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In Attack on Titan episode 3x11, Bystander, Keith Shadis becomes the chosen one through heroic actions such as yelling at women and babies, sabotaging his own unit, giving up, and failing. 


AOT 3x11 Extended.mp4



I like how they went back and Gabe more character to Shadis


Lol Hanji screaming "Say hello to the executioner from hell!" in the thumbnail with your happy ass face is so good.


It's really nice to see more of Erens mom and a bit more of his father. The slow build up to to answers is great but it was painful waiting as it aired. I still remember googling "AOT season 2 confirmed" for like two years everyday after I finished season 1 lol.


Cannot wait until next episode :0

Aaron Ong

I've been waiting for this episode (like pretty much every episode) because, not only is it a good one for character insight, and pointing out some foreshadowing, but someone made a joke about it back during the Levi OVA that killed me. You'd asked who the Commander was before Erwin, and someone in the comments said "No one special", and I lost it. Been waiting to mention this to you for a little bit lmao Anywho, time to watch the video. I can't wait to see what you think. Some people say this episode is filler, but I completely disagree.


"He's still the Eren I've come to know... and know..." lmao

Aura Y

This is one of my favorite episodes this season just because it gives so much insight into a character that we only had such a short time knowing from season 1. I agree that people shouldn't simply labeled into the binary of special vs not; it's a very sad story for Shadis, even if self-inflicted. However, I think one of the most beautiful lines in the whole show came from Carla: "He's already special, just because he was born into this world." I'm not sure why it resonates with me so much, but it's a poetic contrast to the dark world and themes of the show.

Francesca White

Carla's speech at the end always sticks out to me, even though it's a very simple sentiment i think it's really important, especially for characters like Eren and Keith Shadis


when you can't relate to Shadis because you're the main character also; i love how eren looks exactly like his mom also pt ii. the reckoning; Shadis doesn't realize he trained the most important people in the world?? doesn't that make him pretty special?

Carlos Salazar

Alex blaming my boy Jean John when it was Shadis. All the Grisha's "my special son" and Carla's "he is already special because he was born into this world" blew my mind after "that episode"... I did remember it...


That monologue at the end was very accurate, I’ll iterate it again that personally your words have been tremendously helpful. Either when you articulate ideas that I haven’t been able to, or when you share new ones, whether I agree or disagree with them, the stuff you say is food for thought. Perhaps consider analysis videos on TV shows, a podcast or a book as a possible venture in the future!


Not sure if you thought of it this way, but the reason he sabotaged Eren's gear is possibly not rooted in bitterness. He might not have done it out of pettiness towards Eren like some reactors think, it could be that it was more like him trying to keep him alive for Carla's sake. Like he said after finding out Eren could handle his gear while it was broken, "I couldn't change anything." He also described how he thought if Eren left the walls, he would crash and burn. That doesn't make it much better, but still. In episode 3 of season 1 he also says something along the lines of "Grisha, your son is a soldier now" when Eren graduated training. So they have been foreshadowing this reveal since the beginning, like many things in Attack on Titan lmao. Edit: I had to edit this comment a lot because I initially said it was to uphold Carla's wishes, and I remembered she never asked him to take care of Eren. Got him mixed up with Hannes for a sec. Also really love your thoughts on Shadis' worldview and how it ultimately caused him to spiral. I have definitely been in spots where I almost fell down that rabbit hole of bitterness because I had personal hangups, it's a very real issue for sure. I think many other people can probably relate to that in some capacity.


just finished a dreadful assignment and saw this. feels like a completion reward haha

Arman Jasuja

I think this episode is really interesting. Not just as a character study of Shardis, but how the episode seems to be shifting Eren's viewpoint. To a large degree, in the beginning he shared some of Shardis's worldview about people needing to understand the outside world, and also by episode 7 seemed to be falling into the same hole of self-hatred. There's also an interesting theme that the show seems to be following, with the idea of someone being special just by birth. I don't know if you remember, but there was an early episode in the first season when Armin asked Eren why he desires to adventure outside the walls, and he replied it was because he was born into this world (this seems to be a pretty important theme with its reiteration at this point in the story and I think its really important when trying to understand Eren's character). This episode seems to be a reminder for Eren, that even if his viewpoint of what makes someone "special" changes, his innate early motivation is still there. I think it serves as a reminder to reboost his motivation, as he seemed to be spiralling down a similar path to Shadis, of inaction and a degree of self-hate. On a rewatch, this feels like not only a character study of Shadis, but also Eren himself and how he is changing through the course of this season.


