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In Attack on Titan 4x13 Children of the Forest, things are heating up in Nicolo's kitchen. Floch may not be drinking the wine but he's still drunk on something. 


AOT 4x13 Extended FINAL

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Maia Brodsky

I keep forgetting to mention this: in episode 4x10, during one of the flashback scenes (around 19:35 in your reaction), Hange's speech ending with, "Isn't that what we Scouts do?" is almost word for word the same thing Erwin said to them in 3x12, before they left for Shiganshina. I just thought you might appreciate that. You even praised her words in 4x10, all without realizing they were basically Erwin's. Your appreciation for his character is so consistent. :)


My favorite episode of Season 4 probably, can't wait for your reaction to Sasha's dad's speech about the forest

Maia Brodsky

If Zeke killed so many people to save Eldia, he's a lot like Eren Kruger in that sense. Kruger killed or transformed (wow, same as Zeke) so many Eldians because he thought it was to save Eldia. I'm not trying to say they're similar in personality, but parallels can certainly be drawn between their methods.


The true Hero of AOT you've been waiting for has finally arrived: Sasha's dad. They just keep making her death worse and worse, don't they...


But at least Sasha's dad is the GOAT and doesn't let his daughters death cause him to become hateful towards a child. He goes to try and end the cycle with compassion, he's a real one Edit: I accidentally posted this without replying to you so this is a repost


THIS IS THE EPISODE I ACCIDENTALLY SPOILED MYSELF ON BY WATCHING A RANDOM VIDEO ABOUT INTELLIGENT TITANS i didn't know this was gonna be explained cuz i hadn't thought about it in ages and to have stopped an ep before it oh my god i was....there's so many words i can use but none of them can encompass my annoyance the amount of times i lost my mind during this ep CUZ NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING AND IT JUST KEPT GETTING WORSE i had to keep pausing cuz i just could not even fathom how bad it was gonna get


Haha my memory is so bad it's hard for me to keep track of things sometimes. But I'm glad I'm at least consistent in my beliefs... or maybe I'm too consistent hmmmm


My t-shirt says adult on it, coincidentally. I realized later that was appropriate for the episode where an adult finally shows up lmao


I'm still waiting to learn Zeke's total plan but so far it seems that there's a thematic or ideological parallel between them, which is something like the ends justify the means. Zeke strikes me as being a little more callous about it though.

Maia Brodsky

I think the Levi scene in up on the tree branch is actually the first time we've seen Levi have regrets since, well, 'No Regrets'. My heart aches for him.


All Mr Braus does is spit facts. He only has like 10 minutes of screentime but he has a huge presence in the show, from his first appearance schooling Sasha about how giving up their way of life is a small price if its necessary to save people to now where he is one of the few characters who sees right through to the core of this war.


Eren is looking absolutely dead in the eyes


Falco all about the SIMP life

Maia Brodsky

I think you missed the part in the beginning of this episode where it explains that Zeke can only turn people into titans once they've somehow consumed or inhaled his spinal fluid.

Paris Hardy

My God you continue to be a breath of fresh air in your discussions & analysis of the series! Thank you ! 🙏🏿


Gordan Ramsey attacks a small child with a bottle of wine.


Sadly, Sasha's last words being Niccolo is just a fan theory that was debunked years ago. The original Japanese raw chapters had the kanji character for meat (肉) "Niku" in her text bubble. Moreover, there is a clear difference in how Niku and the "Niko" of Niccolo is pronounced in Japanese that can be easy to miss if you don't speak the language.

Aura Y

In my interpretation, I think this episode represents what the underlying message and themes of the show: "The world is full of cruelty and hate, but it is our responsibility to take the steps that will enact positive change towards the world we actually want." Mr. Braus is choosing to break the cycle that his daughter and Gabi contributed to. I'm sure it hurts him that his daughter is gone, but he doesn't want Gabi or Falco to suffer for it either. I loved this episode for how it handled such a challenging topic, just so emotionally intelligent in so many moments. Although it hurt to see, I think the moment when Kaya attempted to kill Gabi was brilliant as well. She was the one who extended her hand to help them. A person who was so mature and composed two episode ago loses rationality when hate and vengeance take over... it's heartbreaking and powerful.


