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In My Hero Academia 3x23 Deku  vs. Kacchan part 2, Deku's hands come out of retirement to punch Bakugou into friendship.


MHA 3x23 Extended.mp4



Here it is, time for me to cry again.

Francesca White

this is the episode that made Bakugou my favorite character, i love how this episode takes a character like him and really just reminds you that he's just a kid


Is the goal still for TYE later tonight? Also, looking forward to this will update after

Itachi The Rouge

Been waiting on this one for weeks!


This episode is the second most hyped thing for me this season. First being "united States of Smash" because I really like a good fight scene. But this one really hits me in the feels every time.

J Valentine

An interesting parallel to what you've pointed out about All Might is I feel the core of the reason why certain people have said writing for Superman is difficult or boring. It's all about his powers and he's the most powerful and the greatest hero, how do you create conflict with someone who is essentially a boyscout, goody goody that can always back it up? To that I'd point out a very overlooked little line of dialogue in the new Superman and Louis TV show (Great show so far by the way). In one of the earlier episodes Louis is talking to her sons as Clark has stepped away after talking up this Smallville, local town fair/harvest and why Clark is so excited about it. And it's because when he was young he learned the value of community and giving back and supporting those around you. And Louis says to her boys "Your father isn't Superman because he has powers". Meaning, he's not this symbol in the DC universe simply because he's the greatest. Its who he would be regardless. It's who his parents and his small town in Kansas raised him to be. He is the best of us. And that is so often overlooked in media, which is one of the things I like most about MHA. Sometimes it's just nice to watch good people do good things.


The reveal of what Bakugo has been feeling elevates this episode to a completely different level. No one that watches the first half of season 3 ever considers that Bakugo might have felt that way but the moment you hear him say it in this episode, it makes so much sense. It's such an obvious thing that would happen to someone in his position in retrospect. The fact that absolutely no one feels that way, even us as observers, just highlights the excellent writing, I think. Also the music was incredible. This episode is one of the best, if not the best.

Skyler Anderson

This episode is when I started loving Bakugou since this episode gave him so much development as a character and insight into his internal struggles too. This fight also is so much fun to watch everytime no matter what just from how good the animation team at Bones did it. In the manga when I read it originally I was so confused and never understood what visually was happening so the anime adaptation did it wonders. My favorite line from this episode was: "All might was my hero but you were the one actually in my life." I just love how much Deku admired Bakugou because of his strength and motivations. Great insight into the episode as always.


My favorite part is Bakugou being mad that Deku lost. I feel like he’s holding on to the hope that the power of all might is still alive. It might the the first instance of him acknowledging some things are more important than his own goals and ambitions.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SyJoIYurto Finally can link this epic amv for Bakugo with this dope rap song with awesome lyrics relating to the goat himself. No spoilers in this either it was made when only these 3 seasons were out so all of ya'll can watch if you want. It was these two episodes that made Bakugo my favorite character in the series.


Oh man the fight ended so fast it was so slow back in the day cuz it was new and i was like :O cuz the animation was crazy BUT LOOKIT: BAKUGO IS THE GOODEST BOI HE'S GETTING SO MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT That dad!might hug tho <3 also in the manga its Bakugo that tells Deku what he thinks before even being asked what he thought about Deku's Shoot Style so there's EVEN MORE character development for him o.o


Yessss to one of my favorites episodes!!

Sam B

Thanks for sharing, that video was so well put together! The song was fire too.

Purple Dawn

Season 4 is so close, but feels so far away. I'm so excited to see you watch it!


Hard not to love this episode. Such a huge payoff not only for Bakugo but for a bunch of the themes of the show as a whole

Jacob Keyser

my favorite fight my favorite episode. the raw emotion from Bakugo gets me every time


That's a nice way of putting it. A lot of shows fall apart for me these days because there seems to be a high preference on characters being gritty or snarky. And while there is a place for that, it's tough to pull off and often I just feel like the characters are somewhat immature and underdeveloped (as people).


Yeah I felt totally blindsided by the fact that he's been ravaged by guilt.


Truly awesome episode in a lot of ways. About the action, that crazy electric spin kick Deku does at one point was something else lol


You're forgetting when the full mettling alchemist stopped an entire city's religious service permanently and then dipped.


Wow, I'm honored to be one of the greatest people to walk the earth, thank you for being the most analytical, logical, and greatest content creator to ever walk this side of the Mississippi lol


I can't express how much I love this episode. Or how many times I went back to hear Bakugo's guilt confession. The voice actors did such a great job for this whole episode.


To be fair, that religious service was going to be likely sacrificed into a stone pretty soon anyway but yeah it's true Ed does metal a lot.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

I can’t watch this rn but this is my favorite mha episode

Jenny bete

I've seen a few people still say after they've watched this episode that Bakugo and Deku don't care about each other or even hate each other... like did you even watch the show. They didn't even hate each other before this fight as you said, underneath it all, they always had respect and admiration for the other. And yes, I have the same feeling that it's not gonna be a hierarchy in hero society towards the end of the show anymore. Especially because Deku says in the intro "How I became the greatest hero" and not "How I became the number 1 hero" or something like that. Also after this episode, I can't wait to see your reaction to the second movie because it ties in really well with this episode and their relationship, but it originally came out after season 4 so I guess we'll have to wait until you're at the end of season 4.


Easily my favorite episode up to this point. Not even close.

Christo Badenhorst

This is truly my second Favorite Episode the show have to offer so far. Remember Season 4 episodes 11. I get goose bumps thinking about it. But I want to ask you something. that episode have 1 scene in the Manga that I wish they kept in the Show because it makes everything 20% more awesome. But I cant show or send it to you before the show. It is a single slide image. Would you be down if I send you a zipfile or someway the the screenshot but without you having the ability to look at it or maybe a link and at the end of the episode you look at the screenshot and give your opinion on that as well? Because there is a single statement that just puts everything in so so much perspective.

Christo Badenhorst

but it is a spoiler if you have not seen the episode so far so that's why I cant say it or send it


I recommend uploading the screesnhot to imgur and posting the link in the comment section for s4 episode 11. He can then respond and give his opinion on it then. That way he can avoid spoilers and give his insight.


Goodwins been on both sides of the Mississippi many times during his YT career just in the last 2 years, going from China to New York to Colorado back to New York to South Korea lmao.


yessss, the second movie is SO good and ties into this episode in a lot of ways thematically speaking. Can't wait for his second movie reaction cause for me its way better than the first movie and I loved the first movie.


Easily my favorite episode still. Bakugou's arc is an other that really hits for me, the build up is kinda slow, but that's probably why it works so well, like you said, this was huge and transformative for both of them, really. And it's not like he's done growing now, it's very rewarding to watch. I think he's my favorite rival character out of everything I've ever seen.


As a manga reader, all I can say is I can’t wait for you to see the rest of the development of their relationship. Here is a great video for you, with great music, but the actual reason I am giving this to you is so you can hear Bakugous voice this episode in Japanese: https://youtu.be/vLJuLrzX4-g

Aura Y

After 3 weeks of being behind on visits, I'm slowly catching up. This is definitely one of my favorite episodes. While Bakugou isn't the easiest guy to root for, it's clear he's got good in him and this episode shows how sometimes being the "most talented" or gifted can still not be enough. The facade broke down and showed a kid who was genuinely struggling. I think the dynamic between Deku, All-Might and Bakugou grows so much stronger because of this moment.


New member, but happy to go back see this épisode