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Been waiting all my life for this


Oh no! Sub?! I was so excited too! I thought the dub was actually really good, and I just can't watch Sub for whatever reasons. Oh well. I suppose I will still watch for your thoughts but that's a disappointment for myself at least. Things are a lot more digestible, especially for reactions, in English because then at least I can still hear and watch your face or the animation instead of purely focusing on the text.

Aaron Ong

I think a lot of people, including me, firmly believe that while the dub is not bad, the sub's voice acting is just unbeatable. Some very notable scenes continue to prove this time and time again. I love the dub too, but for a first time watcher to experience the full effect of the show, the sub is prime.


Today's episode was epic and now this, and subbed, thanks to the gods.

hays collins

Trust us the mystery box writing is not true. Especially after the 4th season coming out this year. ITS ALL PLANNED


Finally! After you are done with the first season, please watch and possibly react to, Attack on titan in 9 minutes by Gigguk on youtube.

Aidan Pullen

"Is this quality gonna stay the same?" Oh my yes

hays collins

This is perfect timing because after the revelations that came out in the first episodes in the new season 4 I’ve been wanting to do a rewatch to see it in the new perspective


ngl watching this first episode after the latest episode that just aired a few hours ago is insane. i have a completely different perspective watching this episode and can't believe how far we've come. Back on topic i'm liking your take on the kind of person eren is and the complacency of humanity inside the walls looking forward to the rest of the show!


God, no matter how many times I witness that final scene it still gets me every time.

Itachi The Rouge

Realizing this isn’t gonna be an easy show for you to watch. But damn is it good and I’m so glad you’re doing subbed. The quality stays good but season 4 is done by a different studio so you’ll notice a change in animation. It’s still good but different. Really excited to see your reaction to this series!!

hays collins

Welcome to Attack on Titan. Full of depression and sadness and nightmares...with some cool animated fight scenes mixed in haha


The Sub is way better, but I love some of the characters voices in the Dub too.


Can we start a "PLEASE watch demon slayer" trend? I probably sound like a broken record at this point but damn is that show good. Looking forward to this series with ya though. I haven't seen it myself so it'll be fun to watch it alongside you. I'll probably get more out of it this way, to be honest.


I'm not a big fan of AoT but intro is seriously one of the best I've ever seen


I'd assume many people put down AoT thinking it's just aimless violence, but you really get rewarded for watching. The payoffs are great and you can't help but appreciate the planning.


Imagine being eaten by a Goodwin Titan


It's insane. Really moving and great music. Either I was dead inside when I watched this a long time ago, or I just have a terrible memory, cause it really caught me off guard.


Glad to hear about the quality. It's definitely not gonna be easy but seems like it will be hard in the best of ways lol


I've been getting a lot of requests for that, so maybe sometime in the not too distant future :)


Yeah I feel sort of torn. The tiny subs are kind of rough. I don't mind doing the dub, even if the acting is slightly inferior. I will feel it out over the next few episodes. I did the smae thing with FMAB and that was fine


Haha oh man... just being face to face with one... I feel like that's a primal sort of fear that was probably once common that we now rarely experience (fortunately)


Looks like we should call that city Na Sing Se, hahaha! That means penetrable city


For this show I’m actually watching it alongside you which is neat. I won’t be able to hint at any future themes because I literally never finished season 1, and I last watched it years ago. Super excited Also, I love that Armin seems like a realist, Eren seems like an idealist, and I’m not sure about Mikasa yet. I think she’s just really looking out for the people she loves, rather than a grander importance like with Eren


By the way, what subtitles are you using for AoT? I'm rewatching this on Crunchyroll (currently on episode 7) and the subs are a bit different, and doesn't have the Op & End songs translated.


This show gets a ton of people into anime, I forget how emotional it can be.


Wow, it's been a while since I've rewatched ep 1 but it REALLY hits different now. Excited to see your reaction and thoughts.


