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Blossom Tier Rework? - Feedback Poll

  • OPT A: Keep the Rotation & Tier the same, but new Patrons join in the cycle AFTER the current rotation is done 5
  • OPT B: Add in a NEW capped Tier of $15 that rotates out for new people every so often, the current $10 tier would then lose the art benefit 2
  • OPT C: Add in a NEW capped tier of ??? Price, but make it a guaranteed specific style for the art, instead of experimental quality 2
  • OPT D: Instead of doing a rotation, make it a poll for which OC gets drawn every month! (Winner would be removed, and rejoin later) 2
  • I have another suggestion! (Comment below please <3) 0
  • 2023-03-05
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'Blossom Tier Rework? - Feedback Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'OPT A: Keep the Rotation & Tier the same, but new Patrons join in the cycle AFTER the current rotation is done', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'OPT B: Add in a NEW capped Tier of $15 that rotates out for new people every so often, the current $10 tier would then lose the art benefit', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'OPT C: Add in a NEW capped tier of ??? Price, but make it a guaranteed specific style for the art, instead of experimental quality', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'OPT D: Instead of doing a rotation, make it a poll for which OC gets drawn every month! (Winner would be removed, and rejoin later)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'I have another suggestion! (Comment below please <3)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 5, 23, 29, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 11}


I figured it would be best to go ahead and vote on these options to make things easiest. I've copied and pasted the update from my last post ^^
Please vote at the bottom if you can! <3
So I've done some pondering.. As many suggested, I think randomly chosen would be easiest, however I don't want to breach any patreon guidelines, as I have read doing any "raffles" like this is not okay with them, unless they also include the public which.. is beside the point for a sub reward to me ;-;;;

Although, I feel there are a few routes I could go to remedy the current model:

A: All patrons are cycled through in a list like it currently stands, BUT new patrons will NOT be added on the front. I will cycle around the full list and only add in new patrons when all the older subs have been done once in the cycle.
I feel this is still fair to everyone, however without a cap on the tier, the wait will still be long if more people keep joining, so something to keep in mind!
B: Add in a cap on the current tier of Blossom, OR add in a new tier of $15 that is capped to maybe.. 4 or 5 slots? And make this tier the new rotating reward tier. Additionally, this tier would need to be emptied so new people can come in, maybe once a year?

This would take some more thinking about the amount of people in the cap, the price of the tier, and how long each person would be waiting in between rewards before the tier is emptied.
C: Similar to B, but instead of having the current reward where its whatever I feel like - the style would be guaranteed to be either fullbody, halfbody, lined etc.
Not sure what would be best to choose for me atm but I'm willing to consider this too! The price may depend on the style chosen for the reward.

D: And lastly, If everyone likes the idea: someone on twitter suggested doing an OC poll? Like I guess you guys would all give me OCs to enter and then we do votes on who gets art? (And to keep things fair, would probably remove the winner for the next one or more times)

My only fear of this is that people would feel like favorites are being picked? But I wanted to leave it as an option still in case that sounds like a viable thing to you guys!

I would love more than anything to make multiple OC reward tiers at this time, however I don't want to push too soon and bite off more than I can chew. But I still want to make the choice that will be best for as many as possible! ;v;

With these new thoughts in mind, I'd love to hear more on how you guys feel about this if you have the time <3

Thank you to those who have already given me such helpful feedback as well! ;u;



I also like option D, but they all seem like decent choices!