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I love you all for donating, you are the best people in the realm!!

Cum one cum all! Behold the amazing majestic magic show wherein a cat writer and a bird coder pull the furry fandom's collective dick out of a top hat and fondle it through the telepathic wizardry of a swf on the internet THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS we updated our game again.

What's that? Last update only had one piece of art? Fuck you, this one adds twelve arts. What's that? We've been talking about the pet game rebuild for three updates and still haven't done it? Fuck you, new minigame. What's that? You're tired of listening to Chaka Khan on repeat while you play? Fuck you, prepare to gape your earpussies with some soothing ambiance bitch.

Also we did up the daydream journal more gooder.


Writing, Pixel Art, SFX — Kittery

Programming — FallowWing

Music — Wronger

Ambiance — Radix

Changelog 0.3.1

> New minigame added to Bright Forest and Violet Meteorite

> Art

- AUTO-SHOP by Kittery

- Snoozing pet game animation by KrazyELF

- Cage the bull portrait by AeriaQuies- Raunchy fishergoat portrait by AeriaQuies

- Six pieces of xtreme cub art by Cubber, colored by Kittery (and one of them animated by the lovely WrymlyDragoness!!

- Minigame pixel art by supremekitten

- Gryphon pixel art by buithebuizel

- Marshmellow by Vaniller

> Scenes

- (Patreon) Expanded the boys bathroom scene in Septrica's lobby + a small bit of art

- Big brutal scene added to the Breeding Floor of Septrica's

- (Patreon) Added big feral gryphon scene to Violet Meteorite with branches for dom, sub, and support for all player genitals

- (Patreon) Added big scene with Snagg at the Snagglebank, player can sub!

> Sound

- Ambiance by Radix added to Bright Forest, Junk City, the Mynt screen, and Violet Meteorite!!

- Added separate volume sliders for music and ambiance

- Added some possibly familiar victory/loss jingles for the secret minigame

> Daydream Journal rework

- Switched from choice buttons to sprites

- All replayable scenes are now 1 click away

- All kinks of all scenes are now on full display, so you can check to see if you're missing anything real tasty

- Unlocking a scene will now give you hints for other ones

> Simplified saving

- Before, our save system first created a browser cookie and then downloaded a file based on that cookie if you ever wanted to export your save. This created a fuckbunch of problems, most notably the fact that people in incognito mode couldn't save, so we simplified the whole thing and now saving just downloads a .txt file.

- Save and Load buttons have been moved to the World Map screen for reasons

- Save slots removed because they're unnecessary

- Added a dedicated save file for Archbishop's save

> Misc

- Pet game now triggers after you complete Bright Forest to allow players more time for glowberry gathering

- Main menu fancied up with tweens and more legible version number

- Sliders now display which value they're at while you slide them

- Fixed UI msgs overlapping/going off the top of the screen- Added a fancy rain screen effect




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