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Hiya! Work is coming along steadily as always, I'll be putting out an update soon to finish the Japanese translation, to add a Polish translation, reworking the Werewolf's behavior and a list of to-do entries that I'm currently burning through.
Stuff like: content toggles for belly stuff, half-complete vases, fixing shortbow's aiming...
I'm working on recording game footage to make a showcase video out of, too. I've gotta decide what scene I want to draw next...

But, lately, I've been thinking about how to better spend the funding I'm getting.
Right now I'm putting as much money as I can into commissioning individual bits of work from many different individuals. I can only spend so much time managing people and that ends up being 50%, with the other 50% going towards savings and living costs.
Except, that 50% is becoming a "fund for when the work is done" because it can be very difficult getting others to do the work... Artists often have full time jobs or huge backlogs so I'm vying for a portion of their limited free time. The work gets done eventually and it's great but it's still like I'm herding cats!

So, I'm thinking about hiring someone full-time to fix that issue. It both gives me more time to do other things and means an artist gets lots of work done.
That's expensive. I'd have to burn the savings for it, it's enough that I wouldn't even be thinking about it if it wasn't for the support I'm getting from you guys (thank you!!) so it's wonderful I can at least consider it now. Problem is, I also need money if I ever want to move somewhere that has a proper office space for me to work in, room for exercise and more privacy so I can focus on making the game.

That's what the Patreon funding is going towards, it's almost all being spent on the game or saved for those goals. I don't know which will come first but either way, let's pray one of these future News Posts is about one of those. You can ask questions about all this stuff in the comments!

It's nice to dream, but I'll get back to work now. I'll end this post by listing some major things off of my to-do list for those curious:
- Cat-girl art re-draw (asking another artist to help do it)
- Expressions and poses for harpy/werewolf to use in the scenes they'll have
- Have some optional speech bubble player dialogue for various situations
- More enemy dialogue, including for enemies that are missing it
- Make cat's ending a bit different if you get it outside of 0-2
- I still need to think of an idea for a scene with Harpy! Something suitable for her.
- I might get elite Harpy's corruptions done (horns, tail)...
- More locations and environments and objects to be found in Route A11
- Still need to work on the new village at the end of Route A11
- Werewolf's ending, werewolf ears/tail



It's good to see you being patient. Cheer up!


Slow and steady wins the race, as they say. Just keep making methodical progress and don't let yourself burn out with stress. After all you'll get done far less if you burn out trying to go fast.


Take your time and don't stress yourself out! It must be difficult if the funding is split up 50/50. When the game is completely is irrelevant, the process of how it is done and at what pace is what matters. Focus on your goals, but do it in proper moderation.