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Erwin Smith.


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There's an Attack on Titan theme park in Universal Studios Japan, they totally missed the opportunity to make a Female Titan ropeswing ride lol!


If you are on season 2 don't watch OP until episode 8

Aaron Ong

No, the Season 2 OP has no spoilers. Don't mention which ones you think might


Don't lie to me... I know you've already binged the whole show and are just sitting on a stockpile of raw footage you have to edit.


That description is so deep, it really opened my mind xDD

Alex Begley

The vets are a lot more interesting at first but the cadets grow later on as one would expect lol I think most everyone in the show gets their time to shine


This guy has a bigger vendetta against Mikasa than Studio Mappa


Always look forward to these thank you! Not sure how far along you are in S1 but just a heads up there's a post credit scene after the last episode of this season!


Erwin's plan always bothered me, it only succeeded (momentarily) because they were monumentally lucky. No one had any idea that the female titan existed and the whole plan hinges on the fact that she does. If it was the colossal or armoured titans that showed up (the only other intelligent titans apart from Eren that they know for sure exist) the scouts would have been completely wiped out. Their plan to immobilize them with the harpoons wouldn't have been enough to stop the colossal titan and wouldn't have been able to penetrate the armoured titan. Erwin is a well written character but I hate him. He's the exact kind of person I would never follow IRL, I couldn't accept gambling so many lives on a hunch.




To be fair mikasa’s design in s4 by Mappa is based on the manga (I’m pretty sure) so blame Isayama lol


The lighthearted conversation about piss and then the immediate transition to a spy in the ranks taking out Gunther is crazy. This story is fantastic at showing how anything can go wrong And man I’m sure you’ve watched 21 and 22 by now (possibly even 23) but I can’t wait lol. Edit: Okay I’m watching the Q&A now and just noticed you mentioned you’re (probably) at episode 25 so you definitely know what I said in this comment rings true in the next few eps lol


Interesting take. Erwin is the exact type of leader and person I would give my life too. He's written to me as the ultimate leader figure. And what you call luck, others would call genius or intuition. If you've seen the No Regret's OVA's you'd see why incredible individuals would devote their lives to Erwin's cause. He's definitely a top 3 character in the show for me.


- Are they trying to free her or eat her? - Why not both?

Purple Dawn

The female titan definitely looks like someone, but I don't think it looks like Mikasa.


lol well all titan's kinda look like giant human monster things they all look like "someone"


Right now I've seen through 22. I'm watching through 25 in the next 2 days :) But yeah... that's how it goes. You think you've won, but no, you haven't.


All the regular titans are me, you can tell because they're all ugly as hell :')


I agree. I thought the show did a good job of giving everyone distinct facial features (vs the copy-paste-a-face some animated shows do)! So I had a hunch from the start because of one feature I noticed... But also my job involves remembering a lot of faces so maybe that's why? I'm still trying to figure out why some people are able to differentiate characters and others can't lol


Really enjoy the mandala shirt


Something that just struck me on this rewatch is that Erwin actually told all of the soldiers that there plan was to go take Wall Maria. Essentially, Erwin baited the Female Titan into thinking that was his actual plan. That is a 5D chess move if I ever saw one.


Holy shit you’re right. I never noticed that Another reason he’s the GOAT I also see people online sometimes saying Erwin shouldn’t have known there was a spy, but there are some pretty good explanations given. We already know he’s incredibly intuitive and observational, add on the suspicions he and Pyxis already had, and the deaths of Sawney and Bean (Hanji/Hange’s Titans) it makes sense that he’d make this move

a. tree

I always felt like Levi saying what he said about the soldiers giving their lives felt kind of... sarcastic? I'm not sure exactly what word to use to describe it other than it seemed like he was being very biting there. Like a "hey, I'm going to remind you just how many people you've killed, you better make sure this is all worth it" sort of deal. Levi and Erwin's dynamic is super interesting to me, because in a way their outlooks on sacrifice run almost to totally counter to each other, yet Levi has such great respect for the Commander.


And some people actually think it was luck. Dude is just playing 7D Chess in a different dimension than everybody else. Erwin is the true G O A T.


Fun fact about Erwin Smith, Isayama (the creator of AOT) said that he was inspired by the bodyguard that appeared in Paris Hilton’s music video, “Paris for President" and Captain America for the character design. The creator is super funny and has some hilarious facts about his characters he just makes up on interviews sometimes. He also sketches the voice actors as their character when they take pictures together! So there's drawings of Armin, Eren, Mikasa just hanging out and posing in a studio or hallway, it's pretty cool!


There is Mikasa in the thumbnail- another sign she is the female titan???!!!!!! Is Patreon trying to tell us something???


Lmao I just watched the video and I see it! Those eyebrows :0 Her policies aren't bad either

Aaron Ong

I don't know why, but I really love the scene where the spy tosses their flare gun and pulls out the blades. It is just such a quick and dramatic red flag that displays how they are not, in fact, rendezvousing with Levi, if it wasn't already apparent...


love the reaction