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In Hunter x Hunter 76, Reunion x And x Understanding, Gon does NOT have a reunion with Ging and does NOT understand that Ging is probably a terrible person.




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Personally, I would have wanted you to not watch this OP and ED yet, but what's done is done.


just start writing the fanfic at this point alex 😂 chrollo x neon with a killua gon beach sunrise subplot


Also, fun fact, in the manga and the original 1999 anime, the scene with Kite and young Gon is actually at the very start of the series. I believe for the 2011 version, they were afraid people would forget about it by the time you meet Kite later in the series, and so decided to add it in here. When I got to the Ging and Elena scene, I always just thought Elena was right when she called Ging out on the whole Accompany vs Magnetic Force thing. She said it was really because he'd simply be embarassed to have an audience of Gon PLUS his friends, and he immediately got flustered and told her to just do it.

Chris Sharpe

Might be my top animanga arc ever, at the very least top 3. These reactions will be life changing.


Honestly, I feel most of the time openings are totally fine to watch. Like the worst this one does is show off some character designs. Speaking of, that character you mentioned taking after Cell in the opening also shares some design traits of Frieza. As much as HxH inspired other works, it also took inspiration from Dragon Ball. They even reference it during the Yorknew Arc when somebody on the news theorizes the reward for Greed Island would be a dragon that will grant you a wish. Well, we’ve finally made it. I’ll miss you Greed Island, but I welcome the Chimera Ant Arc!


Also, some further notes on the whole Kite not being in episode 1 thing. As far as I know it was more of a “we’re not sure if we’ll be able to adapt this far” situation, so they just cut Kite entirely at the beginning. At this point I’d recommend either watching the first episode of the 1999 version or reading chapter 1 of the manga. Though the anime still does a good enough job of rectifying it from this point forward. Basically, because they’ve just now introduced Kite, they had to change a few details from chapter 1. Kite is actually mentioned by Gon a few times during the hunter exam in the manga, as he remembers the incident the whole time. Since they cut Kite earlier, they also had to cut/rework those scenes, so while the main story remained intact, many details are different then the manga here.


The emotional rollercoaster you are about to go through is going to be crazy i'm excited! I'm also hoping this will inspire me to actually finish this series since i stopped midway through this arc (or at least i think it was midway i'm not 100% sure lol)


As long as he doesn't continue to watch it, I think it's fine, because he doesn't yet have any context for what he's seen.

Daniel Ibarra

Well time to buckle up and enjoy the ride!!


Yeah, the spoilers in the opening are just character designs. Normally they probably wouldn't be considered spoilers, but there's a handful of characters in this arc where their built up and up and up until their appearance finally, so it's fun to anticipate before you see them, but it's fine. That's it


My reading of Ging setting that up was that he was literally just embarrassed and made up the "gutless" remark to make himself feel tough. When he left the tape for Gon, he talked about how he didn't want to see Gon because he didn't know if he could face him, after all "I left my own kid to pursue what I want" or whatever he said

Anya Mcghee

And so it begins...


I recommend you to watch ep 1 of 1999 version for more context to this episode.


Can't wait to see what you think of this arc

enes y

The goat of all anime arcs is here. Also it was explicitly stated, that ging was shy 😂

Chris Sharpe

Just a reminder y’all, he will get to each episode and you can say your thoughts during the episode. Do not be all cutesy and clever (🥴) with hints and spoilers like many HxH fans tend to do. Keep your think pieces to yourself until he gets to the relevant episodes. This is a reaction channel and spoilers not only degrade Goodwin’s experience but also the experience of the people watching him react, especially when this is such a monumental arc.


So, now that Greed Island has been cleared, what do people like Elena and Razor and (W)dwun(e) go on to do? Do they reset the game? Just move on?


thank you bruh someone who just wants a genuine reaction and not spoilers lite


*expectation setting comment here*


Cell was an android lol

keyton bush

A biologically engineered “android.” The term is loosely applied anyway. His genetic “base” is an insect, given that before he achieves his first form he is an insect larva. That base is combined with dna from the galaxy’s strongest fighters. So yeah, the chimera ants are pretty similar to cell, the main difference being that they’re not engineered in a lab.