Lmao that is great. This episode didn't feel like filler to me. I think I said something about the fact that as far as I can see it's not that revealing plotwise (although there are always things that I miss), but I think it explores some of the ideas of the show in a way I thought was interesting, while also giving some characterization for Grisha and Carla.


Excellent commentary on these themes!


It's a great line. And I think it's true that Eren is special from birth, as are we all. For me that's an important part of self identity: potential and sacredness that comes from being born human. And then the other part of that is conscious action to reach something like REALIZED potential. I think Carla is right, and though she has what might be considered (by people like Sadies) to have a much simpler outlook, it feels like she's thinking more clearly about what makes people valuable than he is.


I think she's right, and I think part of it is that she does not have this heady or judgemental view about others or how people rank when compared to each other. She just sees Eren as her son and that's worth more than the world Sadis has constructed for himself.


Lol that's a good point. Although in a way he partially blew that for himself too, because he sabotaged Eren who still succeeded. So how much of it was his training anyway and how much of it was just those kids being born "special" or whatever.


Carla in tihs episode: "He's already special because he was born into this world" Season 1 episode 12 when Eren lost control of his titan and finally get his motivation back Armin: "Why did you ever wanted to see the outside world?" Eren: "Why, you ask? Isn't it obvious? Because I was born into this world"


My first theory was Mikasa. And later I shifted it to Annie. I may have thrown Jean Jean out there too. But Shadis! Yet another example in this show where someone's shocked or disturbed facial expression turns out to be very important.


I agree. Just further evidence is Shadis telling Grisha that he's now burdening his son. "Are you going to curse someone else now?" I think on some level he wants to avoid putting Eren through the same pain that he went through as a Scout. And maybe it was to spite Grisha, in part, but maybe it's also for Carla's sake like you said.


Actually really agree. As someone who is just new to adulthood a lot of his takes are refreshing and give me a lot to think about. I feel like I have avoided falling victim to some problems since I started watching these videos by being a bit more aware of certain things. I don't know if anyone else can relate to that. It's encouraged me to re-evaluate certain beliefs and ways of thinking.


Eren and Marlo, kings of not realizing the women who are interested in them. And yeah, Shadis and Eren were kind of set up to fail by being told they were chosen ones by Grisha. But I really like how Eren's philosophy is shaped by both his mother and father who see things completely differently.


So hyped for S3 part 2 next week. I just rewatched the opening, and I think you'll be good to watch it after seeing the first 4 episodes. So if I've got the schedule straight in my head, that'd be the Thursday after next. As for the end credits scene next episode, I was and still am on team skip, since it's just a scene from later in the season that you'll get to anyway, but it's been talked to death so much at this point I can't bring myself to care about it too much. My only advice if you do watch it is not to think about or analyze it too much. I know of one reactor who watched it and picked it apart, and he was able to say with 100% accuracy what was going to happen. Anyway, can't wait to not talk about, or see people talk about the 3x12 end credits scene anymore after Saturday lol.

R'Mani Leavell

And there it is. You were wrong about Mikasa messing with Erens equipment, but that was a good guess. I think if it wasn't Keith, than I would've preferred it to be Mikasa... Actually I think I would rather it was Mikasa because that could've gave birth to some interesting conversations between Eren and Mikasa


I had a feeling that part of the significance of developing Shadis like this was both for the themes of the show and for Eren, but I couldn't quite put my finger on how or to what extent. Thanks for articulating that


It would actually make some sense, because if I recall correctly Mikasa didn't want him to join the scouts to begin with, but Eren always idolized them.


You’ve just met Floch (Orange hair, side character) that’s all.


