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Asking the big questions: If there are two couples plus one brother eating together, does it count as a double date?


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Official Jrem

Got hyped at the notification 🔥


My man always coming in the clutch with these uploads! Appreciate you agoodwintv


LOL fantastic thumbnail


Bolin's voice actor is P.J. Byrne! He is amazing!)


Pretty sure bending is recessive. At least it has followed that rule throughout both series.

Cody Taylor

Wow great episode so much to talk about i love it. I totally understand what you mean about korra i always felt korra was way more relatable than aang. Like obviously aang is amazing and really cool but korras struggles i feel translate better? Maybe its just me


when this episode came out, a lot of people were upset because they thought Aang was perfect and would be a perfect dad, but I think Aang's airbender child being his favorite (or at least the one he spent the most time with) makes sense for his character. Aang had the weight of his entire culture on his shoulders, and that's a lot to pass onto your only child who could continue your culture's legacy. It doesn't excuse how he treated Kya and Bumi (bring them to Kyoshi Island, come on!) but it makes sense.


https://youtu.be/IeKBXQHBomA Here's a video from Hello Future Me, he explains bending genetics. Hope it helps!

Cody Taylor

Totally makes sense not only do you have to train them and teach them but its also about sharing in that burden a little bit you know? Finally not being alone. I think its very humanizing that he wasn't a perfect father

Jerry Ferrell

Bending genetics are a bit complicated. My most educated guess is that Kya can only pass down water bending. However, there is another component that makes airbending genetics a bit different than the other elements, although I won’t go into specifics since it’s a minor spoiler for the Kyoshi novels. Although I doubt Kya could pass it down, Bumi might be able to. Also I think what Korra’s mom said about the problems between the north and the south starting long ago was significant. Although wars are fought with power, the issues behind wars usually can’t be resolved with power alone. So, in a way, it is foolish to think a single person, even the avatar, could easily resolve this issue. The brewing war is connected to these groups identifying as North and South, rather than the Water Tribe. I feel like Korra is set up to fail by Udalok because his actions are pushing to widen the gap between the tribes even as he puts pressure on Korra, saying only she can stop the war.


Its astounding how relatable you are. also AMAZING thumbnail 10/10 approval rate

Aidan Pullen

Something on bending: while it is hereditary to an extent, the rules for who is/isn't a bender are pretty loose and mystical. Mike and Bryan have said multiple times that that's on purpose. They want to keep those rules loose and unknown. It's a magical, mysterious power, and if the people in this world don't quite understand it fully, neither should we. On Aang as a dad: I am actually a huge fan of the fact that he wasn't a perfect dad. Something I love about this franchise and its characters is that they all have flaws of some sort, and it makes them feel so much more human and alive. It makes sense that Aang prioritized his duty, and raising the next generation of the Air Nation. I love the sibling squabbles between Kya, Bumi, and Tenzin; they just feel so real. Your commentary and analysis is actually giving me a great new perspective on a lot of smaller things I dislike about S2, and making me think maybe I don't actually dislike it so much. I love your deep thoughts on so many things I never even considered. Love the thumbnail xD your comedy is just my style!


Don't watch this yet, I will watch and update if it has spoilers or not. update: OK YUP HUGE SPOILERS DO NOT WATCH

Manuel Alves

It seems that just like watching something on an airplane, a show gets an automatic stat boost when you watch it with Goodwin commentary


Zhu Li, Varrick and Bolin are the best i love them a lot I know what's coming, this isn't my first time watching Korra so i get when people say korra is annoying but honestly if the creators hadn't been screwed over by nickelodeon way back when maybe the first two seasons would of been written better?? Maybe korra as a character wouldn't suck or at least the events that transpired would not of happened or if they had they would of happened to where I wouldn't be putting all the blame on korra because if she hadn't pushed tenzin and her dad away then maybe it wouldn't of happened. Season 3 is the best in my opinion and all of my complaining stops after that for very obvious reasons that you'll find out when you get to season 4.


God I stayed up its 2 am lol


Goodwins gonna have to watch this when he finishes korra entirely this spoils almost everything D:


I just looked him up and realized I've seen him in a bunch of movies but can't remember him for some reason. But he really shines in this show.


The more I think about this, the more confusing it gets. Like, Aang and Katara had an airbender, a waterbender, and a nonbender. If either airbending or waterbending were recessive, they couldn't have kids with those elements unless Aang had a recessive water trait and Katara had a recessive air trait (meaning they had waterbending and airbending ancestors, respectively). But maybe it's that the trait is actually just for BENDING first and then the element is randomly determined. I have to think about this more lol.


Yeah, that makes sense. We've seen how much preserving his culture means to him.


