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fun fact: Young Hohenheim's VA is Aaron Dismuke who voiced Al in the 2003 version when he was a kid but had gone through puberty by the time Brotherhood came around so couldn't reprise the role. It's a nice way to get him back and he's still voice acting now! Also weird to think that Ed and Al are the last living descendants of Xerxes


OH BOY OH BOY *rubs hands together*


I always thought of the words of young Hohenheim as an elaboration of "all is one, one is all", that if something, a "one" an individual or maybe a homunculus even doesn't belong in the "all", the natural laws of the universe, then they are nothing. Does that even makes sense?


Watch the first seconds of the first intro. I've been waiting 40 episodes to make this comment. Also, it's confusing but Father was the first homunculus, but Pride was the first one he separated from his body. Lastly, Hohenhiem could've killed Izumi and it would have technically would've been good, since he would've knowingly have killed a sacrifice, delaying Father's plan, but he didn't. It speaks a lot to his character.


I just finished the video. I haven’t ever thought about what Hohenheim said until now. I think the “One is nothing” argument you brought up could be a warped version of the saying, maybe because Hohenheim was a slave they were teaching him values of alchemists that would value oneself in an even lower position? Just a theory I came up with while watching but I’m not sure. It could also be that the saying has changed over time perhaps as people’s views of the world have changed? As for your question about the evil originating from humans, in Fathers case, it technically does. I guess he was given a vessel by Hohenheim’s blood. There must have been some sort of equivalent exchange to pull him into the flask. Father also originally had all of those aspects he removed from himself, which were very human parts as we’ve seen them display Really loved your reaction to this episode, sorry about the very long comment lol


Yep and they foreshadowed Ed’s origins by his eye color alone I think. If I’m not mistaken that eye color + hair color combination is something that was in Xerxes, though I could be wrong The Xerxes thing reminds me of Aang, being the last airbender. I’m not sure why other than they both became the last descendants


1. Take a shot every time Alex calls the homunculus "Pride", 2. Pass out before he finds out it's actually Father. Lol you were absolutely committed for a while there. But for real though I've been waiting for this episode reaction! I just can't fathom what kind of insight a person would have living for centuries. Ultimately, he still values his bonds with others. Such an interesting character, I can't really put it into words rn.


I tried to set Edward as my youtube password... They said it was too short.


Remember the first opening? That's Slave Number 23 and not Ed


This episode makes the recap episode much more interesting. You realize that the person he saw being nihilistic about humanity was probably Father. Alex thought it was Hohenheim at the time but I believe he (Hohenheim) was thinking of Father We also now understand why Pinnaco (hope I spelled it right) was young in that episode. Hohenheim never aged.

Kyle Chong

I just had to put this here https://youtu.be/V-w7Zo8iD7Y


This episode does so much.. answers so many things but brings up a lot of questions. If you go back and watch the recap episode it makes a lot more sense now.. why he feels guilty and at war with himself. And on the one/all stuff, I think Ed said the same thing to izumi back after they got off the island if you go back to that scene/scenes Also, "Never got me for a second." #Kap

Joey Joseph Jojoson

Yeah, what Pride had said was a bit misleading. Pride is the first of the seven. He is also Father's strongest trait. If you recall the world map, Xerxes is in the desert area between Amestris and Xing. Hohenheim is the Sage who brought alchemy to Xing, then the Xingese combined it with their own technique and created alkahestry. Father went west of Xerxes and founded Amestris. That's why both Xing and Amestris have this fable describing a golden haired saint/sage who brought alchemy to them.


Damn I forgot about that. Also has the wall with the transmutation circle too. Nice reason to watch it again, such a good song. :)


Woahhhhhh that's crazy! Just went back and watched it. What I also noticed, right before the intro starts, the last shot is Ed and Al standing in front of the moon, which seems to be a representative of something important here... Light/Dark (Shadow) maybe?


Never a problem :D That's true, the sins are human sins one way or another. Not sure if we ever learn more about the experiment that gave birth to the thing in the flask, but I'm really curious about what that was.


