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EDIT: This video contains some mistakes (wrong names on screen). It is fixed in the YouTube version below, but I'm leaving this version up to preserve the comments :)

This will likely be my last post until Saturday so I can make sure I'm on track for the upcoming shows. 

YouTube link:



00:23 - Maturing of themes from ATLA to Korra?

00:48 - Ranking of all villains

02:07 - Do you prefer one villain or many villains?

02:33 - Lessons or meaning in Korra?

03:24 - Why is there so much hate for Korra?

04:33 - Characters that should have been more explored?

05:08 - Which characters do you most relate to?

06:06 - Which story point do you want to know more about in the universe?

06:43 - Which character is most like you?

07:25 - Which Avatar is most like you?

07:32 - Where would you want to live?

07:36 - Favorite sub bending?

07:47 - Who accomplished more, Korra or Aang?

08:07 - Ranking villain ideologies

08:43 - Favorite character in LOK

09:02 - Do you prefer the adult characters in LOK or younger characters in ATLA?

09:15 - Was the large cast in LOK too much?

09:45 - Is Korra a Mary Sue?

10:28 - Will the Avatar eventually lose importance?

11:42 - Does Tenzin/Korra emulate Iroh/Zuko?

12:30 - What do you think of Mako hate?

13:30 - Which show do you like more?

14:06 - Would you be Varrick's assistant?

14:20 - What would you say to people who told you not to watch LOK?

14:53 - What did Korra do that was legendary?

15:08 - Would people have tolerated Korra more if she were male?

15:56 - What do you prefer about LOK over ATLA?

16:10 - Opinion on Korra and Mako's friendship?

16:25 - Similarities between Zuko and Korra?

16:56 - Opinion on Kuvira?

17:06 - New Korra trilogy?

17:14 - Varrick is Sokka's son? Su-Yin is Sokka's daughter?

17:38 - What would you do with a sequel?

17:57 - Thoughts on Aang and Sokka whitewashing?

18:43 - What would you change about Korra?

18:53 - Anything you missed about ATLA in LOK?

19:25 - Would Aang and Korra have gotten along?

19:35 - What is something that remained consistent throughout Korra?

20:10 - Dude!

20:12 - If the age restriction were removed would you change the show?

20:58 - Korra haiku?

21:07 - What places would you visit in the Avatar universe?

21:27 - In what time period would you like the sequel to take place?

21:36 - Who was your favorite character and why was it Varrick?

21:45 - Rate Korra's growth out of 10

21:52 - Did Beginnings ruin the lore?

22:21 - Favorite air bending kid?

23:00 - Why the Raava / Vatu hate?

22:38 - Top characters from both series?

24:06 - Who is the best character and why is it Tenzin?

24:13 - Which set of characters do you prefer?

24:30 - Are Korra's villains better than ATLA's?

24: 38 - Who's funnier, Sokka or Varrick?

24:59 - How would you make Korra an overarching story?

25:31 - Does Korra abuse nostalgia for ATLA to get views?

25:54 - Which series ending made you sadder?

27:29 - Thoughts about the new ATLA live-action?

28:14 - Who do you think Zuko ended up with?

28:34 - Which character would you want to be?

28:55 - Who would win in a fight, Sokka or Varrick?

29:00 - What 1 thing would you change about Korra / thoughts on romance

30:37 - Was Korra considering suicide in S1?

31:09 - What would it be like if the villains had tea together?

31:20 - Favorite musical piece in the show?

31:38 - Favorite ship? / thoughts on romance 2

31:20 - Were you disappointed we didn't get more fire nation?

32:39 - Thoughts on Amon and Tarrlok's ending?

32:50 - Favorite episode?

33:01 - Was Korra necessary as a show?

33:13 - Shoutout to Peony's cat.

33:14 - Least favorite character?

33:39 - Which element would you bend?

33:46 - Which character would you be friends with?

34:27 - Will there be any shows better than Avatar?