I really like this episode I think Eren needed to hear that story from Keith. Just because Eren wasn't blessed with some gift to save humanity like he originally thought he is still important and needed. I feel like everyone thinks like Keith every once in a while where they don't feel like they can accomplish great things or that other people were just born special. Strangely, Keith being a "bystander" to all of this led to Eren returning safely, passing his scouting training, and learning about his father's past. He might not have directly created change by helping Eren but he had a part in a lot of change, like Erwin becoming Commander. I also really love Carla's sentiment about Eren being special just because he was born in this world. She really is the opposite perspective of Eren. As soon as Eren found out he wasn't supposed to be a titan (in the cave) he immediately thought he was useless and unimportant. The past few episodes he has been rethinking his place in the world and its really sweet that since the beginning Carla never cared who he would become or how much he would accomplish. She thinks he will always be special and it must have been really nice for Eren to hear that from his mom :')

Alex Begley

I absolutely love this episode even if it’s a bit of a simple step back from the high intensity of others. First off, Shadis is a very complex, flawed character who it’s easy to feel empathic for. His ego got a bit big (no thanks to Grisha haha) but it seemed like he always had a desire to help others and that the deaths of those under his command weighed on him. It’s funny that the crowd made such a point about how Erwin’s squad had zero casualties and that’s why he should be commander but we know now that as commander, Erwin has led many scouts to their deaths. It’s one of those things where that was never really the problem. Scouts are going to die under any commander it was just that Erwin was more calm, collected and in control, which made him a better fit to be a leader. Ultimately, Shadis recognized his mistakes and progressed but is still stuck in a negative state of mind with a lot more work to go. And that’s something I appreciate. Not everyone has it all together and we can’t always be in the best mindset but at least he is working towards and trying to be better as a person. Beyond him as a character though, Carla’s line about being special because you’re born into the world is my favorite from the series. The idea that every person holds value merely for existing, no matter what happens afterward, is so relaxing. No matter what happens in your life, you are no less valuable than someone else who has seemingly “done more” because it’s not a competition. Everyone is just trying their best, and some people pick it up quicker than others but if you keep working at it, something will come along in some form.

Alex Begley

Social media and YouTube have made it very easy for people (including myself which is why it resonates so much with me) to start believing others are special or better because they see them doing all these great things and having all this popularity or money or both. But that’s not everything and it’s usually not the entire truth either. Shadis was actually in a great position of power, the same exact spot that Erwin (who he and many others would probably call special) was in before him and was in complete shambles mentally. Too often we think that getting to those positions of power is what will make us whole or “special” but it’s not. Though I don’t think there is such thing as being special, I think what there is is being a fully realized, complete version of yourself. This is what people like Erwin or Levi actually are. They know themselves very well and let that guide them. And the thing is that anyone can do that in any position of life. You don’t need to be running a Fortune 500 company, have millions of subscribers on YouTube or be President of the United States. Everyone can bring value to themselves and others anywhere they are in life This got a bit long winded and overarching as usual from me haha But it was something I took and am still expounding upon from this episode and series. It’s personally much needed for myself as I think I find myself falling into Shadis’ mindset a lot


Of all the characters I relate to...Keith Shadis is the one I related to the most so far. The pain of reality can be quite long-lasting and transformative. Takes a lot of work to re build your self after being crushed the reality that you are 'not special'. I watch Dr K on his youtube channel called 'HealthyGamerGG'. He basically talks to streamers in a therapy setting and he also talks to non streamers. He is one of the best things to happen to Twitch and Youtube. He gets people to open up and in a way does therapy with them. I never knew how fascinating people can be until I started watching his videos. In many of his videos he talks about the 'humkara' which a more nuanced idea of the ego. What Shadis is suffering is the result of having an uncontrolled humkara. That is why he was also judgemental and binary. Dr K says that when you looked passed the humkara such as your identity, beliefs, judgements, expectations, your ideal self, status.... you are simply a being who exists and that is perfect already. He explains it a lloooooooooot better. He uses the idea of the humkara to help the individual people he talks to how their humkara is making them suffer. How our thoughts and feelings become us. In reality, we are separate from our thoughts and feelings. When we detach ourselves, we become enlightened because we are no longer held back by things like the humkara. I highly recommend you check him out. He gauges the fascinating aspects of every individual's life he talks to and helps them understand what their defensive mechanism is, what their ego is doing to them, how they were raised affects both positively and negatively. Quite amazing!

