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I started working on Murder 5 this week, here is my plan and what I have so far!

It's not very pretty looking but I'm excited.

If this floor plan works out, Murder 5 will take place on a luxury cruise ship inspired by early 20th century ocean liners like the Titanic.

I'm sure you have a lot of questions about Murder 5. More game mechanic-related ideas will be revealed as I keep designing the world!

Questions and suggestions regarding the map design are welcome in the comments attached to this post, in the youtube comments section, or the backstage-pass channel on the discord server (discord.gg/cult-of-jar if you want to join btw!)


Murder 5 Update (Prototype Tour)



Can you also put in a security system in so client users stop ruining games


just a suggestion: it I would be cool to add a gold knife idk what type of perks it would have, maybe none, I'm not sure