I'm really stoked for you to watch this show and am so glad you are watching the sub! The voice actors actually reenact some of the future scenes and you can see how much effort and emotion they put into giving a honest portrayal of the character. I recommend checking those videos out after you get to those parts. The voice acting adds a significant part to the appeal of the character that might be lost if you switched over to the dubbed. It is obviously your choice either way. One thing I will say though is that you will get used to the subs a few episodes in to the point where you will hardly notice them. I hope at least :)


I´m very excited :) I also stopped my first watch of the show mid season two even though I loved it because I could not take the tension and the mysteries anymore - that being said I now watched everything out so far and it is really rewarding. It helps to focus on the themes and characters in the beginning and not think the mysteries will be revealed that fast. The characters have to fight for every bit of knowlege which is kinda beautiful in itself I think :)

Aura Y

Even loving the show and knowing what happens in episode 1, this was not easy to watch. Especially seeing your facial reactions, it was tough. But I hope you are able to find positives in this heavy show. Look forward to your opinions and more reactions.


lol i feel bad because he was saying that fma was heavy on his heart and i was like ehhh you're about to watch AOT


the music in show, I can't


There are no mystery boxes at all. You are going to come of this show in awe. I read the manga and I cannot stress enough how much of a genius the author is. I hope you keep the sub. I love the sub for the anime. Also, this show is brutal and the brutality as well the rawness gets amped up. I feel like you need someone with you to hug you to get through some of the episodes of the show. Haha! You love pondering and thinking deeply about shows, this is the perfect show for that. You will see why. ;)


So excited you're picking up AoT! And although it's already been stated it's definitely not a mystery box kind of show, the mystery in this is intentional. As for the Subtitles vs Dub.. unfortunately this is one of those shows where the dub really doesn't do it justice so I hope you'll stick to this format going forwards.


I am SO glad you decided to do sub... I know you said you might change it depending on the feedback but sub is so much more superior due to voice acting in general and line delivery! I know for dub some parts could’ve been a lot better due to certain dialogue being changed up. The subtitles themselves aren’t a problem at all? I don’t see why some people are upset over them? The experience is a lot better with the original VA’s especially Eren’s, he has a great way of delivering certain emotions which makes it feel much more believable. I’d recommend sticking to them unless you personally don’t enjoy it :) If you’re super torn... maybe do a poll in the next following episodes and see? Loved this episode ! !


Stick with the sub for sure. Excited for another series, since Korra ended it feels like you've been flying through shows but that's probably just me.


Kind of puts you into the shoes of the characters even more then. The information is just as difficult for us to obtain as it is for them and that’s part of the journey? At least that’s what I get out of this statement. I haven’t finished the first season


If this episode is any indication, I can already tell the acting is top-notch. It's awesome that the actors take it so seriously. Really the only reason I am considering switching to the dub is because of logistical issues of the reaction format and having tiny subs on screen :)


I'm glad :) I will probably stick with subs. I'm planning on going back and watching episodes dubbed to compare... but the voice acting in Japanese is already so top notch.


It has been a whirlwind. Part of it is that when I started Korra I was doing 4 episodes a week, and now I'm doing 6 :) And Dragon Prince was relatively short


fun (not really...) fact... in the scene where the titan picks her up, you can see carla's legs kicking... so she lied about them being broken :')


No spoilers but all questions get answered eventually. Super cool themes throughout the seasons. 100% worth sticking with :)


Just a heads up that the video seems like it got blocked for copyright, even though it’s been a week


This show is REALLY hard to watch. It took me like 3 different times watching the 1st episode to like get myself to watch more.


Yeah I know what you mean. I remembered more about why I stopped watching initially, and it wasn't just "mystery boxes." It was also that it's just really painful


I watched the first two episodes and couldn't bring myself to continue for a while. So glad I came back to it, though. I've only just started season 3 and I'm blown away by the storytelling. It's been so fun to learn more and try to piece everything together.

Tenzin Dikyikhangsar

So relieved to see it took a while for others to continue the series regularly too...I remember reading the manga and seeing the first season when it first came out and its so much™️...on a side note the fact that almost every single character is drawn visibly shook at all times makes this show feel so much more real and scary. I just binged almost 2 seasons and it's been a lot to process, gonna watch your reactions before I move on :D surprised at how this show portrays trauma, everything feels really natural and the writing is so good!


Just joined the Patreon and am excited to rewatch these reactions in their full version, also happy to support the channel since the content is most definitely worth it!