiji's appearance he is one of most mature of the zodiacs.


It is not apparent in the dub but Tohru talks in a very formal and polite manner that is not for casual conversation in Japan. This becomes relevant to the story later.


I forgot we're only still on Season 1 was waiting for far more characters to pop up in the OP XD HE LOST THE ACCENT WHEN HIS MOM SHOWED UP OMG Momo means peach in chinese doesn't it? wonder what it means in german....well its not Momo that's for sure LMAO FUCK fuck my fucking feels, go watch the original of this episode it hurts just as much but ur not stuck with a german sounding momiji "she didn't actually confront her issues and solve a problem" hold onto that for when we get to other backstories o.o ughhh thankfully i didn't cry this time unlike the thousand other times i've seen this damn scene "could they be more ridiculous?" yes Kyo they could. be thankful they are like this XD "why is it that this graveyard fills u with such chaos and guilt" THANKS FOR THE FORSHADOW KANA I COMPLETELY MISSED/FORGOT U SAID THIS OMG god i love Hana <3 THAT WASN'T THE CHICKEN THAT WAS THE SEA HORSE LMAOOOO poor Hatori XD


Momiji didnt cover it...he dropped it...momiji doesnt actually have a german accent..its fake


Also another comment.. -not that i'm defending momijis mom or any of the sohma parents that may have rejected their children (this is what momiji said) but can i understand that having your child turn into a non human creature after you've given birth to them can be really devastating. I've never given birth but i'm sure its a really traumatic experience both mentally and physically and theres probably a lot of complicated feelings during and after the pregnancy in real life so to add on this other stuff can be.. crazy. Again i'm not saying that Momiji's mom was right to give up on trying to bond with her son but i can see how she could end up spiraling into this situation. But it's really sad to see her give up.. i want momiji to be happy🥺

Derrick C. Shields

And here we have (in my opinion) the first episode that was butchered in the first anime series. It removes the self-harm aspect of what Momiji's mom was going through (*maybe* they imply it, but it sure isn't shown), which doesn't excuse her decision, but it does make the situation much more understandably "iffy". Also, in the scene where his mom makes her decision, Momiji is clearly old enough to walk and at least understand speech, so maybe his mother really did try to confront her issues for multiple years. But one thing that all Furuba media - 1st and 2nd anime and the manga - make clear is that she resents Momiji being born in the first place, which is the one aspect I don't find "grey". That's simply unfair, curse or not; natural reaction of shock or not. Then, because of the first anime's penchant for wanting to avoid any mention of things that won't be dealt with within its 26-episode run, any mention in this episode or any previous of the hat is just... erased. Also, Kyo doesn't act particularly weird at the gravesite, and obviously doesn't end the episode with that cliffhanger. That's all just... gone. Studio Deen's version won't be touching it so too bad if that would have enticed you to read the manga for further context, I guess. No wonder Natsuki Takaya was upset with that adaptation. As we get into the second half, there are more and more episodes that are so improved (or, um... PRESENT) in this second version and it made me so happy when I watched it. Episodes I already thought were one of my faves originally are boosted even more in this adaptation. It's really incredible. It really is a credit to Takaya-sensei's writing that I liked Deen's version enough to want to read the manga. *sigh* Okay, hopefully that's all out of my system now. All I have to say is your comment about Kyo/Yuki and dealing with relationships made me think of Ayame's metaphor about there being a "chasm" between him and Yuki, and Tohru suggesting they can "meet half way" across that chasm. In the context of this episode and how trauma affects our ability to be open with others and truly be vulnerable, it made me think that all relationships might be like that. Sometimes the chasm is small, and sometimes it's big, but a relationship where two people find each other and either form a friendship or romantic love, is one where one of those people "pulls" the other to their side of the chasm. But that kind of implies relationships only need one person's support and the other person's trust. Soooo... maybe the chasm itself is the relationship and you need to be willing to trust the other person and fall in with them, both of you supporting the other? It's possible I'm stretching this metaphor beyond its means. Uh, good reaction. Peace. I'm out.