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In MHA 7x5, Let You Down, Dabi makes a move on Toga, class 1-A moves into a coffin, and Aoyama gives a moving speech.




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Reid Dawson

Not the right place, but cool demon slayer fun fact, the voice actress for Nakime (New Upper 4) is also the voice actress of Armin from AOT


I wonder about Spinner... Like, to me, he seems like a follower. He was inspired by Stain, went out there to emulate him, joined the League because he thought they were affiliated with Stain, then realized they weren't, but he still had found a group where he felt accepted, so he stuck around. And then he was inspired by Shigaraki and decided to follow him. Only for Shigaraki to be taken over by AfO. And now he's just kinda stuck. Like, I don't even think that for him it's about the discrimination anymore? Probably his motivation at first, and I'm sure he still cares about that on some level, but it doesn't feel like that's why he's doing it now? To me, it looks like he's doing what he's told will help Shigaraki, even though he's not even certain Shigaraki is still in there. It just feels like both him and Toga have their backs against the wall and Dabi is the only one who is fine with things because he will get his revenge regardless of who is in charge, AfO or Shigaraki. Meanwhile, the other two have been relegated to being AfO's minions/chess pieces without meaning to, when really, they are here because AfO has taken over the remenants of the only thing they had left (the League of Villains) and there is nowhere else for them to go. So they are going along with it, but in Spinner's case, it seems to be to see Shigaraki's vision of total destruction come to fruition for him, and Toga looks like she's out for revenge now that she's lost most of the people she cares about and has been rejected by Uraraka. I kinda just feel sad for those two, while also dreading the damage they are going to do.