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

After credit gate is about to be solved next episode. What will he choose? Will it lead to war? (Just watch it honestly, there’s a bunch of flash images that are also really really interesting to Analyse but I get that you might not want to, although I honestly think if you form a theory based on the end credits then that’s not a spoiler, it just rewards your attention, which has its own gratification when watching the rest of season 3)


Also, where Shadis and I differ is that when I get jealous or envious of someone I support and help that someone even more. It is a way to tell my jealousy and envy to fuck off! Hahah! Shame Shadis didn't understand his own potential in being a greater mentor to the cadets. He could have done so much more if his ego didn't keep him down.

a. tree

From the start of this show I initially didn’t really like Eren/find him compelling as a character, but I loved his character arc starting over the course of Season 3. He’s in such a transitional period from the simple-minded angry teen he was for two seasons, and so I think it’s great that Eren went to see Shadis and hear his story at the point that he’s at right now. You’re right, Keith seems to be a bit of a cautionary tale here. because both he and Eren are facing the same type of dilemma about their role in the world, and have similar preconceived notions that they need to be “special.” For Eren, the question that he’s been repeatedly asking this whole arc has been some variation of “how can I be the savior of humanity if...?” How could he be humanity’s savior if he got the power because his father did this horrible thing? How, when he literally can’t fully use his power because of his bloodline? When he is, in his own words, a “useless brat?” Armin offered him his own answer which I talked about before that Eren sort of heard and ignored, but as the conclusion to Shadis’s story Carla actually gets to speak to Eren in a way and offer an answer that is more directly related to him. What’s interesting is Carla’s and Armin’s answers to Eren’s dilemma are sort of aligned? The idea that Armin had about the collectivity of “the soldiers atop the walls” points to the answer being that “a savior” is not what humanity needs. But what Carla is telling directly Eren is - you do not need to be a savior. Be who you are and do what you can in this life and that is all you need to be. Eren is sort of poisoned by this line of thinking that it’s all coming down on him and he needs to be this for humanity when really it’s all much bigger than him and he’s one piece in the puzzle. I really love when Shadis asks Grisha, “are you going to curse him too?” Because in a way, even if he didn’t say those same fateful words to Eren as he did to Keith, just by virtue of passing down the power, he sort of did curse him to that same line of thinking. That said, he’s getting out of it by asking the right questions to the right people, which is assuring.


I love this show, man. Everything always comes full circle.


I don't think he should watch the opening till episode 19, there is a very heavy spoiler of episode 18 in the opening.

a. tree

Floch! What a mild-mannered, friendly guy (even if he does have a kind of weird haircut)

Sharan Chakravarthy

This was a great reaction. A lot of what you said really hit home for me ie why the belief that oneself is special is misguided and doing things for the wrong reasons.


plsss watch ep 12 end credits!!!!!!


SPOILER if you haven't watched season four. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER the hosts of the titans will only live for 13 years after attaining their power. grisha was already near his death when he acquired the founding titan. and he isn't of the royal family so he can't use its power. Nor can eren. Not on his own anyway.

Jordan Runner



That sounds great. I'm guessing another benefit of that is you end up realizing that you also bring something unique and valuable to the relationship. I've had that experience where I'm somewhat threatened by someone but it turns into something complementary.


That's a great point about the curse line. I've been wondering about that. I agree that Eren has been much more interesting to watch. There's a lot going on with his character and I haven't quite figured it all out yet. He's being stripped down and there are better things arising in place of his old beliefs, but it still feels really volatile overall.


why? It doesn't give any spoilers away. All of the messages are hidden and mean nothing to the naked eye. I watched them when the season was airing (like many others) and wasn't spoiled.