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00:00 - Episode 5

25:06 - Episode 6

56:30 - Reacting to my reaction

112:50 - Brief summary


ATLA Rewatch episodes 5&6.mp4

This is "ATLA Rewatch episodes 5&6.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


hays collins

I LOVE the little sounds in the background. The cough sound after every not so funny jokes is so funny


Now THIS is what I needed tonight. What a nice notification to receive! Damn - I got here so early I even beat 1080p resolution!




I think the funniest part to me is Katara's, "Okay, we are gonna keep trying but that is a great backup."

hays collins

My question if Bumi struggled to move that platform HOW THE HELL did he simply throw a bunch of houses in when he liberated the city during the black sun?!?!?

hays collins

I feel like these first 10 episodes are separate of the rest of the season. I don’t count 11(great divide). Out of these episodes imprisioned is my fav of those 10

hays collins

I love Katara and the humor is great. The lemur earth bending is the best joke of book 1 haha

Aidan Pullen

The name's Bonzu, Pippenpaddleopsicopolis. THE THIRD. I also think people are too fast to attribute "best earthbender" to Toph. Sure, she's good, and she invents metalbending, but let's not forget that she's 12 years old, and Bumi has been honing his skill as an earthbender for 100-some-odd years. He's also clearly a master of neutral jing (the one toph uses) as well. I think in terms of pure earthbending prowess I'd still give it to Bumi. This might change when Toph hits her prime but as of this show I think Bumi takes it.


YOOOO I forgot it was ATLA rewatch tonight and not TDP. I am pleasantly surprised but its too late for an hour long vid for me. I shall come back tomorrow.


Hehe yes you're right about the hints of romance, In 3x10 Katara blushes when she sees Haru and in 3x18 Katara says she has a surprise for everyone and Toph responds with "I knew it, you did have a secret thig with Haru" When I first watched the show I was kind of hoping they would end up together ( one of the more obscure katara ships in the fandom ik).

R'Mani Leavell

something about that old guy who turned in Haru, I like to think that he couldn't pay a tax or something like that, so as payment he did the only thing he could think of that would keep the soldiers from destroying his home or what not.

Aidan Pullen

fighting with Aang was probably his first real fight in a good long while. Also he was obviously going easy on Aang, so it's likely it could have been an act.

R'Mani Leavell

I don't think the creators knew from the start how advanced bending would get. I doubt theres an in show answer for something like that


I think for a lot of people it comes down to metal bending. Too bad the comic didn't give us any clear answers lol


I wonder how much they had figured out romantically from the beginning. I know they have dropped certain elements that appeared early in the show, like Momo being a reincarnation, so I wonder if Haru wasn't supposed to be more. It is a nice start to their relationship - They understand each other's histories and they go through a life-altering event together.


That is a very nice attribution to his character :) That is definitely more understandable.




Haha yeah she's a sweet cat. She has taken to sitting on my lap when I record, which is sometimes nice sometimes not. Not shown in the video is the part where she knocked over the microphone and ripped out the headphones when she jumped down.

William Abbott

Mike tyson is fighting right now. What a great night.

Jay Crigler

I have a theory that the old guy is a fire nation spy they definitely have spys because it gets brought up in the episode with jet the old guy could been watching the mines to make sure nobody was bending


„How can you not know who Sokka is?!“ killed me :‘D


Also there's this theory that I really like, that Bumi uses the same longevity technique as Kyoshi, but not in the same power level as her. And I like to think Bumi learned seismic sense from Toph after the war.

Aaron Ong

Another funny detail is when Aang is trying to find out Bumi's name, Sokka suggests "Rocky", because he's an Earthbender. He wasn't far off- Bumi actually means "Earth" in Indonesian.


Maybe the Fire Nation solders have interrogated him how he got out from that collapsed mine and tortured him until he gave up...


Momo literally helped the next episode after you said "Does Momo help?" lmao


your personality is so much like Toph

A Suresh

This is just a note for when episode 10 rolls along: Katara waterbended water from the well into the pot right before she found out that Haru was taken away to the prison. EDIT: Yoo why you gotta hit water tribe food like that xD DOUBLE EDIT: Okay, you followed it up with a self burn; the balance is maintained. All in all, great reaction, I love the introspection in this rewatch series. It's valuable and informs my own thinking.


The scene where Aang uses his air bending at dinner is super similar as to when his son Bumi first uses air bending in Korra.

Alex Begley

On Katara's personality, it seems like people typically don't like those that try to shake up the status quo, even if the status quo isn't that great of a situation. People usually side with the comfort of stability over the prospect of change because of their fear of the unknown. Things may be bad but at least they know how bad it is, while change has the potential to bring something worse. So it makes sense someone like Katara who takes bold actions to put change in motion would be met by hostility, even by those she's trying to help.


"Stories are bound by their arcs, whereas life is not." Probably why humans love stories so much!


Timely cough will always be funny

Silent Shadow

This is the first time I noticed the line “typical air bender tactics, avoid and evade…” that should have tipped off aang right away that something was off seeing as no one has seen or fought an airbender in a hundred years. It is weird that some guy he has supposedly never met knows what the tactics of an airbender would be.


When you talk about Katara going against the flow--I think she actually has a good handle on her degree of intervention. When she, Sokka, and Aang form the plan to escape the fire nation rig, she says, "I wish I could help them help themselves." She believes that people need a push sometimes. I don't recall where her call-to-action ever truly leads to an unhealthy burden. She has a strong sense of morals and compassion, and her strong will and vocalness tend to make situations sticky. But, the actions are necessary to right the obvious suffering she witnesses. I admire her courage to unfailing help others help themselves, even when it's inconvenient and a bit risky.