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In My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 16 Hero Killer Stain vs. UA, the gang discovers bloodbending.


MHA 2x16 Extended

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Your descriptions of the episode at the bottom always makes me laugh 😂

Aura Y

I think Todoroki's arc has definitely been one of the most impactful so far. In the span of 10-ish episodes, he's already experienced such a shift in perspective. He's put in the work and he's in a better place because of it!


There’s so many little things that happen in this episode to reflect and parallel things, it’s great. Iida did show up wanting to kill stain, and had no regard for the other hero in danger, stain isn’t wrong wrong he says he was far from being a hero in that moment. Parallel that with Deku showing up with only the intent to save his friend, and him immediately identifying the other person that needs to be rescued, it’s no wonder stain could identify dekus heroism.


Yo what Youtube workout series do you exercise along to? Been looking for one. When you said you "did them on youtube" I thought you were actually making workout videos. Got pretty hype.


bloodbending? YEAH PRETTY MUCH oh my god ok when i first watched this i thought bloodcurdle was the neatest fucking quirk i'd ever heard of cuz it was so unique now that i'm a little older and have had some distance from the series _and am now seeing it be compared to blood bending_ I realize its not AS cool as i originally thought its just extremely unique but god the character development for todoroki to just be actively using his fireside?! makes me so fricken happy and excited!


Stains ideologically is very black and white if you aren’t a hero who’s 100% selfless, if you’re in it for money, fame or popularity you are no hero in his eyes your just a false idol who is murking up the waters in the world of heros and villians


Plus, everything we've seen about Iida's brother has been pretty amazing. To be fair, that's through Iida's eyes, so maybe there's a darker side we don't know, but for the most part he seems like a great guy. Stain isn't completely WRONG about the fact that there are a lot of pro "heroes" who aren't very heroic, but even if he had completely noble intentions, there are too many factors for one person to play judge, jury, and executioner with limited information.


How do you even discover you have that quirk??? 😂 How many things did he try before he was like "Fuck it I'll try drinking blood see if that does anything" Actually now that I think about it if he licks his own wounds and it does the same thing that's actually a pretty normal way to discover that

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

We lean later (in the manga but I’ll be vague), with another character with a blood related quirk (u know who) that it’s like an Instinct, they’re drawn to do this with animals and stuff


I think one aspect of Tenya's brother is that he became a hero not so much to do good, but because it was expected of him


oh yeah that guy, poor Native, everyone seems to forget about him. Also I thought you'd mentioned that the "normal" fish guy is a waterbender xD


I wonder what criteria Stain used to judge Ingenium... Granted it was mostly from Iida's biased view, but he seemed to be a stand up hero and man. Even got Goodwin fanboying lol

Derrick C. Shields

I mean, Stain's ideals seem to have been warped by the totality of hero culture, yet at the same time calcified by it. He seems to judge people based on a few moments of meeting and based on later dialogue, doesn't believe a person who made a bad decision can change. It wouldn't surprise me if Ingenium said something relatively innocuous that just set off Stain's targeting computer: "that's what greedy, hedonistic heroes do/say/think! No spine for you!"


I mean that's incorrect, Todoroki wanted forgiveness for not seeing her for like the past decade, essentially feeling like he abandoned her as he stated when he first went to visit. So in turn he NEEDS his mom's forgiveness for his own sake on that score. Again I really am a bit disquieted how much you're glossing over mental illness a trauma when it comes to the relationship with his mother and why Todoroki wouldn't be understanding especially when his mom has obviously still been in the hospital for years indicating she's still mentally damaged even now.

Aura Y

I certainly think that Todoroki feels like he needs to redeem himself, but from an outsider, I personally don't think Todoroki did anything wrong. He's a teenager who experienced abuse unfortunately from BOTH parents (even if unintentionally by his mother). He may WANT to be forgiven, but I don't think he should blame himself. Yes, his mother has experienced severe trauma as well. I think her mental health should be considered, and hopefully the hospital is providing proper care and therapy. I could be misunderstanding your perspective here, so I apologize if I am.


What you were saying there near the end about stepping back from a relationship or something and returning to it with a new perspective after confronting the internal issues that may have been causing the toxicity and all of that, I think I understand what you mean by that. However if you could provide an example of this that happened in your life to further cement what you are saying in my mind, I would greatly appreciate that because I see and feel a lot of value from what you were saying there.


Looks like someone forgot to upload AoT today lol. At least I hope it's just you forgot and nothing serious happened.


He's probably editing and exporting it if anything. Schedule is weird at the moment he's said. It comes when it comes y'know?


Yes! The way this story coalesces different elements to weave an immaculately accurate portrayal or strong forces in reality (both good and bad) is what keeps this show at a top favorite for me, even with some not so desirable elements.. *cough* minuto *cough*


That being said, the fact that the kind of character that behaves in such a way gets frequently punished, and is shown to be as an actual baby while also giving him some "redeemable/respectful" is admirable since you don't want to keep someone from growing even if they have questionable views... You want to see them grow out of it I suppose


is AOT 4x8 coming today?

Jake White

Sorry this is unrelated but are you still uploading AOT tonight?


Klondike bar guy’s going to be livid


So you mean to say that we must revel in the dark?