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Password: Daddy Issues



Depressed Duck Daddy

Alastor is 100% just trying to get under Lucifer's skin. We see Alastor is so used to having the attention/awe/fear of those around him - we've seen how frequently he uses his powers to intimidate those around him. That just wouldn't work on Lucifer - Alastor is nothing compared to him and he knows it. So instead he attacks him emotionally by amping up the image of how close he is to Charlie to really peeve Lucifer off. My guess is there's not much reason to fear Lucifer despite his power - he's not a demon or sinner, he's a good-hearted former angel and it'd probably take a lot to make him actually attack someone. I'm really curious about the "I've tried this all before" and I'm wondering if the exterminations are in reaction to something Lucifier and/or Lilith tried in the past either to redeem or empower Hell's citizens. Lucifer's fears really do stem from the thought of putting Charlie in Heaven's crosshairs. We don't know exactly how much horrible divine retribution he's seen over his long life but it's likely enough to make him want Charlie to just stay away from it. He's dealt with Heaven enough to know they're not going to listen. In the Hazbin-verse Lucifer was a Seraph (or as the show calls them Seraphim) so why would they listen to his Hellborn daughter. He's just a poor broken man really. Even the silly duck thing is likely just that he has a happy memory of showing the duck magical image to his daughter and it reminds him of her.


Thinking about Lucifer’s dilemma, it makes sense why he felt the way he did. The angels that matched him were archangels: literally the strongest angels under God. All of them plus likely God being against him, spears at the ready too, they could’ve killed him instead of casting him from Heaven. That would definitely fuck with someone’s mind. I wouldn’t be surprised if they threatened Lucifer’s family when he and Lilith had Charlie.

Kev Rink

I think they didn't show Lilith's face simply because the song was focusing on Lucifer and Charlie, not Lilith. And her face in full would distract from them


To me Jeremy Jordan will always be Winn Schott from supergirl and it’s just so funny hearing him sound like this cause Winn always sounded like the youngest brother 😅