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R'Mani Leavell

“Look straight at the people you kill, don’t take your eyes off them for a second. And don’t ever forget them because I promise they won’t forget you.” -Kimblee If anyone would remember Scars family, it’ll be kimblee


Yes Winry looks older, something really subtle the show does is Ed and Winry definitely age over the course of the show, it’ll be really noticeable in a scene later down the road but it’s definitely a thing already happening slowly. And as for Kimble not using the stone to heal himself, remember alchemy at its core is science, the stone is a fuel source but kimblee would still have to have knowledge in medical alchemy to use it to heal himself. Something similar happened with Ed later in the episode, he tried to destroy the soldiers auto mail but failed because he tried to transmute steel, which the chainsaw wasn’t made of so nothing happened. It’s kinda never really explained super deep but every time alchemy is used the user has to have a deep knowledge of the material being altered


If you like how all the different plot lines gradually converge in this I think you'd like durarara. It has so many plot lines that interconnect in an absurd number of ways.

Francesca White

omg YES i love Olivier so much!

Itachi The Rouge

Yeah Philosophers stone or not. Kimblee doesn’t know medical alchemy so he can’t heal. The way alchemy works is explained better in the original anime I feel like. But you explained it pretty well.


Kimblee did say to remember the faces of those you killed. One thing about Kimblee is he is a rational sociopath with principles.


Best girl General Armstrong has arrived! (admittedly among stiff competition) she is not your waifu we are all her waifus. Also i really admire how Kimblee isn't a hypocrite. He told Roy and Hawkeye to remember everyone they kill and he sticks to that and as someone who deals out so much death and destruction he's fully prepared to receive it


A bit off-topic but I just finished She-ra and it was great. It definitely had some flaws and some unnecessary stuff but it was really enjoyable and kept you watching. A good show to watch even if you don't react to it but you should definitely keep it on your list. Also, you are getting so many patreons lately lol.


General Armstrong, best girl and one of my top 3 characters from this show, HAS ARRIVED


She-Ra I think was the 2nd most recommended show after Attack on Titan, so that is really high on my list. The next show I will decide by poll so it seems likely that will be chosen.


"One who spreads death and destruction must accept their pursuit. He will never be far from either." Even though Kimblee clearly has issues, I think this quote is somewhat profound.


This is possibly my favorite arc of the show. Actually the final arc might take that spot, but this is definitely second place. Also yeah Olivier Armstrong is extremely tough, I guess that’s just what you have to be like in Briggs. You can already tell from her first appearance that she has an extremely strong conviction, and seems as unbreakable as the wall she stands on lol. She also represents a great contrast from the previous members of the military we’ve seen, back in Central

A Suresh

And so you've been introduced to the Iron Wall of Briggs. Kimblee is an interesting character. Not what I was expecting from what seemed to be a psychopathic murderer to be honest. Still not sure what to make of him and I've seen this series many times over. Great reaction, I enjoy your anecdotes, they really make your reactions stand out :) See you for the next one!


Yeah he definitely has a worldview... and he seems consistent. He's a sharp guy. That makes him even more dangerous.


And an especially great contrast from Alex Louis Armstrong haha. But I already know she's great inside... just gotta get through all the toughness


Thanks! I'm glad. I'm really interested in Kimblee. I really like what they did with him so far. My first impression was just that he was crazy. But there's a lot more to him.


It's so often overlooked but Al saying "Why don't you get something to eat" is such a small but sweet detail for his character. He doesn't need to eat as a suit of armor, but he still thinks of what his brother might need.


That absolutely appalled face when the end credits start lol. This is why I had to binge until my eyes couldn't physically open anymore, every episode just feels like 5 minutes but somehow a lot of things happen. I slept on this show for too long and I only started watching it because you did lmao. Also, though I'd totally be terrified of Olivier's personality irl, I can't help but stan.


He's such a sweet kid. I thought it was funny how they tease each other on the bench with Al calling Ed clumsy or something and Ed telling him to shut up, but you know it's all love there lol


I don't know if anyone mentioned this before in the comments, but I find it very funny how Olivier is so terrifying to Ed that he doesn't even get mad when she calls him little. I think this is the first time that happened, he even got mad at the homunculi! :D

Andrew G

Lmao your face at the end


I’m always caught off guard by how perceptive you are. As a repeat watcher, it’s so impressive how you’re able to pick up on character nuances.


best reactor out there and I watch WAYYY to much reaction content on youtube.


What you said about those last three weeks in Korea. That really spoke to me. You see, I am finishing my final year of college this spring and once Covid clears up I plan to spend some time abroad. My first location is going to be New Zealand. I want to get out there and gain new experiences and just live a little. I love the idea of just going out and not worrying about the daily grind of life for a little bit of time just like you said, but it also does sound frightening. If I were to spend my last few weeks in NZ with the same mindset, how would you recommend going about that and what kind of things did you do?


That sounds like a great plan! I think having a hunger for the experience goes a long way. When I first got to Korea, it was after I had lost my job and lived at home for a little while broke and alone... I was so ready for a change of pace. Having a job, my own place, and truly living in a new country for the first time, it meant everything to me. I remember I landed with all these grand visions of what I would accomplish there. While the reality turned out to be different than I imagined (in some ways better, just less grandiose) I think the excitement I had for being there and wanting to make the most of it really pushed me out of my comfort zone and led to a lot of great experiences. While I was there I was extremely social. I would go to tons of meetup events, free Korean classes, bars, or even just go to the park and talk to people there. I ended up having a great community of people to hang out with, but often I would also just go out alone for the fun of it. The experience I described in the video was, I think, the culmination of two years of living in this way and suddenly havings the restrictions of a job schedule completely removed for a few weeks. Your experience will be uniquely your own, but I think as long as you go in with an open mind and excitement about the opportunity, you can't go wrong just following your nose. But I think making an effort to be social goes a really long way. I understand the feeling of it being frightening but I think that goes away pretty quickly once you arrive. It always takes some time to get acclimated and that feels a little weird, but all of a sudden you'll realize you're completely adjusted. It also goes a little faster if you allow yourself to take risks and also forgive yourself if things don't always go as planned. A little embarrassment is just an inevitability of being in a new country lol. I'm sure you'll have a great time no matter what. I'm also happy to talk about this more anytime