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00:00 - Intro

01:38 - Things you've noticed from the ATLA rewatch?

04:28 - Rewatch of Code Geass?

04:56 - Teachable moments or lessons from MHA / ATLA?

14:42 - Advice for a young person making a dramatic life change?

16:40 - Other rewatches? Midnight Gospel rewatch?

17:17 - If you could be any type of animal what would you be?

17:44 - What does your family think about content creation?

19:34 - Travel vlogging again?

20:11 - Plans for the future of the channel?

24:31 - Would you travel to South America?

25:30 - Traits of your viewers that you appreciate?

26:56 - How have you changed since you were a teen? Important changes in perspective?

34:35 - Favorite relationships in AOT?

35:47 - What is your cat's name? ft. my cat

36:19 - Thoughts on living in China / an unfamiliar country? 

39:20 - Thoughts on the Great Chinese firewall?

40:27 - What is your attachment style?

44:11 - Thoughts on John Cena's apology / Taiwan



Watch "MAY Q&A" on Streamable.



oh wait where were we supposed to ask the questions I think I missed it 😭 but thanks for the update anyways!!!


Funnily enough I still need to watch the April update, which is long overdue lol edit: I didn't mean to reply to this comment but you know what it's fine


OMG please rewatch CODE GEASS after ATLA rewatch!! That show is AMAZING, one of my favorite anime

Nikki Pierre

This was so great to hear, especially the more personal bits! I love how you think and appreciate your openness. I'd also totally date you for the record, so you're right not to be worried about future prospects haha


Same here haha I would date Alex in a beat. To bad I live in Brazil


I would love a Geass Rewatch as well, since when I watched I too was in high school. And, as most people around the world already know this mantra, I could not leave a comment and no say #COMETOBRAZIL


a fruit saga rewatch maybe? :D


I asked what you caught this time around, and ended up learning something new as well! Thanks for the great content


Haha sorry man, there was no hidden meaning or reference to my question. I was trying to be cheeky and set it up like it was going to be a very loaded question, only to make it light-hearted at the end. I honestly never expected you to be so open about your life in general. In retrospect a wasted opportunity to get your view on things. I'll make it a more serious one next time, and in the mean time I'll appreciate all the other questions and answers. Thanks for your answer nonetheless, I was genuinely curious. Peace!

R'Mani Leavell

Honestly forgot this video never was made for this month. Couldn't have come at a better time though. I need Goodwin content to hold me over while I wait for the next couple of episodes of AOT coming this week


Hello Goodwin! I’m relatively new to this channel, and after watching this QnA, I feel even more grateful for the wisdom/positivity/humbleness and the perspectives you share! I think perspectives are so important and impactful. It impacts mindset, attraction and daily living. people all have different ones, so it’s powerful to share one’s perspective cuz it may be influential and life-changing to others. Which is how I feel listening to your perspective. Maybe I can apply some to myself. What caught my interest was the Reiner reveal scene, I watched many reactions but only your first reaction was they should talk this through instead of immediately using violence, reiner’s on the opposite side but he’s not a bad guy, it’s misunderstanding and ignorance in their way. That was new for me cuz I always thought their fight was totally normal and supposed to happen. The essay idea is great, your commentary is rich like long posts from Reddit or Tumblr. So it’d be neat and valued to assemble your commentary into written form!


China? Don't you mean East Taiwan? /s


Hello Ceige! Thank you for saying so :D I hope that I can put something of some usefulness together eventually

Dominic Caciappo

I connected big time with you on dealing with relationship break ups. I had a break up that ruined a good 4-5 years of my life with a lot of substance abuse and a whole shit ton of regret and guilt, I fixed my life - and finally entered a relationship for the first time about a year ago, however we recently temporarily split up, so I have been a nervous wreck about how I am dealing with it.


