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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x49 Filial Affection, Hohenheim battles Pride with his hands in his pockets, with the help of Al, but will they win in time to save the forest?


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With this episode, the Promised Day finally arrives. And we get to see Hohenheim and Al be pretty cool. Awesome.


Sexiest outro ever.


You caught that automail right. Ed's arm needed three years of recovery, and he did it in one. Lan Fan's arm has been a little over six months. I bet that won't bit them in the ass. Also, didn't you recognize Sgt. Brosh? Maria Ross' partner?


Mind blowing


Dude--love the outro.


Getting fooled by Selim is nothing compared to finding out that Black Hayate and Madam Christmas are the real masterminds.


Okay so the one thing we’ve learned from this episode: not only can Hohenheim talk the talk, but he can also walk the walk I don’t know if that makes sense. What I mean is Hohenheim is a badass both in intimidation and action Edit: I also love how the YouTube description has consistently had that summary of FMAB being about them trying to fix their bodies with a philosophers stone. How far we’ve come lol. The main plot has evolved while still keeping that core motivation though


While everyone (rightly) praises Hohenheim for being badass, I wanna point out how scary and powerful Pride is as well. He not only fought Lan Fan, Greeling and Ed at the same time and was winning EASILY, but he was only able to be defeated because Al caused a distraction and held him back for a precious second that prevented Pride from simply cutting his way out of the dome Hohenheim was making.... and even then, Al had to basically sacrifice himself *and* Pride is only detained, not killed. That is one scary homunculus!

KJ Gaona

This isn't usually something I'd focus on, but what song was that at the end? I've heard that music before in an ad for a shitty romance rpg and suddenly, outside the context of that annoying ad, it sounds kinda nice. I also just wanna add that amidst the great moments in this show, one of the little things I always like seeing is sleepy characters reluctantly getting out of bed. It's just very relatable. No thematic significance or importance to the plot necessary. I just appreciate it.

KJ Gaona

He did, at the end he mentioned him by name. Part of what I love about Alex is that he does indeed remember and pay attention to so much!


It's from the YouTube audio library. I think it's called Golden. Recently I've noticed A LOT of ads, even on sites other than YouTube, frequently use YouTube's audio library music. It's actually a pretty good resource for that kind of thing. One weird side effect of making these videos is that I recognize these songs everywhere lol

Joey Joseph Jojoson

One small detail about Ed's hair style: Ed changes his hair from a ponytail to a braid every time he meets Hohenheim. Ep. 20, Ed was wearing a ponytail when he saw Hohenheim in front of his mother's grave, next morning when he went to dig his "mother" up, he changed to a braid. Ep. 48 Ed wearing a ponytail when he met Hohenheim again, after telling Ho Trisha's final words, next scene Ed was walking in the woods wearing a braid again. Ed just can't stand having the same hair style as his dad.


In addition to Al‘s plan furthering his character I also like how they characterize Ed in the process. He is still struggling to accept Hohenheim and give him the benefit of the doubt, which leads him to immediately distrusting the plan and criticizing it when he thinks its Hohenheim‘s. I like the stubborn: „You could atleast have told me!“ haha But that it is actually Al‘s plan challenges his view of Hohenheim again - and he does trust him enough to hold back in the critical moment. I think this little detail was quite relatable.


That thirst trap outro was something to behold lol.


Yeah I really enjoyed that exchange, even though it's short. I also like Hohenheim's subtle "we have work to do," because there are definitely more important things than old grudges, and Hohenheim seems so above it.


There's actually a funny joke scene in the back of one of the manga books where Ed and Al ask Father for allowance money, playing with the fact that he's effectively their uncle


"I guess I know a thing or two" Says the guy who INVENTED ALCHAHESTRY!


Damn, that outro got me feeling things...


Man this series is going by too fast T_T it's too good lol


The new outro was even better than the episode

Christo Badenhorst

Hi Man - You mentioned I should remind you a bit closer to the Episode - It would be definitely beneficial to Record episode 53 and 54 together. Even if you release them separately or as a special long episode that is up to you. Thats the only episode I usually like to reccomend as a duel watch since at the end of the Episode you are really hyped and emotions and opinions are high and its best to go into the next episode with all that intact- Well just my opinion anyway so consider either doing a duel upload. double episode or release as normal but for your reaction purposes maybe a double recording back to back and release as normal but anyway :) - All I can say is that I cant wait to get your philosophical in depth conversations with that episodes :)

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

One of the things you said at the end of the episode is gonna be funny later

A Suresh

Al always does seem like the more insightful of the Elric brothers in terms of reading people, so it makes a lot of sense to me for him to play to Pride's weaknesses. We get to see some Hohenheim baddassery, and then the gang finish strategizing and make way to central. And so it begins. See you for the next one.


oooo Goodwin didn't catch a thing good to know (for me anyway) that u'll understand what's happening when u've watched the anime multiple times so u know what's coming cept i can't remember what's coming i just know there's a thing that happens in this ep that starts it o.o lmao that fucking outro omg XD


Pride's answer to Al's question was well answered by Pride. Pride has not only been taught that humans are scum but also that there are some humans who are loyal and caring. Pride also sees this first hand with his mother. I find it sad that the homunculi hate humans so much but they are living embodiment of HUMAN sins. They are so human and yet they hate humans. Self-loathing in a not-so-obvious way. The father is more human than he thinks and yet deludes himself to be otherwise.


That scene is so well made that it's really hard to catch it the first time