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Emma Root

You see Callum as unlikable, I see him as extra relatable lol


Haha I like Callum, it's just that he feels especially helpless recently for some reason. Especially contrasted with Rayla


What I enjoy about Callum and Rayla's relationship is that it takes place and develops DURING the course of the show WHILE they are a couple (basically as of now) compared to something like ATLA where the relationship only starts exactly at the end of the show. These last few episodes Callum has felt like more of a passenger but to be fair he is literally credited with being the first human to do primal magic.


For sure. One thing I think I didn't make clear enough in the video is that I do like Callum and Rayla together as we've seen it develop organically over time in a way that didn't feel forced. It's just that the timing felt a little off, cause while I think Callum was supposed to be supportive here, for some reason it hit me as a little overbearing and not as impactful as his cheering up could have been.


These last couple episodes the rayla/ callum interactions have just been so awkward and hard to watch for me


I think a lot of the Callum issues could have been alleviated if they had just thrown in an 'aspiro' and have him blow away a bunch of the soul fang serpents. He desperately needed something to do.


I'm definitely inclined to agree with you about these last couple of episodes. Whenever I rewatch the show, I usually skip them because they just kind of fall flat. I thought it was because I'm not a huge fan of Nyx's character, but I think you hit the nail on the head with the fact that Callum's growth sort of plateaus. He's usually very intuitive and clever, but he spends most of these episodes being dragged along by Rayla. I guess you could make the argument that he's out of his element as he gets used to Xadia, but... eh. But yes, now riseth the amazing Soren!!


Definitely agree, I think that was a big part of it. He falls down a lot, needs rescuing constantly. One big move would have gone a long way


Yeah Rayla even seems annoyed by it. "Why aren't you running" etc. But all worth it for Soren haha


Lol the hatred for Rayllum in these comments versus the fandom's incredible outpouring of love towards the romance is hilarious. Not sure if you're aware but probably the number one thing that made this show go somewhat viral during season 3 was Rayllum and its by far the most talked about/loved thing in the show, yet pretty much every Rayllum scene you are either uncomfortable or dislike whatever Callum is doing, which is understandable. You will probably love Season 4 and on of the show if the current fan theories are true about Rayla and Callum splitting up during the rumored time skip between Season 3 and 4.


I don't have a problem with Rayllum really. In fact I liked the early hints at their relationship. I just think these few episodes in particular don't do the best job with their dynamic. For me it's largely an issue of timing, and Callum not being his best self.


Just noticed the very Walter White tone that Viren has. "I am the law." mhm I can guess where this is going.


Just a little pointer: the first soldier to lay down his arms was the scout that Rayla spared in the first episode


I was looking forward to watching your reaction to this episode, because of Soren. I’ve made a couple comments about how faithful you were to being a fan of his character. But I was trying to avoid any hints about his story. I knew you would be pleased about this. And your reaction didn’t disappoint!


I appreciate it! Yeah this was a big payoff for me being a Soren believer haha


Yes, Rayla may have been pretty badass this episode but the real MVP was Soren! He finally did the thing! :D I liked that Viren told Aaravos that Claudia is not an asset but as you said, she can be both. Viren may not admit it (or realize it) but its clear he's been using her. Now, I'm just worried for Claudia. About the whole Callum and Rayla situation, I pretty much agree. They're relationship at the moment just isn't working out for me. I like them as characters but during these episodes I wasn't interested in their plotlines and wanted to get back to the Kingdom or check up on Amaya.

Aidan Pullen

1) that fancy giant magic gate really came in handy eh? ;) 2) Hell yeah Soren! He's such a good dude, and I love this episode, it's a huge payoff for him 3) I gotta agree with what you were saying about Callum and Rayla. Normally in these types of stories, when the hero learns a new talent or ability, they'd start actually use them. Like, when all those Soulfangs were surrounding that elf, he could have just done a nice powerful "aspero" spell and been done with it, but instead he just stood by helplessly while Rayla took care of it in a badass fashion as always. Disappointing. I also feel real sorry for Claudia, she's trapped in this place where she's been manipulated by her father to make her think he's the greatest man alive and has only good intentions. I feel bad that she has to make the choice between her friends and her dad. First it was her dad or her mom, then it was her friends or Soren, then it was Soren or her dad, she just keeps choosing Viren I think in part because she can find stability in that, and she's sure of him (as misguided as she sort of is). Also I really want to see Anya again, she's super cool. Amaya too.