Basically, if you ingest Zeke's spinal fluid (through gas, injection, or consumption), and if he yells, you get turned into a titan. There's seemingly no way to block this effect. Once he yells, you get turned. This is something he did in episode 4x1.

Fabiola Macias

Oof the genuine look of terror on your face when Kaya charged at Gabi…..great reaction lol

Purple Dawn

What show are you going to react to after you finish what's available for AOT?


I really like Floch's character arc. He's not just a loathsome little scum bug, he's a loathsome little scum bug with clear motive. Floch always felt weak, and joined the Scouts thinking he could become something better. Be stronger, be a hero. What he got was horror and misery, alongside a cruel reminder from the universe that he is worthless and pathetic and lacks control. Dumb luck saved him, and even his sole contribution (bringing Erwin to Levi) amounted to nothing. Then comes this little revolutionary cult. Floch has finally found a place where he feels like a big man. Powerful and in control. But he hasn't changed. He hasn't grown stronger, not one bit. A chillingly accurate portrayal of how "normal" people can be seduced by the promises of fanatics.

a. tree

I forgot just how visceral the moment of Kaya lunging at Gabi with the knife is until I saw the absolute terror on your face in this reaction. That moment, is one of the saddest moments in the show for me and it doesn't require a single drop of blood to be spilled. Just after Mr. Braus perfectly lays out how this cycle of pain and violence perpetrates itself and the importance of protecting the younger generations from it, Kaya herself is fueled by her rage and grief — brought on by Gabi, another child who was molded into a vector of this exact cycle — to for a split second, become a murderer (read: someone who is willing and capable to commit murder). When Kaya's parents are crying and wailing alongside her, it's not only the reignited grief and pain of Sasha's death that they're feeling. They just watched in real time as this horrible, cyclical conflict permanently erased a part of their daughter's innocence. A literal demonstration of the ways in which this war influences the children raised within it for the worse and drags them down. While this scene as well as the previous episode featuring Gabi and Kaya parallels the two, Kaya has one thing that Gabi has never had: adult role models who can guide her through the pain that this world inflicts in a way that, at least a little bit, protects her from being corrupted and into just another contributor to that pain. Kaya has Mikasa to stop her from striking that blow where I can imagine someone like Porco might not. She has her family to comfort and guide her where the Braun parents can't seem to see Gabi and Reiner as actual children. Every role model in Gabi's life either has bought too far in to the ideology that causes this cyclical harm (Karina Braun), or has a vested interest in making sure that she does (Magath), or wishes to shield her from this but can only do so much without putting themselves or Gabi in danger (Reiner). As a result, everyone in her life is pushing, or guiding, or at least letting Gabi follow them into this "forest." And what that results in is exactly this scene. Gabi has to learn the hard way where this ideology of vengeance gets you — she hurts other people and only later is able to fully realize the pain that she's caused, by coming directly face to face with it (and in a way that hurts people she cares about). So Gabi, Kaya, and Niccolo are all sort of in the same place. "What have I done? And what is the best thing that I can do next?


Every scene that Kaya is in I burst into tears. The one where she's talking about her mom to Gabi and Falco and the scene in this episode where she's crying always get me. Her voice actor is amazing ugh I'm getting misty eyed just watching it again. This is definitely one of my favorite episodes of season 4 the way different story lines meet up is so satisfying and tragic. I was on edge the whole episode waiting for the shoe to drop because there were just too many people that loved Sasha in one room with Gabi. Also I know Floch is supposed to represent the audience and he's well written and whatever, but I still hate him :/. I can't help it he's just so ahhhh.


That is why I joined his patreon. He not only reacts but responds to what he just reacted to. Other reactors just react. Goodwin goes deeper.


Can't put thoughts into words today so... great reaction. I like the way you think.


The episode that blessed us with the best Floch meme face.

