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Just quickly saying congrats on 700 patrons I will update this when I get around to watching the video


What a great episode from start to finish!! Thanks for your hard work and reaction


Easily one of my favourite episodes, love the Hohenheim backstory. Things are heating up in the north.


I love seeing that final shot of ed and al watching hohenheim leave from his perspective. We see that he was visibly trying to hold back his emotions before steeling himself to leave but all ed remembers is that last cold and seemingly uncaring gaze. General Armstrong...she definitely walks the walk and refuses to play the game on any other terms than her own


I can't wait for the HUGE reveal next episode.


Literally the only time where I've seen Winry and my response is "No!" instead of "Yay!" lol


One of the best episodes for sure


Watching this episode knowing what's coming has me grinning whenever Bad Touch Raven gets too gross "honey, you've got a big storm coming"


Bruh you gotta make a list of all your end songs, bangin gems


hohenheim's reveal is so goddamn tragic... up until now, all we've seen is Ed's perspective that Hohenheim was too busy with alchemy to spend time with them... but now we realize that those very scenes Ed recalls are the ones in which Hohenheim's researching how he can grow old and die with his family :'( also I love General Armstrong so much haha, she's absolutely ruthless


The Hohenheim opening is one of the best moments of the show, I was worried he would be more of an antagonistic force to the brothers before but it was a nice surprise how sympathetic his portrayal was.


I like what you said about Raven at the end. You wouldn't want someone like that on your side

A Suresh

Man, Olivier just straight up icing Raven is one of the most visceral and memorable moments in this show. It's just so satisfying, especially with Raven's creepiness prior. Hohenhiem's perspective is also a big reveal here. Great reaction, see you for the next one :)


Update: You touched on pretty much everything in this episode honestly. I think it’s neat that Scar chose to not kill those soldiers in the snow though, it’s kind of a weirdly huge step of progress. Also really love seeing these Hohenheim scenes again because when I first watched the show I was confused, it makes a lot more sense after you know his character And yes you’re approaching the part of the show where things heat up for sure. In my honest opinion some of the best episodes are from 50 up to the finale.


Oh come on! I didn't spoil anything! I just gave him something to be excited about. You standards of what a spoiler is too high!


The Hohenheim section was hilarious. I love how it's one of the most packed sections and it comes before the opening song lol


Yeah it was so cool seeing it from both perspectives like that. Hohenheim is such an interesting character even with limited screen time


Yeah I feel like he falls into that classic category of sub-villains that the actual villains probably see as expendable. But...but... muh immortality!


Thanks :D Haha yeah there's something about Armstrong's decision that's so satisfying. Like... she knows the risks, but does it anyway and seems to have it all planned out.


This one is pretty epic! And it's not going to die down anytime soon :).


During his research into mortality, Hohenheim also came to the same conclusion as Ed on the shape of this country. That’s why he left his family, to save this country. It’s also why he gave Granny Pinako his warning to leave this country. He knows what that bastard was planning.


Raven's body despite being encased in concrete will slowly degrade and decompose creating an empty cavity in it. Which means even in death he will be the weakest part of Briggs


Hohenheim is a top 3 character for sure. Hes so complex and sensitive, truly a great man. I cant wait for you to see the rest of his story unravel

Aidan Pullen

man... imagine drowning in concrete. Hell of a way to go. Also I love how long they wait to paint a good picture of Hohenheim (but not too long).


One of my favorite eps, never get tired of Armstrong stabbing him through the arm lol