I’m pretty sure the whole Callum being helpless thing doesn’t persist for the whole season I could be wrong but I if I remember right, he starts actually doing cool stuff again Either way, I agree with you. The Rayla and Callum stuff seems like it was condensed for this season when it should of had breathing room. Nothing is bad about the idea of them getting together, and they even have great chemistry throughout the show, but yeah it’s definitely weird timing Despite all of that though Soren delivering with that payoff is super satisfying


Rewatching this episode, I noticed how they inverted some gender tropes throughout it like Callum holding onto Rayla as they rode on the shaddowpaw or when Rayla carried Callum—the way Spider-Man would MJ—down the ambler. I'm wondering if the writers were going for more of a Rayla is the one that's getting the guy kinda thing.


btw did you know the baker and viren share the same voice actor?


Yeah, I think the point is that Callum is the not the brave hero, Rayla is. Callum takes on the traditionally female role as the understanding, supportive, big-hearted character that is very in tune with his feelings and less impressive in the big flashy action scenes. Where Rayla is the opposite - she's direct, strong, daring, and suppresses her emotions. I find it refreshing to see those stereotypes challenged.


I disagree on the Raylum angst. I see it kind of like early Sokka. He wasn't a great fighter in those first few episodes, but he had heart. Callum definitely acts as heart here. Though, I fully recognize that you're referring to just the last couple episodes because he showed great bravery in being willing to give himself up to Sol Regem. Still, it's gotta be pretty disorienting to be in a strange land. That would throw anyone off their game... except Rayla, because she's awesome. But for a human, I'm vibing with Callum.


Haha admittedly a fence would not have worked as well as that snake-dissolving magical barrier. That's a good point about Claudia... She's been forced to choose for most of her life


I think that's fine. Rayla has been that from the beginning. Callum doesn't need to be the knight in shining armor for their romance to work I don't think. But Callum himself needs to bring something to the table. He usually does bring a lot, but he spends most of these episodes falling down.


Right, I think he is heart here, and there is something to the fact that he's a stranger in a strange land. But I also they think they went a little heavy on helplessness in ways that were unrelated, such as him falling down in key moments, not running, etc.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love them, so cute i relate to callum in these last 2 eps honestly feels like how i would react in those situations also forgive me but u being uncomfortable with the mushiness is amusing


You do have a point about the compliments, but I disagree with you on this one. Speaking from personal experience, when you're in a position where everyone thinks you are a burden to them and nobody takes you seriously, you don't need encouragement from someone you look up to for it to be meaningful. Up until this point, nobody really thought Rayla was capable of doing great things. That's why she was in such a bad place but then Callum came along and gave her a half-assed compliment. That was intentionally uncomfortable because Callum was super nervous in telling her how he feels. But then he later gave her the real compliment saying that she is a hero which showed her that she IS capable of doing something great which completely subverted her view of herself and the world around her. A little thing like this can change your life and it HAS changed my life so I can confirm that.


I think you're right. I think the important thing is that however I feel about it, it means a lot to Rayla to hear that from Callum. As you point out, that's a result of where she is and how she thinks about herself. And also it's not like she and Callum haven't built a relationship to the point where she respects him. I guess it was just me... Personally at that moment I was a little bit put off by Callum based on recent events, and so it felt somewhat hollow to me.


Vindication! No, but really, I totally get it, I was basically on the same journey with Soren. Like, Claudia is interesting, but I latched onto Soren and was rooting for him to make the right choice from the start. But you do bring up an other issue I have with this season, which is imbalance. Rayla really does carry this basically alone at this point, and Ezran had that cool storyline, but Callum is kinda just there right now and I think they balanced this way better in the other two seasons.