Craig Stanley

This is my favorite episode of the season.


I like that interpretation a lot as you might imagine :D The Kaya moment cuts deep but makes sense. Everyone in the room has suffered and it's all anyone can do from just giving in to all their worst thoughts. I'm just relieved that Mikasa was there at least.


I have a few frontrunners in my mind but haven't totally decided, but I will soon.


Sweaterlord's really been phoning it in lately, it's gotta be said. Step it up, Sweaterlord.

a. tree

I'm conflicted on this because I can't reallllly read him in this scene, but I'm not entirely sure if Levi necessarily regrets trusting in Eren all those years ago. That was my initial reading and one direction that I feel that his words could be going in, that he feels like because Eren has changed in this way it makes all of his trust and the choices he's made and the deaths worthless. Another potential interpretation is not that he does, but that he *will* regret it if he trusted in Eren all this time all for Pixis to have him executed in the end. Which is why he says they should have Zeke eaten as a first resort rather than Eren. Not that Levi approves of Eren's actions, but that he's still holding out hope that the Scouts' decision to put faith Eren all those years ago will have some positive payoff beyond the current circumstances, if they just investigate what's going on a little more while putting a pin in whatever the Yeagerists doing at the moment and try to set Eren straight, rather than just writing him off altogether. Levi wants to know if all of the choices he's made and what those have lead up to were the 'right choice,' and I'm not sure whether he's making that judgement call in this moment, versus keeping faith alive that if he holds out just a little longer on this path, he will be able to say he made the right choices and believed in the right people in the end. Sort of reminds me of a gambler debating whether to double down or call his losses... Levi it seems is asking himself: "Is now really the time to give up on Eren? What does it mean for me and all my choices if it is?" And this is really interesting for me because at this point, I sort of see Eren as a lost cause, but this scene with Levi seems to suggest that, if Levi isn't sure of this yet, there may be some argument to have hope.

Keegan Brakhage

zeke can not turn people into titans unless they have had his spinal fluid. it's different functionally from the injections that turn people into titans as soonas they are injected. people who ingest zeke's spinal fluid or are gassed with it can be turned into titans that zeke can control


What do you think now about crackers info card?

a. tree

This show... it throws all this intensity at us and then laughs in our face while we try to digest it all by giving us these random mid-roll cards about foods and drinks


Update: First off it's been great to see your 180 towards Mikasa's character. I remember a few seasons ago you mentioned how she was one of the people you were hoping would get development, and while it takes much longer, she finally is getting that treatment in a very huge way narrative wise Secondly, this is probably my favorite episode of AOT because it incorporates all of the best elements (except for maybe huge action scenes) This episode provides the argument that the world is cruel, it provides a potent counter argument to that with Mr Braus, it has plot twists and character growth, full circles all around, furthers the plot, great music, gives thoughtful and nuanced perspective from multiple characters, gives us a cautionary message about cycles and finally has most of the main cast meet back up. Those pretty much tick all of my boxes, I instantly loved this episode lol. I especially got a lot of FMAB vibes, with Scar parallels.


Part 2: Never seen you as freaked out as you were when Kaya ran to stab Gabi. That moment is gut punching, considering how she literally helped Gabi these last few episodes and even understood Gabi's perspective. But grief is a powerful thing, it's tragic but understandable why she's instantly hateful towards Gabi. And the plot twist train keeps a rollin as Eren Jaeger/Yeager shows up. I still can't get over how well they did his character transition in the 4 year timeskip. and finally, as a closing statement: Mr Braus is the true hero of AOT


I think this episode was great and your reaction was as good as I knew it would be. To me personally this episode once again brought the direction like you said to the cycle of hate the look on every one face as Gabi Called Sasha a Devil and claimed that Niccolo was somehow bewitched by her. Their faces were not of anger or hate but of pity. Like she is a broken tool or toy. And again to me personally highlights the injustice and inhumanity Marley has done to this poor girl. I hated Gabi but it was this episode that really brought me to the conclusion to pity her and realization that Gabi is not at fault she is just again a product of Marley and their inhuman policies against the elidan people.