34:40 - What would you name your pro-bending team?

34:53 - Varrick's good looks and smarts or Bolin's humility and strength?

35:17 - Lessons from Korra that might resonate with people?

37:00 - Feelings about severing connections to past Avatars?

38:02 - Did ATLA characters get enough screen time in LOK?

38:20 - Do the mechs fit the show?

38:33 - Who would you spend a day with?

38:48 - Ranking of seasons

40:26 - What do you think the next Avatar would be like?

40:44 - Favorite past Avatar?

40:50 - Has the Avatar depression kicked in yet?

40:54 - Did Lin have the right to be mad at Su-yin?

41:11 - Strongest bender in the series?

41:38 - Thoughts on Raava and Vatu's design?

41:52 - Meaning of Korra as a whole?

45:12 - Thoughts on lion turtles creating bending?

45:55 - Favorite moments?

46:15 - Ready to admit you're in love with Bolin?

46:22 - Top 3 fight scenes in LOK?

46:28 - Closing


(No title)



Thank you for answering so many of my questions, even though they didn't get put up on the screen? Ive really enjoyed hearing your insights!


Thanks for this!


Lets go, been dying for a Goodwin vid last couple days. Cannot wait to hear your thoughts on the incredible philosophical and insanely dark writing in FMA. Going from Korra/ATLA to FMA and watching light hearted TDP at the same time is gonna be interesting, but at least you aren't watching Attack on Titan! (Yet hopefully)

Aidan Pullen

oh man this video's a big one! gonna have to set some time aide later. Excited! :D


This was such an interesting watch. I am actually a little surprised to learn you enjoyed ATLA a little more. But I'm so glad you enjoyed both and enjoyed your experience with both shows. I still remember being 8 years old watching ATLA for the first time and really connecting with Aang (and later Toph and Zuko) which made the series one that remains so close to my heart. Seeing people enjoy it and take something out of it like I did is always wonderful. I'm glad you will continue to cover Avatar content in all forms and who knows, maybe we might even get more Kyoshi which I think we would all love. :)


cat C A T CCCCCCCCAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTT what the kiki name :3 sorry i'mma watch the video now XD Edit: another good Q&A <3 ^_^


Thanks, I'm glad! Both shows are amazing and I'll never forget this experience. I have a feeling I will be watching both shows many many times over the years. And I will definitely be doing any new content that comes out.

R'Mani Leavell

Yes, Sokka and Suki is the best couple in the Avatar universe. They never broke up, Suyins dad isn't Sokka and Zuko never ended up with Suki. No one can ever tell me different.

hays collins

It legit pusses me off when people call korra a Mary Sue or say she didn’t have to struggle. I say the exactly what you said “DO YOU EVEN WATCH THE SHOW!!!”

hays collins

Trust me you don’t have to choose between the shows. I adore both and my choice legit flip flops to whichever I prefer. Right now I would choice korra since I just finished your korra reactions

hays collins

“Do you ever think you will find a show better than ATLA or LOK” “I hope so” HAHAHA. Sorry to break it for you but 6 years later and no show has come close to avatar and korra. MAYBE attack on titan with the lore aspect but anything else pales in comparison


I see what you mean with Aang doing one big accomplishment and that he did "more". Looking back Korra opened the spirit portals which created a new era (as Aang did) but also changed one of the first Avatars mistakes which was separation. So personally I feel like Korra achieved more accomplishments with combining two worlds together.


FMAB is probably the best animated show ever. code geass and hunter x hunter are up there too! in terms of american animation there's nothing really that comes close to the avatar series though.

Feral Riot

I agree about Ikki so bad omg, is the only airbender child who didnt get a nice arc in the show, middle kids always forgotten i guess LOL and im not thinking about Rohan because it was just a baby


If. We go chronologically then the next avatar would be a late millennial early Gen z that’s if Korra lived to around 80 but if Korra pulls a Kyoshi we might get a future avatar

James Berry

Emotions Dude =p