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I've finished the basics for the harpy and her elite version and put her in! She appears on hilly tiles and her elite version shows up in the higher difficulty (diamond above tile when you hover over it) areas. A few minor issues have been fixed as well, such as fox-girl not having her full set of lines to say or some pathfinding issues. 

As always, bug reports and comments are very welcome but note that the new enemy is still being worked on.

Here's what's planned over the next couple of months:

  • Work on "Route A11", either making the next village or populating the area to make it more unique or giving more quip lines of dialogue to the girls around it.
  • Dragon-Harpy content! She needs content. People want content.
  • Designing characters for the next monster-girl poll.
  • Some work on werewolf-girl, such as a quick redraw of her art.

In no particular order. I'm thinking I'll start work on the poll now because I need its results by the time I've done the Dragon-Harpy's content.

Android version here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1piVwYUG8tBD9tjHYA6WVIAkGXZqKNnxD/view?usp=sharing 



Local Protogen

Eyy, hype. Looking forward to playing this!


Exciting to see the two in-game, especially dragon-harpy, she looks great. Can't wait until the player transformations are added (Hopefully we can wear the harpy outfit.) They can be kind of annoying to fight, though. It might be nice if some sort of weapon with good vertical range was introduced to make fighting them easier.