Just like Sasha with Nicolo's cooking, you have good taste


God I detest Floch so much but he’s such a well written character


(off topic) but you've inspired me to want to start a reaction channel and was curious to see if you have any advice to a uppen-commer :)


I had trouble breathing normally during this episode, that's what 3 seasons of build up will do to you when watching some people yell in a restaurant.


When I saw Sasha's dad in season 2, I wished Alex would see him in this episode. Here we are!


Falco is extremely perceptive and reasonable. He immediately realized that Nicolo is not happy about Sasha's death. He caught on quite quickly. He is so young as well. Gabi on the other hand....is something else. lol The way Zeke power works is that those who have consumed his spinal fluid turn into turns when he lets out his scream. Hence why the village was sprayed his spinal fluid so the villagers ingest his spinal fluid through the gas and then turn everyone into titans with just a scream. Zeke lied about his spinal fluid freezing Eldians. This way they wouldn't suspect the wine because no one froze up when they drank it. I realised what God is! God = Erwin's leadership, Armin's intelligence, Levi's strength, and Hange's unorthodoxy.


The irony is that Marley treats Eldians the best compared to the rest of the world.


I don't think Floch represents the audience as a whole. He does however definitely represent many members of the audience.


One of my all-time favorite episodes for two reasons: Nicolos' speech. The voice-acting was just so on point, and the words really hit you where it hurts. For me it was the most powerful moment. Second reason was Mr. Braus' speech. Not just his words, but saying those words as Sasha's father made it all the more powerful. It was just so much more impactful than if, for example, Hange would have said them.

Santos Luna Ramirez

“Nobody wants this. 🔪 “. The Internet: welll……..


Great reaction to an amazing episode! Thank you! One thing on the Zeke spinal fluid: I think you didn't completely connect the opening scene/flashback of the episode to what is happening right now. It was indeed Conny's village where Zeke and Marley soldiers attacked them with gas containing Zeke's spinal fluid, which allowed those people to be turned into titans via Zeke's scream. However, it seems like the gas contained more than just the spinal fluid and maybe that's what made the people in the village freeze up. The high ranking officers who drank the wine though did not freeze up and don't know that they are now connected to Zeke and at the mercy of his scream. With this knowledge, we now know that Zeke's scream cannot turn random Eldians into titans, but only the ones connected to him. That happens via the "paths" that connect all Eldians and the coordinate, as he mentioned.

Derrick C. Shields

I'd always figured the townspeople collapsing was just part of a visual representation of Zeke's story, fictional parts and all. But I guess it does make sense that if you're gonna flood a hamlet with gas, you don't want the soon-to-be titans running off to unknown areas.


That's awesome! A couple things come to mind: 1. See it as a process and take it step by step. No 1 day or 1 video matters as much as the whole process. 2. It takes time, and the best way forward is to be consistent and experiment as you go. 3. There's a lot of focus on subscribers on YouTube but views are way more important IMHO. So one strategy is to think about what has high search volume and target that. Hope that's helpful. Good luck !


I'm not quite done with the episode yet but I do have to point out that they really are literal child soldiers, though. Complete with kills under their belts. They *are* dangerous. A Marleyan soldier understands how dangerous and rigorously trained Warrior candidates are. Yes, they're still kids and hitting kids is iffy, but these are also soldiers with whom he's been on battlefields. We already know what happens to people who underestimate Gabi as just a kid in these tense situations. It doesn't seem to ever end well for them. So I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, punching kids is terrible and Falco is too precious to be taking the hits like this, especially for an unrepentant Gabi but also... they really are dangerous, killers, infiltrators, and they'll do it again if they have to.

Dominic Caciappo

So glad to be back! can't wait to binge all of the AOT and MHA episodes. super excited for invincible, lets go.

