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00:00 - 2x6 Reaction

26:47 - 2x7 Reaction

52:30 - Reacting to my 2x6 Reaction

106:22 - Reacting to my 2x7 Reaction


ATLA Rewatch 2x6 & 2x7.mp4


hays collins

Love the detail of Momo just chilling in Sokkas bag the entire episode

hays collins

Love how you barely had to say anything during the blind bandit episode you were just so engrossed with Toph haha

hays collins

Love tophs progression from young cocky and crazy girl to over worked and stressed adult to old cock and crazy lady hahaha. It’s like once she retired she said screw it going back to my base personality


Toph's introduction to the show is perfect. Knowing how Toph is and what she is like for the rest of the show, you realize every scene Toph has in this episode is perfect. From her sassiness, brutal honesty, and sense of humor, there isn't a moment in this episode where Toph doesn't feel exactly like...well the Toph we know and love during the entire show. It showcases everything there is to love about her character, just in the first episode with her.


The Blind Bandit will forever go down as one of my favorite episodes in the series for so many reasons. I can't find any links to validate this, but my memory of promotions for this episode really built the hype up and the mystery of who Aang's teacher would be, highlighting all the different earthbenders, even Hippo. I'm like 99.9% sure they did not show Toph at all. and if they did, I completely missed it. Toph is also my favorite character. For me it's different, since I am visually impaired, grew up in the blind community with a lot of blind people, etc. So it's rare to see blind people portrayed the way she is. For me at the time, who was about 11, it was especially cool to see this tiny little blind girl kick so much ass, but also be able to relate to that struggle of overprotective people, even when they mean well, and wanting independence. A lot of my personality and sense of humor came from and is inspired by Toph since that was the first time I ever had a character I could genuinely relate to in a lot of ways. It's the same reason I love Knights of the Old Republic II. They gave us a blind force sensitive person that could still "see" through the force and was just as badass. I also love the way they highlighted her fighting style this episode. I'm normally not a huge fan of the whole "blind people's other senses are stronger" misconception but I think the way the show did it is cool as shit and I love it. I also just love that this was the beginning of all the glorious blind jokes. I live for them.


Haha yeah it's a great episode, and a large part of it is the action scenes which they put a great deal of thought into.

hays collins

OHHHH!!!! So do you think it since time apparently doesn’t exsist in the swamp and since old toph had such a connection with it it sent signals to Aang. Hmmm interesting


It's an amazing introduction for sure. One thing that I sometimes forget is that she's a kid, and although I don't think I said it, one thing I like is seeing her pre-adventure, where everything we know about her is there but underneath an image she puts on for her parents.


I could be wrong but that's the way I think about it :) Maybe they didn't plan that from the beginning but it seems deliberate by the time we see her again in Korra

A Suresh

I LOVE the little tiny details like how they cut to Toph's father when she spat while squaring off with Shin Fu. How appalled he must be that his perfect daughter would do something so crass!? Also I like that you picked up on how the first thing she does when faced with multiple combatants is to turn the tables in her favour: set up a smokescreen. With the Zuko Alone episode, it ONLY JUST clicked that the knife was what led him down the path of the sword. The Blue Spirit's fighting music plays when he's hiding his identity (donning a mask wink wink) and fighting the earthbender. It's immediately replaced by the Fire Nation theme when he begins to bend and wreathes a throne of flames around him. Love this show, love your reactions, and I'll catch you for the next one! :)


Also, SPOILERS for Legend of Korra, they have a character who has no arms and yet uses water as an extension of her arms which makes her quite a powerful water bender. Love the way they portray people in the show.


Question: has anyone seen Big Joel’s video on the ATLA finale?


I have. Thought it was a relatively good video although I didn't like the way he worded some of the points he made. He was spot on in explaining exactly how the Finale to ATLA is a 10/10 perfect masterpiece and how Aang's final character arc in the 4 part finale is wrongfully criticized by a loud minority of the fanbase, particularly new Netflix fans who think they know everything about the OG show.


Even though her mother showed concern about Azula's tendencies, she also did trust her enough to let her and Zuko play together! I think that's significant. Ursa definitely doesn't fear Azula, but Azula thinks she does because that's her twisted up version of experiencing her mother's disapproval. And in the comic, Ursa regrets not showing her more love. I think it's pretty rare for a mother to be genuinely afraid of her own child. And actually, Azula's hallucination in the finale shows that she knows this but couldn't come to terms with those "two halves" similar to Zuko. She had/has the potential though.

Soren Monroe

This is my first time noticing that the little kid is named Lee just like Zuko calls himself Lee later


I've seen it. I didn't agree with all of it, but I like his focus on Aang being incorruptible because I think that's one of the best parts about the resolution.


Yeah the scene where she encourages Zuko to play with Azula is really interesting. My feelings about Ursa and Azula are mostly just me speculating based on my own experience, but I think most people will continue down paths where they feel encouraged and hesitate to continue down paths where they feel discouraged, and so I can imagine Ursa (without being conscious of this) may have started leaning more towards Zuko and away from Azula.


Zuko called himself Lee before he met the kid though too. That was his cover name when Song asked at the beginning of Book 2. And as Piandao says, "there's a million Lees"


These are two of the best episodes of the series! It’s kind of amazing that they were back to back. As far as Zuko Alone goes, I like to think that eventually the little boy and his family came to realize how much Zuko had done for them, once they had a chance for their emotions to cool down and they could really think about what happened.


I didn't see that anyone else has mentioned this yet, but around the 27:47 mark, you see Zuko going through a field with the giant Earthbending stones that looks like a battle. Later on in Korra, we see Avatar Wan dying in a field that looks very similar! I saw one thing that said it was confirmed by the creators, but I'm not 100% sure if that's true. If it is true, it's a neat way to connect the two times!


zuko alone has to be one of the best episodes of atla. i get the chills when he says who he is


I wonder if part of Ozai's distaste for Zuko comes from seeing Iroh in him? Like, it feels like Azulon had a favorite, and it wasn't his secondborn, and maybe that's why he likes Azula better even though she's not the usually coveted male heir? Coz they aren't just similar in disposition, but both the overlooked younger child that has more talent and feels like they deserve better than their less gifted sibling? And then Iroh has a preference for Zuko because their dispositions are similar, and Ozai sees him looking out for Zuko, and it becomes a way to spite his brother? I wish we could have seen Iroh and Ozai interact at some point, I wonder what their relationship really looked like?