So with the last two questions. I think with the first question to help you understand the attachment style theories more you can take a quiz here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/tests/relationships/relationship-attachment-style-test The attachment style theory bases its ideas on how your relationship with your parents growing up determines what type of relationship you will have with your partner. Only if you have time (seeing as you are busy). It is not a big deal. With 2nd question. The reason why I am into the discussion about China and Taiwan is that I find it so strange that Taiwan has its own government, own military, institutions, and economy. Also, Over 50% of Taiwanese favor de jure sovereign state, less than 13% support unification with China. So to me, it seems clear that Taiwan checks all the boxes of an independent state. However, I am ignorant of history of China so all my info is what is happening now. The situation in Hong Kong seems concerning as there is no freedom of expression or speech left for citizens to make up their own mind. Plus I live in Australia and we are in conflict with China economically. Our natural resources and wines etc have been impacted due to that. Another thing is that China has control of many things in Australia such as ports and land. Australia finally woke up to this major issue. It really sucks because I find China fascinating and wouldn't mind living there for a bit and learn Mandarin! Might learn Cantonese instead hehe. Taiwan and South Korea are probably my focus of interest, to be honest. The writing system of South Korea I heard is very easy to learn.


DUDE! I kinda figured you would have been told you don't give enough attention. I don't know why but you just seem like that. That is why I asked you about the attachment style question HAHAHAHAHAHHA! This brings me to your Love Languages! There are 5 love languages and people have either one of the 5 or a combination of some of the 5. I will ask you that in the next Q&A eheh The reason why people don't feel your feelings for them is (well according to what I have learned) is due their love language being different to yours. It can get more complicated than that though.

Soren Monroe

glad i finally got around to watching this, and very happy i got to see the cat for the last time lol

Soren Monroe

hearing u say interest will positively influence ur experience in traveling to other countries makes me feel much more excited for my future trips (and time living) abroad because i have the same experience of people like telling me to chill about it lol i’m just so excited about so many places. traveling and living other places (and specific places i have in mind) is definitely one of the most if not the most important thing i want out of life


man i would LOVE to see you put out official goodwin channel merch!! and if you ever need someone to design t-shirt art or a logo or whatever, i’m ya girl 👍


A deep dive/review of shows from you would be great! If you need a specific direction to go with the thesis type video, just a thought is you could take one theme that permeates the show and stick with that? Or even the journey of one character. I'm really loving all your character analysis from MHA right now especially. The show really puts a lot of love into characterization and it's great to see you pick up on it all so easily


Levi and Erwin are definitely my fave couple for real

Leander Leveringhaus

Just as you said: The thing to learn from Erwin is him having set principles. Just sitting down and thinking about your principles or the virtues you have can be quite powerful. From my experience a lot of people dont do that. They are heavily influenced by the situation they are in and what is socialy accepted. We often think that positive or negative actions stem from the corresponding traits a person has. Although the situation is a much better predictor when it comes to explaining behavior of others. This is called the fundamental attribution error. So I think having clear, fundamental principles is a rare thing. I think you can often find this strongly principled individuals in very religous people. (If that comes from a strong inner will or the pressure the religion puts upon you is up for discussion) For me it often seems as though these religous virtues are very rigid and unflexible which can lead to situations in which you harm or restrict others. (not accepting gay marriage, wars fought over religion). Thats why I think having a set of basic principles is good but sticking to them no matter what in our incredibly diverse world is not.


I enjoyed this Q&A, I feel like it had more variety in topics than normal.


Really great Q&A, I loved your deep-dive into Erwin in this one!!

Nick Deano

Hay dude, I appreciate the advice and will definitely keep in touch. I am totally down for a "meditations of Alex Goodwin" I would love those videos/essays. I recommend sage rain or raszbuten on YouTube to look at some really well constructed idea driven video essays.

Christian Medeiros

Jeeeez, 5 years. I just hit 5 years as well and have a sort of similar feeling of knowing I've done pretty well and would not feel guilty about not doing enough or being good enough. I don't know how comfortable you are with answering but what was the vague/general reason behind the breakup? I have a fear of becoming stagnant whether it's myself, my partner or the relationship. I'm wondering if that's sort of what happened with you.