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00:00 - Episode 7

30:58 - Episode 8

57:35 - Reacting to my reaction

1:16:39 - Summary


ATLA Rewatch 7&8.mp4

This is "ATLA Rewatch 7&8.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Brock Percle

I always forget saturdays are the rewatch and when i see it i get super happy haha


Since you have already watched the show, yes Aang does channel Kyoshi if you remember, when she admits that she was responsible for Chin the Conqueror's death

Aidan Pullen

One thing I noticed on one of my rewatches, was the initial ambiguity on the direction of the spirit world. I feel like at this point in the show they hadn't fully nailed down how they wanted it to work. In this episode the "spirit world" seems to operate largely on the same plane as the physical world. Additionally, Aang is blue and transparent, as if spiritually projecting, like Jinora does. I think this episode can be a little confusing in hindsight because I feel their ideas about the spirit world changed throughout the season. If you remember, in the S1 finale, Aang actually meditates INTO the spirit world more like it appears moving forward. I can't be totally sure, and maybe I'm wrong but that's how I interpret it.


I had similar thoughts this time around. It feels like they might have had other plans for it that they changed their minds about later on.


As for the spirit world rules relevance in ATLA, I remember that when Aang is on the lion turtle he thinks he is in the spirit world, but then he bends air and realizes he's still in the physical world. Also the other time the spirit world is seen is in the season one finale, and also I guess with the library but just the owl (and foxes) is a spirit who brought it to the physical world.


Season One is incredibly under rated especially now with the extreme rise of popularity due to Netflix adding it this summer. The majority of the new fans which now make up most of the fanbase always say "Season One is ok" or "Just wait till Season 2 and 3" which is utterly insane in my opinion, episodes like these prove that. I agree Season One is the "worst" of the 3 seasons but all of them are very close in quality and that quality is perfection. The show from beginning to end is an undisputed masterpiece.

Danisha McNary

I feel like meditating into the spirit world must feel like you’re asleep in a dream. You try to run and it’s slow or you’re not moving. You feel like you’re just a presence, hence the reason why someone couldn’t bend. Whereas in Korra, when they entered thru the portals, they’re awake, aware, more able to act, hence why they could bend. Idk just a thought.


I think that rule is still consistent. Because Aang wasn't aware about Spirit Portals (I am assuming) yet, not having bending was a good aspect for him, to distinguish between the spirit and physical worlds

hays collins

It’s funny seeing you forgetting certain parts of the show. I have to remeber this is your second watching and not your millionth like many of us watching this




I did get a lot of comments like that. I think part of it at least is that you don't appreciate how much is there from the beginning until you see how things play out.


Yeah it's kind of a weird thing that as much as the show means to me, I've only seen the whole thing once.


No matter how many times I watch this show, I always get chills watching the Roku scenes in this episode. It's just so good

gostrobo100 .

Was not sure when it was going to but when I saw the notification I got excited

gostrobo100 .

I feel it’s more similar to astral projection. When doing this you are technically in the “spirt world”

Aidan Pullen

Man I don't know what it is about it, but whenever I hear Aang speak in the avatar state with voices of the previous lives in chorus.... Chills. Every. Single. Time. And I've seen this show sooo many times xD


I agree with your take, and that of other commenters, that the Spirit World was very much in development at this stage. I also agree that these two episodes are excellent and how it feels like the first real glimpse of Zuko having so much more potential. Especially when he goes after his uncle instead of following the air bison. I see that someone else has already mentioned that Aang becomes Kyoshi in a future episode. So one original thought I can add is how you said it was pretty amazing that Roku destroyed the temple to help Aang escape. I think another reason is because he was upset with the Fire Mages, who were now serving the Fire Lord instead of the Avatar.


For me season 1 has multiple turning points, where the show goes from being "this is cute but kind of cool" to "oh wow this actually has a lot of depth and high stakes". I agree with you that these two episodes were one of those big shifts.


Yeah I think that holds true for both series as well, I was just mentioning the times I could remember offhand that the spirit world comes up in atla.


Korra is a great show with all things considered and outclasses most other shows out there but Avatar truly is on another level. What a damn show.

