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The chase continues, and then stops for a hand-biting flashback, and then continues again. Have faith in Erwin.


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Sorry for the long delay! ATLA rewatch still coming soon


Patreon uploads can be frustrating, but I'm often impressed by how relevant the auto-thumbnailing is :D


Her: “Babe can you come over?” Me: “I can’t I’m busy” Her: “I’m watching A Goodwin TV Attack on Titan 1x19 Reaction Extended (YT link below)” Me: *jumps out window and bolts over*


I’m curious, have you seen the opening yet? I’m look forward to seeing you react to it.


I simply can not wait to catch up to what's airing currently. Your analysis is legendary.


Have faith in Erwin! Should become the motto of the show for you lmao. In this world, we all gotta cling and trust in someone having a plan and Erwin certainly has something in mind. Dude just exudes confidence and reliability.

Itachi The Rouge

Damn. Alex, your analysis of the world and people around you (fictional or not) is absolutely amazing. How you tie it in to relating to you personally and I’m sure in some way to every viewer you have. I would like to request that you write a insightful/philosophical book, autobiography or even simply editing together the clips/footage of you talking about your insights from all your reactions videos and making just that into a video for us. I find myself rewatching so much of your videos and post 5 times over just to listen to your insight again, apply it to myself and my own life. The way you articulate it is way better than any book or podcast I’ve ever listened to. I’d love to hear your thoughts on that idea though?


I'm pretty far ahead so the whole time I was filming I wasn't sure when I could watch it. I will watch it (finally) in episode 23 I think it is.


I'll take that on as my official motto, and just hope he doesn't destroy me like everything else in the show lmao.


Woo can't wait for the next few episodes. Btw there are side stories that are canon called OVA's. The ones you need to watch after finishing S1 are "ilses's notebook," "The Sudden Visitor," "Distress," and "No Regrets" (a two parter). You can also watch "Lost Girls," but only the first part on Annie since the second takes place after S3 technically.


Wow thank you for saying so. That means a lot to me to hear :) It's great to see the book recommendation because it is something I have started working on though it's just note-taking and brainstorming for now. I'm not sure how long it will take, because I'd like to feel completely satisfied with it before putting it out there, but it is definitely something I plan to do. The video montage is a great idea too, and actually I think I can do both simultaneously, since watching the videos again might help with ideas.

KJ Gaona

Are you wearing a NERV t shirt? Or am I just imagining things?


The way you captured Levi and Erwin’s relationship is so well said and basically perfect. Levi really does respect him in an honest way and trusts him no matter what. I can’t believe you were able to pick all that up from the few interactions they’ve had. You can analyze dialogue and actions so well, It’s insane! Also, Levi deeply cares for his comrades, even though his demeanor makes him seem like he doesn’t. I’m sure you noticed that as well, especially when Levi told Erwin that the scouts in the rearguard sacrificed themselves for humanity’s sake. He feels guilty, yet grateful. On the other hand, Erwin didn’t seem as affected. I guess since he’s the commander he had to get used to making decisions that would cost lives, even if it was many. He probably built his walls up so he could carry out plans without regrets. Erwin is such an interesting character.


Avatar State and Titan State hmm, actually they are kinda similar, in both cases they are super vulnerable. What kind of bending would be used to heal yourself just like Eren, blood bending? Flesh bending? I won't confirm or deny your theory about (Time Travel) Mikasa being the Female Titan but I would say that it definitely took me by surprise because if I recall correctly you are the first one that I know that came with that theory.


Erwin is fascinating. That was my feeling about that scene as well, that it's not that he's unfeeling about it, it's just that there's only so much he can do or show while being focused on his responsibilities.


I love the analysis of Levi's motivation and relationship with Erwin. I know you don't have a lot to go on for now, but even still there is a strong level of respect and trust that goes both ways that are demonstrated in all their actions and conversations so far. It's also really interesting to see such an unlikely duo work so well together. I also enjoy the analysis of Eren's mindset. I feel like a lot of people will just glance over a character's flaws because they are the main character. I'm glad to see someone taking a deeper look into the downside of Eren's- to put it lightly- rash personality. The same goes for Mikasa. I noticed a lot of people just chalk up her and Eren's relationship as understandable because he saved her, but a lot of the relationships and character's motivations are just not healthy.


I think that "Ilses's notebook" can wait until after season 2. I personally think watching it will ruin the surprise of season 2 a little bit, but that's just personal opinion. I watched it after season 2 and it was still interesting and it actually made more sense and helped me connect things more than if I were to have watched it before season 2.


Your analysis skills are impressive! I agree with you about being cynical about the world and other people. Getting stuck in your own view of the world and seeing others as foolish. I think that is one of the many challenges that intelligent people deal with. Some have too little faith in themselves and their own world view, others have too much faith in themselves and their own world view. This particular analysis of yours is even more interesting having read most of the manga chapters and being up to date with the show. Unfortunately, cannot discuss it because it is spoilers. ;) People definitely gravitate towards criticizing than building things themselves. Providing or discovering solutions is a lot of effort that most do not strive for. As they say, 'you need to conquer yourself before you conquer the world'. Hence that being part of the qualification to change the world. People are afraid to enter chaos and being proven dead wrong. Ironically that is what needs to happen for you to build a better understanding of the world. Cynicism is also the easiest thing to develop because our minds focus on the things that are wrong with the world and people, as they are immediately apparent. Solutions are not immediately apparent. Societies lack focus on developing imagination in younger people, so we are left with people who struggle to think and work on solutions. I think education should focus on teaching people on using imagination for things that are not readily apparent. Levi cares a lot for his soldiers, he did not hesitate to let Erwin know the sacrifices the rear guards made. Erwin shows a lot of coldness and a lack of acknowledgement of that. He is so deep in thinking that he got no time to acknowledge and pay respects. The burden of being a commander. Your analysis of Erwin and Levi's relationship is spot on in my opinion. Well...it is not an opinion actually but that is yet another spoiler! ;) I like how you don't just react to videos but also respond with an analysis of your own understanding and experiences. Makes your reaction channel far more interesting and enjoyable than most other reaction channels.


Yeah there is a lot of unhealthy behavior. But that makes a lot of sense right? Given the world they live in. So it's not a judgment, and actually I think it gives the characters a lot of potential for growth, which is how I felt this episode with Eren discussing "faith" with Petra and others.


Thanks :) I appreciate that. I completely agree about how it's a lot easier to see what's wrong than what's right. It's probably just how we're wired, since danger is more important to focus on than the things that are working and pose no threat.


"Fire a cannon at Armin" loooooool


"Only Hange and Levi maintained their dignity there" *Cries in Moblit*


Moblit is so underrated, looking back at the series he is in SO MANY SCENES with Hange but they almost never focus on him so most people don't notice that he truly is Hange's Ride-Or-Die <3


Yoooo!! Love the Nerv shirt! Neon Genesis Evangelion reactions, anyone?


Your analysis is just unbelievably good.

KJ Gaona

Unfortunately I would assume he's seen it already. If he hasn't seen the rebuilds though, that would be cool to see him react to especially with 3.0+1.0 on the way.


Talks about serious stuff *meow* more talk about serious stuff *cat hair floats through frame*


What a King. I have faith in you, Goodwin. I still don't like this show, but I'm watching it with you.