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In Frieren episode 10, A Powerful Mage, Frieren assists in the retirement of an old work colleague.




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Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Goodwin you have just blessed me… I’ve been looking for a video to watch while eating the food I just cooked up for 10 minutes, couldn’t find shit (All non-Goodwin content is ASS) and than I get this notification from the heavens. Bless your soul.


Yes, it could be. But until the author reveals it, we're not supposed to suspect it. It spoils the experience, trying to "what if" everything. Currently, demons being good switcharoo is just as likely as Fern being the reincarnation of the Demon King, who will take over and kill Frieren. What? You can't say that it's impossible. Why don't you talk about it as much as the possibility that there are good demons somewhere? /s I think the "unfair" and "dishonorable" bit must be considered under a different prism. Imagine going around with a knife blade poking out of your pocket. A person with a sword approaches. "We both have a blade weapon. Want to fight?" You agree and then you pull out the knife from your pocket and it's actually a bayoneta fixed to a pistol. Then you shoot them. Concealing mana gets tiring after a while. Frieren is doing it 24/7. Perhaps that's why she's always tired. The demons wouldn't have a reason to suppress their mana, unless it was for the sole reason to kill Frieren. So, basically, live hundreds of years as if they could meet randomly meet Frieren at any day. Besides, demons HAVEN'T figured out that Frieren suppresses her mana... everyone who might've done so died so they couldn't warn the others... Frieren could have beaten them in other ways.


The first time I watched this I felt a little underwhelmed. Like yea, yea Frieren is hiding her mana and she's gonna reveal it and win, and then she does. What, no plot twist? Why didn't she just do it right off the jump and end it quickly? The longer I thought about it the more I began to respect the method here. Frieren didn't allow Aura any opening at all for a twist or subversion. She was trained to be methodical and not take any unnecessary chances. She probably knew full well that she'd win this and the deception may not have been needed, but chose to respect the creativity of demon magic and use extreme caution anyway. She lured Aura away from her living armor army, and waited until she fully committed to the mana scale bit to verify that there wouldn't be another trick up her sleeve - eliminating any chance of a march madness upset. Sure they went to great lengths this episode to explain what we could probably see coming miles away, but for the sake of worldbuilding I didn't mind it at all. Episode 10/10. Also this episode revealed that Flamme was the one who named these creatures "demons", further vilifying them. There's a serious undertone of indiscriminate hatred here that Frieren had validated and encouraged by Flamme after their meeting. Yes, the demons so far have also proven to be assholes, but also they're showing plenty of human traits that Flamme and Frieren claim they do not possess, notably Aura crying before she was forced to behead herself. I don't think you're wrong in hanging on to your doubts about what these demons are. I'm also sure it's intentional that Aura regained her powers in the same year of Himmel's death, but no idea what the connection could be.


Literally my exact experience! Just finished making some somen when this video popped up. A great reaction as always.

Alter Nate

A few episodes ago, I mentioned how I like this show's depiction of demons, and that while I'd be interested to see the nuance of a demon capable of learning and growing into more human emotions/ways of thinking, I was fine with this iteration of demonkind. After rewatching this episode, I'm a lot more interested in the idea of the subversion being subverted. I wonder how Frieren would handle a demon that is capable of empathy, as well as have the capacity to ignore demon society's reverence of mana and constantly suppress themselves in order to trick others.

A Suresh

The thing with "making a mockery of magic" is for people like Flamme and Frieren, and even the demons, who have an unparalleled love for magic, mana concealment is not about who the most skilled mage is. It's purely about fighting dirty and throwing sand and dirt into the opponents eye to win by any means necessary. And for these people who love magic so much, it must pain them to act this way. In a way it's acknowledging that the demons are the more accomplished artists in the sphere of magic, as they have to resort to underhanded means. At least that was my reading on it.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

I'd rather just see Fern and Frieren exterminate all of Demonkind from the face of this Earth but hey that's just me

A Suresh

Connection is pretty straightforward to me: Aura lost most of her forces and almost died fighting Frieren and co. last time. And from this episode, we understand that she and her executioners attribute that loss to the rest of the hero party rather than Frieren. This same party, led by the Hero Himmel went on to kill the Demon King. What would you do as a demon? Go into hiding. Now 28 years ago, Himmel died and that news probably spread. So Aura makes a rational decision: the threat has passed, so now she can come out of hiding to continue what she was doing before. Now, you might question why Frieren didn't just kill Aura like this 80 years ago. And the answers are twofold imo: 1) She hadn't developed advanced magical defences against Zoltraak 2) If she defeated Aura the easy way luring her into using Auserlese and defeating her with mana capacity, that news would have spread and Frieren's low mana cover would've been blown, ruining their chances against the Demon King and the rest of his forces. Also I genuinely think that Demons are genuinely incapable of empathy, but mimic it as a method to hunt. We've seen little evidence to the contrary.