Jordan Runner

I actually think there’s an interesting thought to be had here about sacrificing lives. Zeke sacrificed countless Eldians for the sake of his goal, and he did so maliciously and with no guilt or regard for them as people. Erwin “sacrificed” Eldians too by sending them to die and risking the lives of townspeople fighting for his own cause, but he did so with immense guilt and constant self reflection about whether those sacrifices would be worth it. You know Zeke is wrong because he never questions if what he did was right, but Erwin always questioned himself, and that’s how you knew he was genuine (but then again, who gets to decide? ;P). Where does Eren fall on the spectrum? I definitely don’t think he’s as merciless and uncaring as Zeke; after all, he’s fought his whole life for the survival of Eldians, and hates watching them die for his sake (thinking back to his argument with Levi during the female titan arc). But when it comes to the Marleyans who died in his raid, I’m curious how far that compassion extends. I haven’t read the manga so I wouldn’t know (and don’t want to), but there’s part of me that thinks Eren wasn’t completely soulless and uncaring about the civilians he killed. He puts up that cold front to the scouts, but he admits to Reiner and Falco that there are good people among the Marleyans too. In saying he is just like Reiner, I think Eren is saying that though he doesn’t want to sacrifice the lives of innocent people, he will if he believes it’s the only way to protect the ones he actually cares about (and he does believe that, because unlike Armin or Hange, he’s not capable of thinking up a better alternative. The path he’s following now is the only answer he can come up with, since fighting is all he’s ever lived and done). Reiner and the warriors chose themselves and their families in Marley when they attacked the walls, and it broke them to watch their victims die. Eren also chose himself and his loved ones at the expense of the “other side,” and unsurprisingly he seems to be near broken too. Though it’s in a twisted way, I think it’s remarkable how Erens character goes from despising Reiner and Bertolt as atrocious mass killers, to empathizing with and understanding their perspective, since he realizes that he is no better than them and would have done the same thing if put in their situation. Zeke and Erwin think a lot more big picture but in opposite ways, while Reiner and Eren are both seemingly somewhere down the middle. But regardless of who it is, people (usually Eldians) die. There are a lot of parallels between Erwin and Eren, but I think the clearest distinction is in what they are willing to lose. Erwin was willing to sacrifice his own people and soldiers if it meant doing what’s right, but Eren absolutely refuses to sacrifice his own people (or at least tries his best to mitigate it), and willingly becomes a villain if it means achieving that. Erwin was absolutely selfless but also took on the greatest amount of losses to his own side; meanwhile though Erens motivation is totally selfish, it also keeps way more of the ones he’s trying to protect alive. It’s like, what do you prioritize more, being righteous or keeping as many alive as you can, no matter what acts you have to commit? This is also where I think Armin comes in: as he can do both. Eren himself says in season three that the one to save humanity isn’t him or the commander, it’s Armin. And Armin proves this with his sacrifice in shiganshina, managing to both keep as many scouts alive as possible AND achieve victory without succumbing to cruelty. And that took the biggest, most selfless sacrifice of all: giving his own life. Whew, I’m telling ya man, Armin has just got the stuff. He’s the perfect synthesis of idealism and pragmatism. While Erwin and Eren both charge forward in their own ways to achieve what they can with their incomplete plans/motives (not for lack of trying, mind you), Armin has the opposite problem. He’s someone who, Like Aang in Avatar, has the capacity to find a better solution to all the violence, but he often lacks the means to implement it or the terrifying resolve that Eren and Erwin possess to bring it about. Then there’s Levi, who’s so compassionate it arguably makes things worse for him, as he’s seemingly always the one losing the most people he cares about. But that’s what I think is beautiful about Levi: that no matter how much cruelty and having to kill his own comrades Isayama throws at him, his compassion remains. This in turn makes characters like Eren even more intriguing for how staunchly anti-heroic he is, which I think was an incredibly bold direction to take the character for how much he stands out against the rest of the main cast. But I digress. Every character in this show is just so many levels of interesting and nuanced, and I can’t help but love them all regardless of if they are [good] or [bad] (except Zeke), because they all feel convincing in the paths they follow. TLDR, Zeke is on the worst end of the cruelty spectrum and Armin is at the best end (cause he’s a chad), while everyone else is in-between.