I wonder if the "all is nothing" concept can stem from the idea that if you have all the "ones" making up a grand sum (e.g. "all") but then take out a single "one," then "all" becomes "less than all" and therefore "nothing." I dunno, I can't really support that thought with concrete examples--it's just my sleepy brain thinking, lol. I love this episode, learning about Hohenheim, and Roy and Riza's code discussion. SO epic! Also, I just had to say that you could say Raven has... hit rock bottom. *rimshot*


Something I love about brotherhood is how Ed and Al have very unique hair and eye coloring. It’s more golden, and noticeably different from the standard blonde of everyone else in the show Turns out it’s because they technically have the blood of an ancient civilization in them lol


One of my favourite episodes. Roy probably talks in code more often than he talks normally lol. Its awesome seeing Hohenheim's backstory unravel from the first time we see him and he appears antagonistic, to now where we see how little agency he had in his life. I was worried at first when he stuck his hand in Izumi at first as well lol.


Ah I hadn't thought that through in the other direction. Father is the sage of Amestris. I will mention this next episode, but I was thinking later that the scene of Father healing Izumi ties into what we know so far about Alkehestry, in that it is focused on healing.


I wonder if it isn't something like Hugh in The Swamp episode in Avater, or the idea you hear all the time about how everything is an illusion because everything is just oneness. "Separateness is an illusion" is something I've often heard, and maybe that's relevant to what he's saying. I'm trying to come up with a Raven pun to match yours, but so far none of my ideas are concrete.


Yeah I started out with such sinister and lofty visions of Hohenheim. But he's a former slave and almost a victim of this whole thing, and also a messiah figure of sorts. Totally different


I personally take "if all is not within the one, then all is nothing" quote as this: that even though the our entire universe (all) is made up of various parts (one), that does not make any of the parts (one) any lesser than the whole (all). The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, but the parts are always equal to, or perhaps even greater, than the whole too; and if one does not understand that, then they have not truly learned anything. All might as well be None. It's just like how each individual makes up the human species, yet are capable of breaking free from the limits and flaws of Humanity too. The characters of this show are a great example -- even when faced with what the worst of humanity can offer, they always rise up, determined to do better, to make a difference in the no matter how small. Roy, Hawkeye, Winry, Miles, the Elric brothers -- they all are parts within the whole of humanity. But they are also greater than it at the same time.

A Suresh

Finally. The episode I've been waiting for from the start of this reaction series. Some of the biggest pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Hohenheim really is a victim of circumstance in this whole thing. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on the Dwarf in the Flask, especially once you've seen the whole thing. The addendum to "All is One, One is All" I feel like speaks about ignorance and the importance of the One as well as the All. I take it as a warning of sorts to not forget that All is also in the One and lose sight of one's own self. Great reaction, see you for the next one!

Itachi The Rouge

The comments here have already covered what I was gonna add, so all I have to say now is; what a hell of a break down of such an amazing episode. This is exactly why I watch you Alex. You get me viewing these shows and individual episodes in a way I never saw. I’ve studied a lot of psychology and philosophy in college and yet you still break this down better than I can. I look forward to your videos daily more than any other daily or even weekly videos/shows!


Theophrastus Bombastus is not just a silly name that the author made up, it was a real person in history. His full name was Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, or as some others know him Paracelsus. He was a Swiss physician and alchemist of his time and is regarded as one of the founding fathers of modern chemistry which is what the alchemy of this show is based around. The author did some serious research it seems


This episode really made me do a 180 on how I felt about Hohenheim. Really a tragic backstory. Living for centuries by virtue of your dead kin whose extermination you were accidentally complicit in is quite the weight to bear lol.


AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH no. 23/van hoenheim is voiced by Aaron Dismuke who is the original voice of Al in the 03 anime He's my FAVORITE i love him <3 <3 <3


To hopefully help you put it in perspective, the fall of Xerxes happened about 400 years prior to the start of the series.

Ruma Risto

Hohenheim's character was inspired by the real-life alchemist Paracelsus a.k.a. Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, who was particularly interested in the medical field. (Father's first name suggestion was also an homage to him). It's implied that Hohenheim was "the Western Sage" who went to Xing and taught alkahestry while Father was "the Eastern Sage" who travelled west and founded Amestris.


It should be illegal for historical names to be that cool. It's confusing everyone


That's what I'm enjoying so much about Hohenheim... total reversal on what I expected


I forgot there were two sages! I've been thinking about that a lot since that was pointed out to me


I'm definitely going to take one from General Armstrong's book the next time I need to reject someone. "Are you paying? I hope you know I can eat you into bankruptcy" lmao