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Good morning y'all! :D

It would appear for the Blossom tier rework, Option A got the most votes, however I did notice an equal amount of people voted on other options, just separate soooo-

With those results in mind - I'm going to go ahead and keep the Blossom tier as is, and go with option A for the time being. I will do another poll later on, maybe if our number of patrons keeps growing, and think about how to implement Options B/C and D. 

Starting NEXT month I will switch over to the beginning of the cycle again with our first patron. <3

I do think the more people that join, capped tiers will work better, so I definitely will revisit this idea down the road, and maybe do the OC poll every so often as well ^^

I know also that not everyone placed a vote - so I'll be leaving that poll open in case anyone didn't catch it yet and wants to give their input. It's always helpful in the future <3

ALSO it looks like Krystal may be winning our fanart poll this month - BUT I'm going to keep this open 2 more days until the 10th and then make my decision! Get those votes in if you want to and haven't yet :D

I really appreciate all of you being so kind, and choosing to support me here. I know I might say it a lot - but thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart <3

Have a wonderful day everyone ^^