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... and a thank you to everyone, as the game will pass 100,000 downloads on itch.io this week! Along with hitting the 200 Patrons mark for the first time here on Patreon, I'm happy to see people are enjoying the update, it does feel like my hard work is paying off and I couldn't ask for more.

Those who played the latest Test Build might've noticed the Harpy in the Village, she's just hanging around right now but I'm working on getting her flying, as you can see in the image. She's the first real flying enemy she needs some new game logic so she doesn't flop around like a fish on the ground. After that I need to do her dragon version and her content, I'd like to get a test build up this month (October). The new character poll for this month or next month needs doing, too...

Now, poll results! A poll from August about game elements has ended, read on if you want the summary of the results. These results aren't definitive, they're here so I can review and see if I'm taking the game in the right direction.

Total votes: 309. Total voters: 135. Multiple choice.


Fixed Missions (cat-girl's, Pussy Galore) 38 votes

Open Missions (ram-girl's, A Long Walk) 55 votes


Fixed Quests (the quest in A Long Walk) 22 votes

Open Quests (Defeat X enemies, Gather Y) 17 votes

Loot (pick-ups such as Shards) 52 votes

Following the map poll from the start of the year, I figure people don't like being told what to do and how to go through the game. Still, I don't think people are too fussed about it, more people voted on the content than did on these options.

I think I'll scrap the idea about adding mini-quests and a quest board and focus more on the content, it'd take too much time and create too much confusion if I started adding elements like base-building. Especially from comments I've read, people would rather see each monster-girl have their own "base camp".

I know some people are more into tailored missions like the cat-girl's and I still intend to put some more finely-tuned stuff in, I just can't make the entire game like that. There may be some areas in A11 like that, such as a fight area before the next village.



Fixed Scenes (Ram-girl's/cat-girl's ending) 32 votes

Open Scenes (Ram-girl's kissing, Cat-girl's licking scene) 93 votes

Most of us have heard arguments about whether game over scenes in ero-games are good. I still think there is content I can only do in bad ends and it's a shame to just give the player a blank "game over" screen so I intend to have one for every way of losing. Players often comment that one of the game's selling features is that even after a scene or a change to the player you can continue so it feels like the "open scenes" are what I should focus on, still.

Another thing is, it's much easier for me to get an artist to draw for a game over scene than it is for an open scene. There's so many reasons that open scenes are more difficult to produce but if I'm doing it, it only takes as long as ending art does. That's why I'll be focusing on the open scenes and leaving room for other artists to do content on endings. For those of you who like the endings, don't worry, I'll add them when I can and even if ultimately I can't get an artist I can still make them myself. There's still room where I could get an artist to add fox-girl content.

I'd also like to do some more open scenes which happen from the degradation of the player character's morals, where the player can engage the monsters in the same way the monsters engage the player. Overflow is like that. Did you know that skill can fill empty vases? When I'm designing monster-girls from the Dragon-Harpy onwards, I'm keeping in mind the kinds of scenes they could engage or make the player engage in.


Thank you to the patrons that voted! If you missed it, there'll be more polls in the future but I do read comments and suggestions. Have a great day!




I think the idea of relying on other artists for any potential "bad end" scenes is a good idea. I was worried that having multiple artists would make the art style feel inconsistent, but since bad ends are disconnected from the gameplay any stylistic differences would be less noticeable, and might even give them their own appeal and make them feel more special.