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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x47 Emissary of Darkness, Ed meets Mr. Ho and "lets it all out" with his fist, takes family advice from the animal instincts of Mr. Gorilla and Mr. Lion, makes the most fashionable cloak of all time, and watches as Gluttony eats a tree. Featuring jacked Lan Fan.


(No title)



Did you see the news about Avatar Studios?!?


Send word to the fire lord immediately! The Avatar . . . Has returned!


I’ve heard that the moment we realize our parents are people is when we see they cry. Also, every fight with Pride is awesome.


I’m either gonna save this one for tomorrow so I have two vids to watch, or I’m gonna cave under the pressure and watch it today anyway lol


That's interesting. I have very distinct memories of moments when that sort of wall cracked or broke.


Ed kept his promise. "Yeah I'll pass on the message, right after I slug him"


Should've added a couple more seconds of Pride getting slashed as a end credit scene just for a bit more satisfaction.


Lol. The daily struggle of when to watch Goodwin's vid. I try as hard as I can to keep them for the next day but sometimes I fail. The off days are killing me now cause I just watch all of me in a day and than have no vid for the next day.

Andrew G

I’m so excited


Grumman is kinda morally gray. I was shocked to hear his little thought bubble, but it makes sense because he wants to be fuhrer as does Roy. Major Miles is just on another level for being able to recognize all that.


I'm a little confused by that scene. Is it Grumman actually thinking out loud or Miles projecting his thoughts about what Grumman might be thinking?



A Suresh

Never have I felt happier to see a small kid getting brutalised by a lion man. This is one of my favourite scenes between Ed and Hohenheim in the series. How must it feel to realise that that person you made out to be the source of all your struggle turns out to be just another person?


Haha it's funny to think about it that way, but it's totally correct. The "get a lantern" guy and friend must have been very confused for the brief time they were alive. You know... I think there's a huge opportunity there. It's satisfying to watch it happen but a lot of the time IRL I think that goes unresolved or that connection isn't made.


800 Patrons. Pop open the champagne


YASSSSSSSSSSSS so close yet so far from 1k @.@


One of my favorite episodes for so many reasons... Greeling fighting, Pride (my fave homunculus) making his grand appearance in front of Ed and the gang and him using Al's body.... but I'll be honest, it's mostly because of Lan Fan's epic return! Also, yeah, Lan Fan is really skilled. If I remember correctly, there was a scene in the manga where Lan Fan just completely wrecks Envy earlier in the series.