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Password: HOLY SHIT




It’s finally here! I hope you enjoyed it! Lots of emotions to unpack!


Holy shit, indeed!


Yes yes yes, I've been waiting for this! This is my new favourite episode! The second song is my new favourite, it's nice to see that the angels are complex too, and Emily is my new favourite character. I've known her for one episode, but if anything happens to her I will send everyone to hell and then myself. I also love that even though both Adam and Lute are asshole angels, they seem to represent different kinds of asshole religious people. Adam represents those that are completely hypocritical, while Lute represents those that are true believers, but in the extremely bigoted way. Meanwhile, you have characters like Emily who are true believers in the kind and sweet way. I don't ship her with Charlie, but I would love to see fanart of them being besties or like sisters. Also I'm so proud of Angel Dust in this episode! Our boy has come a long way. Also is the password a play on the fact that this is the heaven episode? Because it not I love the coincidence. Also the shot you picked for the thumbnail is one of my favourite shots from this episode. (edited into paragraphs so this is easier to read lol)

Adam Grunther

I’m not ashamed to say that I clapped so goddamn loudly when Angel stands up to Val and protects Niffty from him. It was such a powerful scene and hands down one of the most satisfying moments so far. I loved how proud Husk was. Counting down the episodes until Angel and Husk officially get together. We all know it’s happening and when it does it will be GLORIOUS. You fucking go, Angel! 🕷️🐱


Anyone else spend the whole episode thinking Emily was Mae Whitman? At least I got Darren Criss right. And I guess we know what scene you and Mosco will be recreating next, assuming you can find a decent stand-in for a Heaven portal.

BlindEyiezz Z

Charlie is a very understanding person, but admittedly she’s also oblivious and naive. Shocking news will hit her negatively first, so while I’m sure her and Vaggie will ultimately be okay, her reveal of her being an Angel will cloud Charlie’s head with what she’s done first and not who she is now. Episode 7 is gonna be bumpy.


Man I just love to love and hate Lute. I don’t know what it is about her lol, va’s got a great voice too, hopefully we get a bit more of her singing


One interesting writing bit: does Lute call Charlie and Vaggie's relationship "vile and blasphemous" because it's gay, or between an angel and demon? Or both, or even something else besides? I kind of hope it's just left totally ambiguous and everyone can have their preferred interpretation.



Ryan Porter

Vaggie wasn't in her uniform when Charlie found her - she was wearing something reminiscent of her output in the pilot. So as far as Charlie knew she was helping a sinner who was maimed by the executioners. Carmilla and Sera feel like narrative foils. One killed out of love, the other sanctioned genocide out of fear. Both believe that they did what was right to protect the ones they love. May episode seven be twenty two minutes of pure Chaggie drama, interleaving flashbacks of their relationship with the fallout of learning that Vaggie was an exterminator in the worst way possible. You wanted a Chaggie duet, right? As for episode eight, the finale... given that this show is a full on musical, we're going to get a full ensemble, show stopping number. And if this is just act one, it will end in the most dramatic cliffhanger possible. Be sure to duck when the chandelier comes crashing down.

The Akimbo Knight

So miss NSAF how does it feel to so damn correct about the theories. All that aside Angel sticking it to Val was a whole another level of satisfaction, and props to Nifty for scaring Val Sh!tless


since no one else is mentioning it, the person you saw during the song "Welcome to Heaven" that was reminiscent to Angel was actually Angel's sister. Designs were leaked for his family awhile ago and when asked what had happened to his sister Viv's only response was that she "wasn't in Hell." Guess we know she made it to the other side of the Pearly Gates.


Anybody else think that Emily may deflect? At the end of the episode I noticed she pointed to “be selfless,” on Adam’s list. If she does this could either end very well or could be catastrophic. Also, I have a theory that Carmilla was an Angel based on her design and all the Angelic Weapons she has. This could of been foreshadowed alongside Vaggie in “Whatever It Takes,” this series is getting good! I hope Charlie and Vaggie are okay though! 🥲


You were correct in comparing that pink spider angel to Angel dust!!! Pretty sure she’s his sister in heaven that Viv has mentioned before!!! Her name is Molly! Also I loved that crumb of jealous Vaggie when Charlie and Emily held hands for a second 😭😭 it was such a goofy moment, idk if you noticed her face but I paused on it and laughed . Charlie and Em would just be best best buddies cause they’re so similar but I love silly possessive gf moments. I’m absolutely so ready and not at all ready for the Chaggie angst, I know they’ll be ok but also I’m so worried 🥲🥲 us Vaggie exterminator truthers were fed so well this episode 😭😭

David Johnson

I suspect Charlie and Vaggie will be fine (relationship wise, anyway), but that Charlie will be more upset by the fact Vaggie couldn't be honest with her than her being an Exorcist. After that scene in the club, I'm even more going with the prediction Nifty will be the one to kill Valentino.

