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In Hunter x Hunter 79, No x Good x NGL, the crew breathes a collective sigh of relief that they left their rectum computers at home.




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love how u see a happy couple in hxh and immediately go "oh yeah both of you are dead" lolalso love Killua and Gon's new fits, the drip!!!


Can't wait for next episode!


man cant wait for the next ep

Lofi Tech

I just realized the koala's VA is Pain from Naruto.


Whenever I read NGL my mind just automatically translates it to North Korea. If North Korea was nature obsessed.

Justice Hastings

I think the reason they chose the NGL as the setting because plot wise it creates a perfect storm to allow these ants to culminate into an international disaster. Whereas a country not like it people would catch wind of the problem and probably contain it much faster, thereby losing a potential story.


I just mentioned it last episode, but once again I am amazed at how much they expanded this part of the arc. The manga that corresponds to this episode was a whopping 11 pages. It’s cool that despite the ants being the main focal point, the NGL mangages to be interesting all on its own. The idea of living in “nature” or at least how the NGL would define nature is fine on its own. No harm in letting people live the way they want to live. The problem is that the government of the NGL is clearly being hypocritical to its own way of life. There’s also the whole “taking it too far” thing when they start killing people who don’t follow their rules. It’s all very odd but it’s interesting to talk about.

Reid Dawson

Episodes 84 and 85 are great to watch together. Hits heavier.

Emman Reed

more pls haha. Always love ending the day with some goodwin


Hey I cancelled my membership a day early but it still went through apparently so I’m in the negatives now 💀 Is there any way I can get a refund


I dont think Alex is responsible for those questions. You gotta contact Patreon support.


They don’t help at all, this happened a couple years ago as well and he refunded me