William Abbott

In my humble opinion I believe in the spirit world you would have to bend the "energy" around you not the elements. That's my interpretation from the lion turtle and a little evidence is when Korra warped her surroundings in the spirit world by getting upset then calming down. Then Iroh gave her a little lesson about our emotions becoming our reality. So I think bending could literally be a metaphor for emotions aka the "energy" around us.

Francesca White

you can technically bend in the spirit world if you're physically there, like if you physically entered through the portals that Korra opened

Francesca White

His name IS Hei Bai haha, you may have misheard


Someone probably already mentioned it: but in response to your comment at 53:57, we DO see the avatar take on the form of Kyoshi, in the season 2 episode Avatar Day, when Kyoshi confesses to killing Chin the Conqueror


If I am not mistaken that good Fire Sage makes an reappearence in the Comics. He is the one who has been appointed Head Fire Sage (or whatever the official title is) by Firelord Zuko. I had completely forgotten that Zuko helped arresting and questioning him though. Must have made for an interesting conversation after his release when Zuko offered him the job XD


Oh yeh that's a good point. That also links to when Korra gets help from Zaheer in S4 and finally breaks through to the spirit world. Raava transports her to the location of the trapped spirits, which belong to the people who got yanked by the angered Republic City vines (Jinora, plus the basement-kid turned air-bender w/ his tour group). Korra, not knowing how to proceed, says she's powerless here. However, we find out that actually the opposite is true, because Raava tells her she is MOST powerful there, being connected to all of the spiritual energy. Then Korra touches the globe thing that's encasing the trapped spirits, and she energy bends. This frees Jinora and the others, and they emerge from those gross green pods. Haha idk why but those gooey things always skeeved me out. Reminds me of that 80s killer clowns movie lmaoo


Such an earthbender move when Aang kicked the fireball face on!

James Berry

I really love these longer vids man and I really enjoy the rewatching. It adds layers...... Like a lovely cabbage ☺

James Berry

She is a boss ass and tbh I don't think aang would underestimate her at her cannon observable peak. She kicked much more ass and had to manage that in an exponentially changing world. She reminded me of a young roku more so than any other avatar and coincidentally she is opposit him on their 🌀 cycle. Like kyoshi has a very opposite personality (so Farr iv not read it all cut mme some slack! 😂 ) to aang. I feel we have literally pieces of a huge jigsaw. Korra juust made so much sense to me. I think she succeeded where aang would have struggled. I'm glad the world had an avatar like korra who was more hot headed. Aang would have been mabye more negotiable by her age where a more toph based approach was needed

James Berry

Same iv been watching since it was on TV and every time I get them chills and find something new out

James Berry

I find the way he responds interesting too it's very chilled toph based approach with a side serving of...... Dude

James Berry

There are many routes to power some would consider.... Unnatural 🤔 😂

James Berry

I want a kyoshi adaption of the book to cartoon and I want a roku novel.......... Or azula novel structured like kyoshi. I always thought of a story where azula In later life settles ddown with a guy she finds attractive and works hard to get and ends up been shaaaarted on. A real psychological shockaboom pow........ mabye its sokka lol mabye she was the founder of the Red lotus and embrace the blue dragon. Ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh....... And I want that now

James Berry

Aang as I understand it astral projected during thiis episode and was guided to the temple then his spirit was guided into the spirit world or a connection was made between them. At thee moment the vales was at their thinnest. Don't recall aang every physically walking into the spirit world. Which would have made an awssome episode. like they fell down a a massive hole into the spirit world somehow when in the cavee of lovers with the beetles group

James Berry

I feel if they did change their ideas of the spirit world. it might hhave been built on top of this but I see anng astral projecting here. At thhe point when the vales were closest roku andd aang could make a connecting from the spirit world to him there. I don't see how they differ from one and another

James Berry

Same! I get all Set up ready, drink snacks, feet up and headphones on ☺


"Do we ever see the Avatar take the physical form of a previous Avatar again?" To answer this question, yes - we see it with Kyoshi in season 2.


These two feel like the first real highpoint, a lot of great stuff at play here, like you pointed out. True tea about Roku, it's gonna be interesting to see if my dislike of him stems entirely from The Promise, coz I think I used to be at least neutral on him before?