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In Hunter x Hunter 75, Ging's x Friends x And x True Friends, CONGRATULATIONS! Here's a hoarder.




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And there you have it. Why Gon is such a controversial character. He said a racial slur


Personally I think Bisky made this arc for me. Her character was a great addition standing in as a mentor, and her attachment to them as time went on was so relatable lol. moving onto the craziest arc in all of anime... physically cannot contain my excitement.


So, Wdwune/Dwun’s whole messy room situation is actually a reference to our lovely mangaka himself. This image was published in an article a long time ago about his previous manga, Yu Yu Hakusho. I feel like I won’t need to explain anything, so I’ll let the image do it for me. https://imgur.com/a/nxL3mBi Here’s a link to the full article for anyone interested. It talks a bit about his love for Dragon Quest as well. https://yyh4ever.tumblr.com/post/647109927902625792/togashis-infamous-room-this-article-about


To be clear on this, it's just a fan theory. Togashi or anybody close to him never said Dwun's room was inspired by Togashi's own while playing Dragon Quest. It's just highly likely, since good writers pull from things they know/experienced, and Togashi is a great writer, and the pictures look so similar with the tv on the floor and everything lol


That's true, even if it wasn't intentional, it's a very easy comparison to make given just how similar they are.

Vali Sippola

As much as I have fun with greed island, and have loved all the previous arcs for different reasons, now we get to the real greatness. I’m so ready for this.


He looks just like the creator of Pirate Bay sitting indian-style in his computer mess from the famous photo, right down to the color scheme of the clothes


Now for the entire scope of the show to change once again lol


Alex's face at 18:36 made the whole arc. So much that was clearly just BARELY being held back, hahaha. Sometimes it's what we don't say, haha.

Sam B

I never heard it even after my like 3rd rewatch, but now I can't unhear it lol


And thus Gon obtained the greatest treasure of all, The N-word pass.


Yep, next arc is really good.

Andre Tan

Buckle up, time for the longest arc in the series. I would say it’s actually ok to watch the opening, it’s pretty similar to previous openings where u see some characters then get introduced to them later on but it doesn’t really tell u what the arc is about

Rachel Espiritu

Everything we knew about Ging after episode 1: He's a dick Everything we know about Ging after episode 75: He's a dick

Chris Sharpe

If you exclude the 2 recap episodes, we are actually halfway through the series, with 73 (non-recap) episodes behind us and 73 more ahead. Feels good, as these sections feel somewhat distinct.

Plasma Lemon

OMG I'm so excited for you to finally be starting this next arc. There is so much I want to say, but I won't say it, because ofc I don't wanna spoil anything. So I will just wait. Looking forward to this next arc! Thank for the uploads :3


After watching the next episode somehow it feels like it's only gonna get worse from here

Daniel Ibarra

We are finally here!! In my opinion one of the best arcs in anime!! A real gem to watch

Reid Dawson

Friendly reminder, don’t watch the next intro to not spoil villains!

Reid Dawson

Note, that’s all it spoils, their designs that have a natural, built up reveal. Not the actual arc.

Burooj Ahanger

Would you say you hold Elsecaller values?


Speaking of yu yu hakusho - you should do it after hunter x hunter to keep the Togashi stuff going

Szandor Kane

That hoarder with the unfortunate name is based on Togashi, the author of HxH himself. There is this very famous photograph of him that'll help connect the dots here: https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/5209e50c-da99-4e70-91a1-77fc905f0d6a.jpeg