Ryan Porter

It just occurred to me that everything is set up for Vaggie to get a literal "eye for an eye" moment with Lute if there's a battle in the finale.

mic & stuff

I both love and hate this episode. SOOOO much Chaggie drama and angst. This is Vaggie's lowest point, her darkest hour: she wasn't brave enough to tell the woman she loves the truth, and she didn't support her at the trial. It's understandable - Vaggie is terrified of driving Charlie away, the one person who gave her a reason to live, honestly - but this ties into with what we got to know about her in 'Scrambled Eggs' and 'Masquerade': Vaggie's crippled by self-loathing and guilt, and she's too scared to be honest with Charlie. Not just because she fears that Charlie might push her away in response, but also because (as I see it) she believes it could ruin Charlie's dreams and make her give in to despair. FUCK! Now we gotta wait a week for our girls!?!

Ashley Silver

Considering Lute's jab at angel during "You Didn't Know" it's clearly her being homophobic.

Mars Shadow

INSOMNIA HO! Also, damn what a lore drop.


I was so excited to see your reaction to this episode! Gotta be the best episode of the show so far


The pink and white angel you pointed out is, Allegedly, Angel Dust's sister.

Ashley Silver

I guess you could say that Vaggie is.....Charlie's angel So much for Pentious saving himself for marriage Angel being a big brother to Niffty is so 🥺. Also, love to see our Spider boy finally standing up to Valentino 👀 Lute, you homophobic Chrome Amity looking piece of shit! I hope Vaggie spears out both your eyes! On the off chance you survive an angry Charlie, of course.


Anyone else love the running gag of their walls blowing up just like in helluva boss, love the connection to the sister show.


If anyopne doubted that Cherri's Australian, her use of "munted" confirms it. Only Aussies and Kiwis say that. It basically means "screwed/fucked/messed up".


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Been waiting for this reaction. This episode was so good and that song at the end! The moment Charlie and Emily were harmonizing gave me chills. Think Emily may end up fallen, you don’t just say that line for no reason. Heaven really feels like a police state, don’t ask questions and follow along like good little sheep or we’ll send you to hell.


Wait wait wait, why are you saying Angel Dust would die? Why would he die? Vivian didn't actually say he's gonna die, did she? I'm so scared right now


It's interesting because even if they are able to solve the extermination problem that...kind of was a band-aid on a legitimate problem. The second the Vees caught a whiff that an angel could be killed they started cooking up revolution plans. They aren't the only power-hungry violent people in hell. That's exactly what Carmilla warned about. Vivzie had said in the Q&A for early access that the Vees would have a much bigger role in s2. I have a feeling that despite being well-intentioned this will legitimately cause an uprising. Which would be a really interesting season-long arc.

Kev Rink

I will admit that I was kind of expecting/hoping Charlie to say in response to Adam revealing that Vaggie was an angel, "I know"


Charlie and Emily singing together was my favourite part of this episode, and I already love the whole episode. We're definitely seeing Emily again and I'm excited for that. She's quickly become one of my favourite characters in this series


To be fair I can't blame the denizens of hell for wanting a revolution. Think about it: once a year angels come to kill them (again) and they have no way to defend themselves from their oppressor's other than running and hiding. This causes sinners to try to amass power in the form of making deals for souls and wealth so that they and possibly their families can be safe when the next extermination happens. The extermination exacerbates the problem of sinners falling deeper into evil and depravity instead of rehabilitation.


