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Just a lil update! Fixed some minor issues like with fox-girl's scene being off-center and more importantly I've added a mini-scene for Harpy/Dragon-Harpy. She keeps the egg warm after capturing you, though she'll only do it if she's nearby at the time, it won't always happen. It's more obvious how strong this is if you don't have any Harpy corruption, she doesn't deal extra damage with it.
I wanted it to be a quick and easy scene to draw but it ended up taking me longer with enough parts I could make an Harpy ending scene out of it. Maybe I'll use it for her ending?

If you do try the new patch out, do tell me if the screen flashes in certain scenes are too much. If you don't notice it then it's probably fine, it helps make the scenes more impactful but if it's too much I'll dial it back!
Also, slight chance there's bugs, please do tell me if it breaks.

From here, the development roadmap:
Upload this test build -> expand Werewolf's content (TF? scenes?) -> big village update!! -> Imp-girl
But there's so much other stuff I want to get done, too! I couldn't possibly list it all. I'll have to keep going at it.

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