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Iiiii am home from Rise n Grind!
Aannnnnd im also really sick 💀

Praying that its not some sort of covid but my at home test was negative at least. I *think* I may have just pushed myself too hard this weekend and caused my immune system to go kaput 😭

It was such a cool experience though, regardless of how exhausting it was. I heat-pressed SO many names of tournament staff onto polos for them, top player names onto boxing robes, and t shirt designs that I designed 🥰

There's just something so warm and satisfying about seeing all those get worn and being able to say "I made that!" 🥺💕

Working events is honestly my absolute favorite thing, and I really hope I can manage to support my own personal booth at a con someday! But for now I love my team/friends at CreativeWorkshop and I could not ask for more amazing people to be with- I want to help their business skyrocket! 🥰

If anyone is going to FWA- we are DEFINITELY planning on being there this year! And we also now have the resources for me to make my own art prints :D

Anyways, work will be on pause for me at least until I'm not feeling so yucky. I apologize for the delays, but I'll try my best to rest up and get rid of this quick 💕


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