Alcahol isnt a sin so no clue what their problem with angel was , only islam takes alcahol as a sin, judaism states that alcohol itself is not a sin but when drunk u may acident sin and this wil still count as a sin so be carful as any sins comitted while drunk still count

matthew james Stromberg

I has a theory angel is under Val’s contract so even if he is redeemable as long as Val owns him he won’t go to heaven I predict Val will die


Emily is Shoba Narayan, who played Princess Jasmine in Aladdin on Broadway. Another great cast member for this show.


Because Viv said that one of the main cast will die. It's not confirmed who.

Chris Theurer

Most people assume it's Molly, yes Angel's sister. Vivian did a picture of the two together and it resembles the angel

Chris Theurer

So my theory is Angel won't die, but someone else. As Eljiah said it was Angel, Fat Nuggets and Husker in the picture. My theory is Husker will die protecting Angel. He feels like his life isn't important as Angel, who is trying to change. I love them both, but it'd kill us all to have our Spider Boy die. :(. Not to mention is Sera confirming that Lucifer just questioned their ways and was kicked out? Well minus the apple thing, but let's face we know they were all ignorant of good and evil until Eve ate the fruit. We have two more episodes to see what happens.


I am really worried that Angel is the one that'll get offed. They've been very front and centre showing him improving and being 'virtuous.'


The little spider angel that looks like Angel Dust might be his sister, Molly! There's old artwork of her from the comic days.

Anais Winter

I did not see the trailer. This was the first time I heard about Charlie crying in front of Angels room and it took me half an hour to stop crying. I feel so attached to him and relate to a degree trauma wise and to think after all his suffering and hard work to see him die really messed me up. If it isn´t a misleading scene or someone can get him back. I cannot see him die.


I think that Vaggie being an angel won't be a big problem for Charlie. It'll be the fact that she never told her.


Did you also notice how in charlie and emily’s duet, they used adam and lutes song from overture and turned it against them? i thought that was kind of cool


I thought it was "vile and blasphemous" because it's love between an angel and a demon. I hadn't considered them being gay being also blasphemous until Elijah interpreted it that way. I'm leaning on the "angel and demon" being the reason Lute said that in that specific moment, but she'd probably make their homosexuality also being blasphemous an argument.


I DON’T think Lute looks like Amity, if she looks like anyone, it’s Dr. Emilia from Kipo I think

David Johnson

I think we're being shown all the different designs of characters in Heaven that look like characters in Hell to highlight that they're not *actually* all that different. Where each soul ends up may just literally be an accident of circumstance.


I forgot to mention that Vaggie wasn't in her uniform when Charlie found her! She's in her pilot outfit/an outfit similar to her pilot outfit. Since she was already left behind/fallen/officially a hell resident she got a new form. The only heavenly thing she seems to have kept is her staff.


Whatever it takes/Vaggie's lines in WIT hit so different now knowing what she was keeping from Charlie ;-; I love the girlies so much


Elijah last week "sorry my chair is broken so no lights" Me "oh that sucks" *14:54 happens* Me "figured out why now nvm"

Ashan Parmar

I'm not sure, that jab (assuming I'm thinking of the same one) is something of a generic one for sex workers.

Maggie Ray

The one character in heaven that has pink stripes and looks like Angel Dust is Angel’s sister Molly.

Vex Valor

My predictions for the next two eps are that Charlie and Vaggie will argue, but make up most likely the same episode or at the beginning of the second one and Charlie will be mostly upset that Vaggie didn't trust her enough to tell her and will be okay with her being a fallen angel. I find it odd we have gotten this many episodes without a kiss scene, so I am expecting they are saving it for an important moment like making up and that they will get a duet song together. I am hoping for two. One about them needing to work on their relationship and the second about how much they love each other.

Ashlynn Grimes

My prediction is that since the line "the rules are black and white" from hell is forever got thrown right back in Adam's face, then the line "an eye for an eye" is ALSO going to be thrown back in his face. More specifically, Lute's face. Literally.