Yea, maybe that's all it is. "Regained her power" was the words used but that could simply mean she's rebuilt her forces as you said


Easily one of my favorite Goodwin Descriptions™ so far. I love how we get all the flashy action last episode for the fights that should be "less interesting", (which ends up not being the case at all) and the big boss fight is over before it started, in classic Hunter x Hunter fashion. The visualization of magic aura also feels very reminiscent of HxH. Such a great build up to the climax as well, ending with the line that has been memed many times already "Aura, kill yourself.".


Basically, Frieren has become to Demons what a Demon is to humans. A being who twists the very basis their society is based around to deceive and kill them. (Verbal Communication for Humans, The Amount of Mana for Demons.)


Basically, Frieren has become to Demons what a Demon is to humans. A being who twists the very basis their society is based around to deceive and kill them. (Verbal Communication for Humans, The Amount of Mana for Demons.) This is why Lugner reacts so viscerally to the idea that Fern and Frieren conceal their mana perfectly to the point where Demons can no longer detect their concealment. Showing the hypocrisy of demons. Also, Frieren and Flamme never said anything about Demons not possessing human emotions. Just that communication with them is pointless because they lack basic empathy and only seek to deceive humanity with their words. Heck, Flamme's entire strategy is based around Demons being incredibly proud of their magic.

Reid Dawson

You worked with/under a billionaire? That’s cool, only about 2,800 exist. They’re unicorns.


I think your speech at 8:20 gets to the heart of it, yes. There's this idea in bushido and other forms of armed combat that you should lay out all your cards on the table, and whoever is weaker should accept defeat. I've never been able to empathize with that perspective, since it reduces "strength" to some sort of quantifiable, fixed entity and not something that's negotiated in real time during the struggle. The translation of 卑怯 (hikyou) as "unfair" is maybe not super helpful there. Hikyou can mean 'unfair' as in 'going against the rules,' yes, but it's more like 'refusing to play the game we (assumed that we) agreed to play.'


I think this show has such an emphasis of time and how things change it's possible that demons someday evolve past the monsters they are slowly. Like what is true then might not always be true. Time changes things.


I always thought it strange that it is so hard for you to accept that demons are just man-killing animals, even though I myself always doubt when someone tells me, "this is black and white". But I realized why, when you said that you still struggle in social situations even though you're an extreme extrovert (paraphrasing here). Well, I'm the opposite. I'm an extreme introvert who went silent almost all my childhood because I didn't understand people and really wanted to. So I learned from the sidelines and now I am social chameleon. I can talk to basically anyone, because I can empathise with everyone and cater (almost) everyone's need in a social interaction. (maybe that's not even what you meant lol) And I can also tell, after just a few sentences sometimes, what is a lost cause. When does it have a purpose to talk to someone? Will they listen? Are they even capable to? When Frieren gave us first look into demons with the child, I immediately understood and was on board, even though the evil race trope never sat right with me. But here, I saw the basic lack of empathy or more accurately inability to empathize. The child was very cold and calculated like solving a math problem, "The mom whose child I ate is mad, she might hurt me. Quickly, get her a new one." You cannot explain to them empathy therefore kindness therefore humanity itself. All they have in their heads is their own self-interest and how to get there (for better understanding, it's something like dealing with a narcissist iykyk). My own take is that they are parasytes, they only procreate and eat, they themselves are not edible after their death (you know, circle of life), they are solitary, no concept of family or community. The only emotion they show is love for magic and that's also their source of pride and arrogance, but those are also means of getting their food. So is it love or is it more like a primal urge, a need to hone your skill the best you can for survival?? Idk, just a thought. Feel free to challenge me on that. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.


I agree with Alex though that at least the dragons seem like a tragedy to kill off.


Obviously, I'm late to reply but I'm just now watching these. I think an interesting way to look at it is not as if demons are evil but immoral. Last episode, frieren warned aura to leave. I believe if she saw a random demon in the wild not attacking people, it's probably a different situation. But here, they're clearly a danger to humans. And since they can't be reasoned with rn, there's no choice really. It's like if the town was ambushed by dragons or other monsters.


So, what I think about the idea that hiding your mana is somehow shameful... If you love something - magic in this case - you should glory in it, want to share it with others, and be proud of it. Whatever your strength is, you won't look down on those with less but you will naturally assess their basic mana pool. But if you love magic, you also know that base mana pool is not the only indicator of a person's overall magic ability or how well you would do against them. All it says is they have a lot to work with. If they're not skilled or talented, they're still gonna suck. And if they are skilled/talented, they could outfight you with tactics and strategies, no matter how much mana they start with. So, hiding your mana does not only fool demons but all the other mages you encounter. You can't be honest with anyone - to some degree, anyway. And so you are living a lie and also possibly hoarding your knowledge, which you would normally share with other mages. No "shop talk", no showing off for fun, no trading spells, no casual teaching. It's very isolating, not just because it's shameful. It also meant that Frieren spent so much of her time having to practice the suppression that she missed out on learning the more fun, pretty, or "nice" spells out there. She was combat-focused to the point where she lost track of her love for magic itself. She found that love again with her party and it's not surprising that she loves collecting all sorts of weird little spells now. Magic to make people smile, to brighten or ease their lives just a little - she's very tsundere about it, but that is her true passion now. And she can share everything - even the truth about her mana - with Fern.