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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x48 The Oath in the Tunnel, we finally learn who was the true mastermind behind the events of the show: Madam Christmas. It was Madam Christmas all along.


(No title)



Ed may not be the most powerful alchemist in the show, but he certainly is the most creative. He basically aped Greed's ultimate shield with his carbon fiber automail.


You probably have something to take fmab's place when it ends but if not I hope you'll react to assassination classroom. It's humor is the same style as fmab's and there's a lot of good lessons to it. The teacher is one of the best anime mentors of all time. If I remember correctly you mentioned teaching before in some of your videos so you might appreciate it more than most.


Roy Mustang definitely the most badass character in this entire show. Close seconds are Alex Louis Armstrong and Izumi Curtis.


I love that Selim become less human after devouring Gluttony. His eyes turned purple. It's also very sad that the last thing he said was a cry for Lust.


The Selim/Pride betrayal really cut you deep you even had to break out the censors. I'm with you on realising people have whole different sides to them similar to when it randomly hits you that the people around you have as full, complicated lives and thoughts and fears as you do


I think Lust's death can be poetic if you disregard her aesthetic and instead think of her in terms of bloodlust, rather than insatiable intimacy. She never really demonstrated a mindset for lust in the way we traditionally think of it, and instead seemed to revel in cruelty and violence. Being painfully eviscerated at the hands of a war criminal on a vengeance quest could definitely be seen as her poetic demise.

Ruma Risto

Ikr, Gluttony crying out for Lust with his last breath was kind of devastating.


There are a lot of very strong options for that list. Right now I'm all about Madam Christmas. Can't believe she blew up her bar and just walked it off like nothing happened.


Yeah, I think it's very hard to hold in our minds the complexity of the world and other people. But I love anything that makes me reflect on that, even though I can never fully grasp it.


That's a good point. It's not that SHE was lustful (that I saw), she was more an object or symbol of lust. Something else I saw in a comment the other day is that there is also some irony in her being defeated by Roy, who is a known or suspected womanizer.


I realized Hoenheim pretty much married Trisha when she was 18. She was 26 at death and the Edward was 8 at that time


It was black hiyato all along... btw I'd recommend assassination classroom or great teacher onizuka!

Jonathan Canfield

Glutony dies from being eaten how ironic.


You know... for all I say I love GTO (Onizuka is my avatar), I don't think I've ever completely finished the anime.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

you fool! it was Yoki all along! you just wait and see how he defeats father!


Who's been surveying everything? It's been Madam Christmas all along. Who's been pulling every Amestrian string? It's been Madam Christmas all along. She's devious (Ha, ha!) So perfidious That you haven't even noticed And the pity is (The pity is) Pity, pity, pity, pity It's not too late to fix everything Now that the Fuher has gone gone gone Thanks to Madam (Ha!) Clever Madam It's been Madam Christmas all along! And I'm Roy's foster mother too! *chain smoker laughter*

R. Lewis

Lust's death is poetic in a larger sense. Her death very blatantly references the Divine Comedy, in which the lustful are eternally swept around in burning wind, literally on fire forever.


For once I’ve managed to not watch your video the day it’s uploaded, so I’ll be back for an update tomorrow (or technically today now) when I watch this and AOT


Gluttony's death is unironically one of the saddest deaths in the show for me. It really is crazy how much he grows on you as a character, like once we get those episodes where he's just vibing with Alphonse showing him around central and stuff I didn't even view him as a true villain anymore.

A Suresh

RIP Gluttony, eaten to death. Not sure if you've noticed but the animation quality in the action scenes has kicked up a couple notches too.


Yeah I think once you get to know the Homunculi crew as a whole Gluttony seems innocent in his sinning, if that makes sense.


I didn't notice the animation specifically but I have been loving the action sequences recently, starting with the Bradley x Ling fight


Not much to update here, but you’re finally getting closer to episodes 53 and 54 so I am hyped


Lusts death might be poetic if you think about the fact that mustang wants to save the people he loves but i dunno probably a stretch


It’s probably mostly poetic because they were talking with innuendo while they fought, and Mustang is popular with the ladies. She also died while on her knees Another meaningful bit to it is that Mustang killed her to protect someone he loves (like you said) in this case being Riza. You could also argue that Lust’s... well, lust, is what got her to that point to begin with. She told Mustang to watch as Havoc bled to death, then said he could die. She essentially allowed him to suffer (I assume because she was satisfied by that) but in doing so ended up sparing him, which came back to burn her (literally)


Re: Bradley laying low. I think its worth to remember that from the previous videos, the north/east maneuver, the exploding train, Ed meeting up with his father and fighting Pride and Gluttoney and meeting up with best girl Lan Fan all happened on the same day, before the promised day, so it could just be that all of this is happening in a short time span (literally 1-2 days) . kinda amazing how tight packed these episodes are