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Update! It's here! And it might have bugs! I've woken up since posting and I've fixed the worst bugs so it should be in a playable state. If anything bugs out it's likely to be one of the new features in the Changelogs, check that out to see what I added.

The fox-girl's pretty weird. There might be a layer of psychological horror to the ending like with the previous endings. If you're concerned about any of the game's content, let me know.
Don't forget to report any bugs or anything you think looks "wrong". Thanks!

Android version: click here



V0.6.0.1: Should solve the crash that happens when you get deep into RouteA11. V0.6.0.2: Solves an issue with milk corruption not working properly. V0.6.0.3: Some minor, non-essential fixes such as hair not showing properly in ending and enemies not moving correctly.


V0.6.0.4: Nothing exciting, just tweaks: Fixed an issue with "Resonance" used by the player. Fixed Cat-Girls stacking and not disabling their points. The symbols next to names in conversations now shows consistently. The overworld map now scrolls as you move and highlights the current objective tile in cyan. Voice now moves near the new path to Route A11 to help show it's there. V0.6.0.5: Fixes player-summoned ghost-foxes not working properly. The game now also saves and displays your shards, shards will be used in the next test build that'll have the harpy/dragonharpy once this version goes public.