I love both of them, but the teenager in me sympathizes (and cringes) with Korra :)


Thanks! I have heard so much about this channel and I plan on binging every single video when I finish the entire Avatar universe lol


Interesting... I'll have to come back to the genetics question later. And yeah I totally agree about Udalok. He knows what he's doing, and I think he's toying with her a little bit because he knows she wants to feel like the savior.


I also love that about the show. It's helped me learn a lot about myself just thinking about the characters and watching them in both their successes and failures.


And also like watching it on an airplane, it gets frequently interrupted by someone talking.


Woops, sorry, I forgot. 😅 Good thing people responded.

Cody Taylor

Yeah its especially hard when they were told it was only one season then they get a second and they are like wow okay well guess this will be the last one better do something crazy. Then they get a third lol it totally leaves an imprint on how the story unfolds


Korra as a character doesn't suck at all. She goes through an amazing 4 seasons of character development, starting out extremely flawed and slowly becoming a more complete and better Avatar.


The thing is, they knew they had 26 total episodes before season 1 even aired and was still in production. There's no reason season 2 should be as poorly written as it was - and even before season 2 aired (over a year before) they knew they got another 26 episodes, 52 in total. Byrke even stated they were able to make '99.5% of the show they set out to make' and that nickelodeon was very 'hands off'. The truth is when they lost Aaron Ehasz, they lost a massive part of what made ATLA so special.


Korra could always turn to..oh I don't know..her past lives for advise on being the avatar? I feel like for a season entitled 'spirits' they forgot that the spirits of all of the avatars live within Korra and are there for guidance. If season 1 is to be believed - she finally connected with her spiritual side and mastered the avatar state so it should be no issue for her to talk to Aang, again.


His channel has so much great avatar content. Maybe after you binge his stuff you could collaborate.


I agree that Korra doesn't suck. I think a lot of people lose sight of the fact that humans – some more than others – are inherently flawed, and I think it's a good thing to explore a deeply flawed protagonist who has a lot of growing to do. She's young and headstrong, and she thinks her way is the right way. Her writing is one of the things I appreciate the most about this season. Just because she's not necessarily likable as a person and has friction against growth doesn't mean she's a badly written character imo :o That isn't to say your opinion is wrong, of course! Just my perspective on it.

Ramon Cintron

The show writers felt that aang relied too heavily on his past lives and didn't want Korra to just be a repeat of aang so they did this on purpose


@Michael Saunders sorry don't know how replying to people works on patreon yet but that's crazy


I can see them not wanting to rehash the previous show but part of being the avatar is the ability to tap into your past lives and draw knowledge from them so that sounds more like an excuse as to why they did such a poor job with the development. The writers seemed to want it both ways: to separate themselves from ATLA while simultaneously trying to tap into the nostalgia that would obviously come with showing beloved characters from that world.


What was really telling for me was when they said they took a lot of inspiration from the writer of 'Fooly Cooly', Yoji Enokido, and they just wanted to create something that 'was entertaining like MTV, rather than something that made sense'.

Blackeyedlily (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 03:55:19 The problems between the Southern and Northern Water Tribes, and some of your observations, reminds me too much of what is currently happening in the U.S. I see that others have already recommended Hello Future Me for a video on Bending Genetics, and that you plan to watch those videos after you are done with Korra. I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of those videos. I especially think you would like the one on Azula’s psychology. But there are quite a few excellent videos regarding Avatar on that channel.
2021-07-15 03:55:19 The problems between the Southern and Northern Water Tribes, and some of your observations, reminds me too much of what is currently happening in the U.S. I see that others have already recommended Hello Future Me for a video on Bending Genetics, and that you plan to watch those videos after you are done with Korra. I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of those videos. I especially think you would like the one on Azula’s psychology. But there are quite a few excellent videos regarding Avatar on that channel.
2020-09-10 12:56:44 The problems between the Southern and Northern Water Tribes, and some of your observations, reminds me too much of what is currently happening in the U.S. I see that others have already recommended Hello Future Me for a video on Bending Genetics, and that you plan to watch those videos after you are done with Korra. I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of those videos. I especially think you would like the one on Azula’s psychology. But there are quite a few excellent videos regarding Avatar on that channel.

The problems between the Southern and Northern Water Tribes, and some of your observations, reminds me too much of what is currently happening in the U.S. I see that others have already recommended Hello Future Me for a video on Bending Genetics, and that you plan to watch those videos after you are done with Korra. I’d love to hear your thoughts on some of those videos. I especially think you would like the one on Azula’s psychology. But there are quite a few excellent videos regarding Avatar on that channel.


Excellent videos regarding writing in general, that dude is an absolute chad.