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It was an administrative week. I hate that... This complexity is such a waste of energy. I did not have time to color but I will catch up. Here are some sketches:
-The Empress' sketch of the last Vega Hunter update was not that good. I tried to improve it.
-For some reasons, Miss Dealyn will have a queen outfit. I was inspired by Dejah Thoris, the Princess of Mars (Edgar Rice Burroughs).




Space metal bikini is always right.


Great! Dejah Thoris always had awesome taste in outfits :D

Flying M

Technically, in the novels, Dejah was described as being completely topless...


Oh, you read it? I did not but the 1930 authors of magazine short stories of this periode had a great imagination (Weird Tales...). I should try.

Flying M

Yeah I love Burroughs. I've read more Tarzan than John Carter of Mars, but I love both series. In a way, Tarzan was the first Captain Kirk.....finding lost civilizations, seducing their queens, killing their evil high priests....XD


What you describe is similar to Conan stories (I read a lot). who was written in the same periode. I heard some guys liking to compare Tarzan and Conan because they look the same: savage guys facing civilisations. It seems the only difference is their morality. Tarzan seems to be a good guy. Capitaine Kirk? Interresting comparison. I'm even more curious now. Conan and Tarzan in a buddy movie ;D I'm sure it would work.

Flying M

I didn't read as much Conan, but that doesn't surprise me. Maybe they should star in a buddy hentai game?