Or see him separated from his found family either, I wouldn't be able to take it. (Personally I don't think they're sending Angel to Heaven. My guess is Alastor's going to die or maybe some unexpected character)

Kev Rink

You're right. If they're going off the Bible, the Bible doesn't say that drinking alcohol or even getting drunk is a sin. It says BEING A DRUNK is a sin

Joey Quixote

I assume next episode is gonna be Chaggie angst... Vaggie will probably be much harder on herself than Charlie will. BUT I believe it will be resolved before the credits roll. They'll talk, possibly sing a duet, and make up. The "in your face" celebration is well-deserved! I just wish you'd taken a longer victory lap.😁 It's fine to have differing opinions when it comes to theories, but the way some people wouldn't let this go... If you disagree with someone's theory, either; A: Ignore it and move on. Or B: Share your own theory, but be open to being wrong. Constantly chasing down people you disagree with, as the kids say, "ain't it". The absolute fucking PASSION in Charlie and Emily's voices during that final song! Incredible! Not strictly religion (though the intent is very obvious here), but any organization that imposes some level of authority has these shades of gray where their members are not held to the same standard as those they oversee. My thought is that by the end of the series, Emily will be running the Embassy down in Hell, frequently hanging out with the Hazbin crew. And that adorable sweet little bean is gonna drop an F-bomb before the series ends.

Reaper Scythe

I'm hoping that trailer scene is soon after they get back from heaven but before the others get back from the club and that Charlie is just looking at that picture of them and having a panic cry thinking about what MIGHT happen since Adam said he was gonna come for the hotel. Gonna be in denial of main crew death until it happens.

Depressed Duck Daddy

Charlie being upset at the revelation will probably be more down to Vaggie lying to her for so long by not telling her she's a fallen angel since she's her partner. There may also be an aspect of if Vaggie didn't trust Charlie to still believe in her despite her origins then she doubts Charlie's words that all souls can be redeemed despite their past. That being said this show moves fast so it'll be resolved before the end of next episode I'm sure. I think Sera is going to be a great character. She didn't look happy this most of the episode (especially when Charlie asks if she cares) - I think she knows and hates the Exterminations, being a genuinely good person, but is so ruled by her fear of another uprising that she can't see any way beyond Adam's Exterminations. I'm hoping we find out more about the past - maybe Lucifer and Lilith pushed too hard in trying to change things and that's what led to Hell being a threat to Heaven (Lucifer possibly with a plan similar to Charlie's to give people another chance and Lilith possibly just wanting to empower Hell). I'm personally hoping Em doesn't fall and that she instead gets a bunch of angels outraged by the extermination on her side and either does something in Heaven or full on comes to Hell during the extermination to intervene. As for Adam's threat - I think it's a real one. From what Viz has said about Angels vs Demons power levels then not even Alastor should be enough to defend the Hotel from a handful of Exorcists nevermind the entire army. Considering what we've seen in the trailer and the next episode name I'm hoping they get some others on their sides (E.g. Rosie and maybe Carmilla who knows how to kill Angels). It'll be very disappointing if Alastor is able to just rip Angels apart. When Extermination Day arrives I also hope Lucifer gets involved and they don't keep him out for story reasons (E.g. he's too powerful) as it'd make no sense that he wouldn't do anything to save Charlie. As for this episode I loved it. Husk looked ready to throw down if Val pushed Angel any further and probably Cherry too. The reprise of Hell is Forever from Charlie and Em was also amazing because they're right - how does Heaven or Hell make sense if you can change but never get punished or rewarded for it. Black and White rules only logically work (putting morality aside) if you do exactly as you preach.

Matthew Dunne

Honestly still a little shaky on the Vaggie thing, but the actual execution does a lot to bring me on board. The whole thing of "they're not actually sure what the entry criteria is" helps.


After my 2nd watch of the episode and seeing the big reveal, I started singing "It starts with sorry..."

Matthew Dunne

Gaaahh, she paused at the exact moment to miss Husk's comment on how the club was named "Consent"!


Here's a theory that involves Angel that I hope I am wrong about. In the next couple of episodes, there will be war down in hell and there will be a point where Adam or another Exorcist will be gunning for Charlie, and before they can strike the blow, Angel steps in front of the killing blow, showing that Angel, a demon that everyone else thinks is a good for nothing porn crazed demon who cannot be redeemed (I don't believe this, I love my boy 🥰), changed his ways and sacrificed his life for one of his friends. While this happens, the rest of Heaven sees this and see that a demon can be redeemed and change, and question Sera and the other Anti-Redeem Angels why they won't allow it. Please let me be wrong 😅

Kev Rink

Emily's voice actress played Princess Jasmine on Broadway's Aladdin