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This episode is a fan favorite, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


And thus begins the point of the show where FMAB starts answering questions instead of only giving new ones lol Will update after watching

Rachel Keys

Absolutely everything is ridiculously connected but one of the reasons I love this show so much is that everything gets answered by the end of the series. No loose ends and no burning eternal questions lol.


I always love the fact that Hughes figured all this out 25 episodes ago lol


he was too big brained for the show which is why he had to go

Francesca White

i love Armstrong taking advantage of her perceived weakness as a woman and using it against him, that was brilliant


Hey Alex, sorry for the unrelated comment, but as somebody who has worked on Wallstreet, I was wondering what your thoughts are on the GameStop situation?


Ed is 100% in a better place at this point in the story. Before the whole northern arc, we see him and Al have to reaffirm their conviction and motivations for continuing their search for their bodies. They were scrapping for leads and it led them on a definite path that is now intertwined and surpassing their original goal They want this looming evil gone just as much as the others who have seen its effects. It seems as if its gravitating towards a black and white conflict where the oppositions motives are still more or less up in the air. Ed is more motivated than ever to face the evil that's caused him and his friends so much pain. Him and Al see this as more of a priority and are willing to give up their search for their body's if need be. Great catch on the tone shift for the two


Haha I am fascinated by it. I think people have every right to buy as much of Gamestop / AMC stock as they want, but to me it looks like a clear bubble and there are going to be a lot of winners and a lot of losers when it bursts, and when that happens is anyone's guess honestly. I also don't think it's as a big deal as I've seen certain outlets make it out to be. It seems limited to a small number of stocks with a very high short interest, and doesn't have much bearing on the overall market, except for people THINKING it does and perhaps panicking. I do wonder if this won't give large institutions some pause before taking massive short positions though... But who knows. My suspicion for how this will play out is this is going to create a massive wave of FOMO and people are gonna jump in. A week ago there were 0 stock posts on my Facebook feed, now I'm seeing dozens of people making all sorts of astronomical predictions for AMC and GME and encouraging others to get in. People who are already in have made their money, people who got in halfway will make some money, and a lot of people entering late will lose a lot of money. When that happens that will dampen enthusiasm and there will be a normalization effect on the whole thing. That being said, I think there has been a distinct shift in financial markets where now there are less gatekeepers to buying and selling financial instruments, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out long term.


That's a great analysis. It's a nice thought that this has given them more purpose and conviction for what they're doing, even if their initial goals have been put to the side somewhat.


Update: The title of this episode is brilliant. The shape of the country, it’s not only foreshadowing the exact reveal, but also the state the nation is in and has been in. ALSO, a cool detail, in the first episode, the freezing alchemist actually asks the Elrics if they’ve seen the shape the country is in. That could be passed off as just a meaningless statement in other shows, but in a show where it’s planned out I can’t help but think that had a double meaning of foreshadowing. All the way back in the first episode they foreshadowed the transmutation circle of Amestris. Them calling back to that episode in this one feels kind of perfect

A Suresh

I'm not sure if you remember, but you mentioned in one of your earlier reactions several episodes prior that Amestris being circular in shape bothered you and that maybe they're going to make a big philosopher's stone out of the people in the country. So, way to go with getting that well before the reveal! And now you also know why Hughes died. That guy must be a genius, he figured it out 25 episodes before everyone else!! And yes, I really do enjoy Olivier playing up the tough on the outside but vulnerable on the inside act to bait Raven, gets me everytime. Man, there's just something about this show; you get information but it's always just leading you to more questions that make you want to keep watching. Impressive effort not binging this show, I'll see you for the next one :)


That's right! I had even forgotten I'd said that. I think I've been somewhat confused recently about what is the country vs. what are the neighboring countries.


'I don't like this!' Haha She didn't even freak out about the evil revelations (visibly at least). I think she is the type of person that just deals with things as they come along no matter how big and keep moving forward. No nonsense from her!


"I don't know what they're planning but it involves a giant tunnel" SECRET TUNNEEELLLLL! SECRET TUNNEELLLLL!


"And it wasn't Drachma" oh god that wrecked me lmao

Andrew G

Man, first time seeing this, having them name off uprisings and insurrections, give their dates, doing the math in my head and realize it’s been going on for the better part of 3 centuries, drawing that circle, realizing that’s why Hughes was murdered, and then the flashback to the goddamned first episode with Isaac trying to destroy Central command had me SHOOK


I cant be the only one that feels a little bit bad for sloth right? Like he just wanted to dig a hole