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I probably should have mentioned before, but I dooon't know if a fanart this month is still doable hahah. If I do make one it might be more like a doodle, and is likely just going to be something I pick for funsies, but I don't want to put that pressure on myself after needing this week to recover 😓

Thankfully I'm feeling a LOT better than I did on Monday, and now its mostly just congestion/head pressure.

In other news, this Sunday is my 7 year anniversary with my partner :'D
(Holy crap how time flies 😭❤)
Annnd I do also have to go back to the dentist next.. Monday for some fillings (yay💀)
And tHEN my partner's birthday is actually on Wednesday too lmao, but after then I should be able to hit power work mode again.
Honestly we may not celebrate until the weekend anyways, so likely Tuesday I should be getting back into it!

I appreciate the patience of everyone during this time, it has been really nice to rest this week (I think I've slept more than I have in.. ages lol) and I'm trying not to feel too guilty for not getting any work done atm 😅 We love toxic productivity haaa....

Thanks for listening to me ramble if you did!
I'll be attempting to do some.. doodles and revisit my general drawing/anatomy/etc.. I've been feeling quite rusty and disconnected from my work lately 😔 Hopefully that helps a bit ❤


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