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In classic "when it rains it pours" fashion, there are internet outages where I am, so I will either have to delay MHA to late tonight or tomorrow.

Sorry for this latest among several problems recently. The wrinkles will all be smoothed out when I'm in a more stable situation next week!



“...she like the way I rrr”


Spoil your reaction right here lol

R'Mani Leavell

I’m loving the avatar quotes 😂


it's okay don't worry hope your trip is going well!!


It’s all good! You’ve been so consistent for so long. Whenever you can upload we’ll be here :D

Chaz Finch

As long as your stable is a barn full of horses I have no issues with this delay. But for real don't worry, we'll still be here when you get back, Patreon just took our money lmao. <3


I work the night shift, so I’m hoping for later tonight over tomorrow lol


Sorry you have to deal with that! all good it will come when it comes

William Abbott

I am hoping for tonight I work tomorrow:/


take care my dude!


Don't worry about it. You can't control the internet. Hope you have a good night!